如何使用Apple Watch远程触发iPhone的相机

Your Apple Watch can perform all sorts of neat tricks, not the least of which is remotely triggering your iPhone camera–and allowing you to review the photos, too.

您的Apple Watch可以执行各种巧妙的技巧,其中最重要的一点就是可以远程触发您的iPhone相机-并允许您查看照片。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Would I Want To Do This?)

There are two primary reasons why someone would want to use a remote trigger for a camera (any camera, not just the iPhone camera): to trigger the camera when they are not behind it, or to keep the camera perfectly still and fixed relative to the scene.


In the first case, it’s handy any time it’s impractical or impossible for you to trigger the camera. Group photos that you want to be in require a remote trigger. If you want to photograph yourself against some sort of scenery (like a national monument or a sweeping landscape) in a fashion that an outstretched arm or selfie stick won’t accommodate, you need distance between you and the camera. A remote trigger is also really useful if you want to photograph something there you presence would change the outcome (like you want to capture something goofy your dog only does when you’re out of the room).

在第一种情况下,只要您不实际或无法触发相机,便可以使用。 您要加入的组照片需要远程触发。 如果您想以伸出的手臂或自拍杆无法适应的方式在某种风景下拍摄自己(例如国家纪念碑或广阔的风景),则需要与相机之间保持一定距离。 如果您想在那儿拍照,那会改变结果(例如,想要捕捉只在您不在房间时狗会傻乎乎的东西),则远程触发器也非常有用。

In the second case, it’s handy any time you need to keep the same framing across multiple photos. If you’re making a little stop-animation GIF of action figures or trying to capture a time-lapse photo of pedestrians outside your office window or clouds skittering across the sky. Remote triggers have long been the photographer’s go-to solution for such keep-the-camera-perfectly-still applications. It’s also handy if you’re taking pictures in low light conditions and you want to minimize lens blur.

在第二种情况下,只要您需要在多张照片上保持相同的取景,便很方便。 如果您要对动作人物进行停止动画GIF或尝试捕获办公室窗外的行人的延时照片或飞舞的云朵。 对于这类保持相机完美静止的应用,远程触发器一直是摄影师的首选解决方案。 如果您要在弱光条件下拍照,并且想要最大程度地减少镜头模糊,这也很方便。

For iPhone owners with Apple Watches, the convenience of remotely triggered photography is built right into their iPhone/Apple Watch duo. Let’s take a look at how, no extra software required, you can start taking remotely triggered photos right now.

对于使用Apple Watch的iPhone所有者,iPhone / Apple Watch二重奏内置了远程触发摄影的便利。 让我们来看看如何,不需要额外的软件,您现在就可以开始拍摄远程触发的照片。

如何使用遥控器 (How to Use the Remote Trigger)

Using the Apple Watch’s remote camera trigger couldn’t be an easier experience. In fact, you’ll spend more time setting up the camera than you fiddling with the remote trigger app. Speaking of setup, let’s take a look at our setup for this tutorial so you’ll have a frame of reference for the following screenshots.

使用Apple Watch的远程相机触发器并非易事。 实际上,与摆弄远程触发器应用程序相比,您花费更多的时间来设置相机。 说到设置,让我们看一下本教程的设置,以便为以下屏幕快照提供参考框架。

For this tutorial we’ve enlisted the help of Spawn and LEGO Office Worker Guy, our favorite photo tutorial sidekicks, who you may recall from such classic How-To Geek articles like What Is White Balance and Why You Should Use Digital Image Sharpening.

在本教程中,我们获得了Spawn和LEGO Office Worker Guy的帮助,这是我们最喜欢的照片教程助手,您可能会从经典的How-To Geek文章(如《 什么是白平衡》和《 为什么应该使用数字图像锐化》)中回想起它们。

In the photo above, you can see the individual figures both on the table and as they will be framed in the iPhone camera. We’ve set up the iPhone using a LOHA flexible table top tripod, which is perfect for our intended stop-motion film wherein Spawn eats LEGO Office Worker Guy’s head. (We kid; both they and the Action Figure Screen Actor’s Guild had us sign contracts specifying there would be no real or simulated action figure cannibalism.)

在上面的照片中,您既可以在桌子上看到它们,也可以在iPhone相机中看到它们。 我们使用LOHA柔性桌面三脚架设置了iPhone,这非常适合我们定格的定格电影,其中Spawn吃掉了LEGO Office Worker Guy的头。 (我们在开玩笑;他们与“动作人物”电影演员工会都要求我们签订合同,规定不会有真实或模拟的食人者食人症。)

Even though you don’t need to open the camera app (since the trigger app on the Apple Watch will do so automatically), you should obviously take a moment to frame the photo the way you want. Especially because you can’t physically reframe, crop, or zoom from the Apple Watch.

即使您不需要打开相机应用程序(因为Apple Watch上的触发器应用程序会自动打开),您显然也应该花一点时间以所需的方式对照片进行构图。 尤其是因为您无法从Apple Watch进行实际的重新构图,裁剪或缩放。

Once you’re happy with the physical setup of the iPhone, it’s time to turn your attention to your watch. Tap on the digital crown to pull up the app menu, as shown in the far left screenshot above. Select the Camera app (a silver icon with an arrow pointing down to the button on a camera. Your Apple Watch will reach out to your iPhone, via Bluetooth, as seen in the middle screenshot. After connecting, the app will finish loading and you’ll see a live preview of the scene in front of your iPhone’s camera (go ahead, wave your hand in front of the lens like you know you want to).

一旦您对iPhone的物理设置感到满意,就该将注意力转移到手表上了。 点击数字表冠以拉出应用程序菜单,如上面最左侧的屏幕截图所示。 选择“相机”应用程序(带有向下箭头的银色图标,该箭头指向相机上的按钮。您的Apple Watch将通过蓝牙与iPhone相连,如中间的屏幕截图所示。连接后,该应用程序将完成加载,您将在iPhone的摄像头前实时预览场景(继续前进,像您想知道的那样在镜头前摇动手)。

In the photo above, you can see the whole operation in action with the actual scene, the scene from the perspective of the iPhone, and then that same iPhone view transmitted as a live preview to the Apple Watch.

在上面的照片中,您可以看到实际场景中的整个操作,从iPhone的角度看场景,然后将同一iPhone视图作为实时预览传输到Apple Watch。

On the bottom of the Apple Watch interface there are two buttons: a button that looks just like the trigger button on the iPhone camera app (the unmarked circle), and a smaller button with “3s” written on it. The main button instantly triggers the camera and the secondary button offers a 3 second delay so that, if you’re actually in the photo, you can click the button and have time left over to put your arms back into a more natural position.

在Apple Watch界面的底部,有两个按钮:一个外观类似于iPhone相机应用程序上的触发按钮的按钮(未标记的圆圈),以及一个较小的按钮,上面写有“ 3s”。 主按钮立即触发相机,辅助按钮提供3秒的延迟,因此,如果您确实在照片中,则可以单击该按钮并留出时间将手臂放回更自然的位置。

如何远程查看您的照片 (How to Remotely Review Your Photos)

If you want to do a quick check of the photo without running back over to the tripod, you can do so on the Apple Watch.

如果您想快速检查照片而不跑回三脚架,可以在Apple Watch上进行。

After you take first photo, a little preview of the photo will appear in the lower left corner, seen above center. Tap on the smaller photo (just like you would in the on-phone iPhone camera application) to access the photo. Swipe back and forth to review the recently taken photos and then select “close” in the upper left corner to return to the main screen.

拍摄第一张照片后,该照片的一点预览将出现在左下角,在中心上方。 点击较小的照片(就像在手机上的iPhone相机应用程序中一样)以访问照片。 来回滑动以查看最近拍摄的照片,然后在左上角选择“关闭”以返回主屏幕。

That’s all there is to it! With the built-in apps on your iPhone and Apple Watch you can take easy-peasy remotely triggered photos. You’ll spend more time figuring out how to keep your iPhone secured and in place than you will fussing with the app itself.

这里的所有都是它的! 借助iPhone和Apple Watch上的内置应用程序,您可以拍摄轻松自如的远程触发照片。 与烦恼应用程序本身相比,您将花费更多的时间来弄清楚如何确保iPhone的安全性和固定位置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/240720/how-to-remotely-trigger-your-iphone-camera-with-your-apple-watch/

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