
One point we often return to at How-To Geek is that to take better pictures, you need to understand how to manually control your camera—even if you don’t do it for every setting or shot. Your iPhone is no exception. Unfortunately, iOS doesn’t offer manual controls in the default Camera app so we’ll need to go with a third-party app.

我们经常在How-To Geek上提到的一点是, 要拍出更好的照片,您需要了解如何手动控制相机 -即使您并非在所有设置或拍摄过程中都这样做。 您的iPhone也不例外。 不幸的是,iOS在默认的“相机”应用程序中未提供手动控件,因此我们需要使用第三方应用程序。

Apple (chasing Google) has continued to innovate and add software features to the Camera app—things like Smart HDR and Portrait Mode. These are great, but they don’t replace manual controls. For example, if you want to take photos out the window of a moving vehicle you need to set your shutter speed manually; your iPhone’s camera will almost always set it too slow to avoid motion blur. Similarly, you’ll probably want to manually control your camera at least some of the time when you’re shooting at night or when there’s a lot of contrast.

苹果公司(追赶Google)一直在不断创新,并在Camera应用程序中添加了软件功能,例如Smart HDR和Portrait Mode。 这些很棒,但是它们不能代替手动控件。 例如,如果您想在行驶中的车辆的窗户外拍照,则需要手动设置快门速度。 iPhone的相机几乎总是将其设置得太慢以避免运动模糊 。 同样,在夜间拍摄或对比度很高时,您可能至少要在某些时候手动控制相机。

My iPhone’s camera doing its thing.

Even if you mainly let your iPhone do its thing—like me, to be honest—it’s still important to know how to control things manually to capture great pictures when you need to.


您可以控制什么 (What You Can Control)

Your iPhone doesn’t give you full manual control over every possible setting. In particular, the aperture and focal length of the lens are fixed to f/1.8, as well as to a full frame equivalent of 26mm (for the wide angle lens) and 51mm (for the telephoto lens). This means you have to control exposure using either shutter speed and ISO or exposure compensation.

您的iPhone无法为您提供对所有可能设置的完全手动控制。 尤其是,镜头的光圈焦距固定为f / 1.8,以及等于 26mm(对于广角镜头)和51mm(对于远摄镜头)的全帧 。 这意味着您必须使用快门速度ISO或曝光补偿来控制曝光。

With a good manual camera app you’ll be able to control:


You will also be able to take RAW photos, which gives you more options when you edit your images.

您还可以拍摄RAW照片 ,这在编辑图像时为您提供更多选择。

免费选项:VSCO(免费) (The Free Option: VSCO (Free))

Okay, so even though I’m “recommending” VSCO, I’m not actually recommending it unless you only need to use manual controls occasionally and don’t want to pay for that. It’s just that it’s the best free option available.

好的,即使我“推荐” VSCO ,但实际上我并不推荐这样做,除非您只需要偶尔使用手动控件并且不想为此付费。 仅仅是它是最好的免费选项。

VSCO is an incredible editing app—it’s one of my favorite photography apps—but, the problem is, the camera part is merely okay. It gives you manual controls over shutter speed, ISO, white balance, focus, and exposure compensation but they’re not super intuitive to use. Also, when you open the app, you aren’t taken straight to the camera which means it’s a bit slow.

VSCO是令人难以置信的编辑应用程序,它是我最喜欢的摄影应用程序之一 ,但是问题是相机部分还可以。 它使您可以手动控制快门速度,ISO,白平衡,聚焦和曝光补偿,但使用起来并不直观。 另外,当您打开应用程序时,不会直接进入相机,这意味着它有点慢。

If you occasionally want to take a shot where you need to control the camera settings manually, VSCO will work great for you. However, if you regularly want to take control of your iPhone’s camera, then it’s likely to annoy you.

如果您偶尔需要在需要手动控制相机设置的地方拍摄照片,VSCO将非常适合您。 但是,如果您经常想控制iPhone的摄像头,则可能会惹恼您。

最佳选择:Halide($ 5.99) (The Best Option: Halide ($5.99))

Halide is the best iPhone camera app going. It gives you full control over shutter speed, ISO, white balance, focus, exposure compensation, and the depth of field mode. All the controls are fast and intuitive to use. With a few minutes of practice, you’ll be able to control everything without thinking about it—exactly what you want from a camera app.

Halide是目前最好的iPhone相机应用 。 它使您可以完全控制快门速度,ISO,白平衡,聚焦,曝光补偿和景深模式。 所有控件都快速,直观地使用。 经过几分钟的练习,您将能够控制所有事情,而无需考虑一切—正是您从相机应用程序中想要的。

The best thing about Halide is that the developers are constantly pushing what’s possible with the iPhone’s camera. They were the first ones to dig deep into what was happening with “beautygate,” and they’ve used what they learned to develop Smart RAW, an exposure algorithm that takes better quality and sharper RAW images than the iPhone’s default.

Halide最好的一点是,开发人员一直在努力推动iPhone相机的发展。 他们是第一个深入研究“ beautygate”的情况的人,并且他们利用所学的知识来开发Smart RAW ,该曝光算法比iPhone的默认设置具有更好的质量和更清晰的RAW图像

Halide is a lot of iPhone photographers’ go-to app for a reason. It’s the best way to control your iPhone’s camera manually.

由于某些原因,Halide是许多iPhone摄影师的首选应用程序。 这是手动控制iPhone相机的最佳方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396183/how-to-manually-control-your-iphone-camera-and-why-youd-want-to/





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