android 打开屏幕_为什么我的Android手机的屏幕随机打开?

android 打开屏幕

android 打开屏幕


If you’ve noticed that your phone’s screen is turning on without you touching the phone—or whenever you pick it up—it’s thanks to a (somewhat) new feature in Android called “Ambient Display”. Here’s what it is, and how to turn it off.

如果您发现手机屏幕在不触摸手机或每次拿起手机的情况下都能打开,这要归功于Android中的一项“新功能”,称为“环境显示”。 这就是它,以及如何将其关闭。

什么是环境显示? (What Is Ambient Display?)

Ambient Display was introduced back in Android 5.x Lollipop, though it’s kind of a modification of an old Moto X feature (back when Google owned Motorola). This feature shows notification information on the phone or tablet’s display when you pick it up or get a notification, without you having to turn the display on.

尽管Ambient Display是在Android 5.x Lollipop中引入的,但它是对Moto X旧功能的修改(当时Google拥有Motorola)。 当您拿起手机或平板电脑或获取通知时,此功能会在手机或平板电脑的显示屏上显示通知信息,而无需打开显示屏。

While this sounds like a neat feature, it’s not without its own set of…irritations. For example, the phone may detect movement in a pocket or purse as a “pick up,” which can result in unintentional taps on the display and execution of tasks—like pocket dials, for example. It can also be distracting if you work at a desk and get several notifications a day. For example, if you have a constant flow of email coming in, Ambient Display will activate every single time you get a new email (or any other notification), which can be incredibly annoying.

虽然这听起来像一个整洁的功能,但它并非没有自己的一套……烦恼。 例如,电话可能会将口袋或钱包中的运动检测为“捡起”,这可能会导致显示屏上的意外敲击和任务的执行,例如口袋拨号。 如果您在办公桌前工作并且每天收到几条通知,这也会使您分心。 例如,如果您不断收到电子邮件,Ambient Display将在每次收到新电子邮件(或任何其他通知) 激活,这可能会令人讨厌。

Fortunately, disabling this feature is quick and painless.


如何禁用环境显示 (How to Disable Ambient Display)

The first thing you’ll want to do is jump into your device’s Settings menu. The easiest way to get there is to pull down the notification shade, then pull down once more to expose the Quick Settings menu. In the top-right corner, tap the gear icon.

您要做的第一件事就是跳入设备的“设置”菜单。 到达那里的最简单方法是下拉通知栏,然后再次下拉以显示“快速设置”菜单。 点击右上角的齿轮图标。


In the Settings menu, scroll down until you see the “Display” entry, then tap that.



A little way down this menu, you’ll see a toggle for “Ambient Display.” Tap the slider to disable it.

在此菜单的下方,您会看到“环境显示”的切换。 点击滑块将其禁用。


That will disable Ambient Display itself, which will prevent the display from waking every time you get a notifications. But there’s another setting you’ll probably want to turn off.

这将禁用环境显示本身,这将防止显示器在每次收到通知时都醒来。 但是您可能需要关闭另一个设置。

如何禁用升降机检查电话 (How to Disable Lift to Check Phone)

Starting in Android 7.1, Google separated the option that wakes the display whenever you pick the device up. It’s now in a completely separate settings interface, and if you want Ambient Display off, you’ll probably want this off too.

从Android 7.1开始,Google分离了在您每次拿起设备时都会唤醒显示屏的选项。 现在它处于完全独立的设置界面中,如果您要关闭环境显示,您可能也希望将其关闭。

Go ahead and back out of the Display entry and scroll down to “Moves.”


This section is new in 7.1 and is basically used for gestures. In this menu, scroll all the way to the bottom, where there are two options that basically use Ambient Display: Double-Tap to Check Phone and Lift to Check Phone. If you’ve been wondering why Ambient Display won’t stop waking the display even though the option is disabled in the above menu, this is probably your culprit—Lift to Check Phone is on by default, so toggle that bad boy off.

本节是7.1中的新增内容,主要用于手势。 在此菜单中,一直滚动到底部,这里有两个基本使用环境显示的选项:双击以检查电话,然后提起以检查电话。 如果您一直想知道即使在上述菜单中禁用了该选项,为什么Ambient Display也不会停止唤醒显示器,这可能是您的罪魁祸首-默认情况下,“检查电话”功能已打开,因此请关闭该坏孩子。

If you like the idea of ambient display but want a little more control over it, I recommend enabling the Double-Tap to Check Phone option. This basically allows you to quickly check notifications by tapping the display quickly a couple of times, which is a specific-enough gesture it shouldn’t accidentally wake the display like Lift to Check does.

如果您喜欢环境显示的想法,但想要对其进行更多控制,则建议启用“双击以检查电话”选项。 基本上,您可以通过快速几次敲击显示屏来快速检查通知,这是一个特定的手势,它不应像Lift to Check那样意外地唤醒显示屏。

Ambient Display is a good idea in theory, but in the real world I’m glad there’s an option to turn it off. Or, in the case of Android 7.1+, take more control over how it works.

从理论上讲,环境显示是个好主意,但在现实世界中,我很高兴可以选择关闭它。 或者,对于Android 7.1+,要对其工作方式进行更多控制。


android 打开屏幕





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