亚马逊echo中国使用_如何在Amazon Echo上设置警报和计时器



There’s a whole lot the Amazon Echo can do, including waking you up with handy alarms and making sure the lasagna doesn’t burn in the oven with easy-to-set timers. Read along as we show you how to create and manage both.

亚马逊Echo可以做很多事情,包括使用方便的闹钟将您叫醒,并通过易于设置的计时器确保千层面不会在烤箱中燃烧。 继续阅读,我们会向您展示如何创建和管理两者。

设置和管理计时器 (Setting and Managing Timers)

To set a timer, you can use the following voice commands:


  • “Alexa, set a timer for [amount of time, like 20 minutes]”.

    “ Alexa,为[时间量,例如20分钟]设置一个计时器”。
  • “Alexa, set a timer for [absolute time, like 9:00 PM]”.

    “ Alexa,为[绝对时间,例如9:00 PM]设置一个计时器。”

You may be curious about the last one, because it looks a whole lot like setting an alarm. When you set an alarm (which we’ll get to in a moment), you’re setting a recurring alert. When you set a timer with an absolute time, it’s more like a reminder: it will go off only once and then delete itself. So, for example, if you need a nudge to stop working and go do some errands at 4PM, you could set a one-off timer. However, you can also just set an actual reminder, now that Alexa has those built-in.

您可能对最后一个感到好奇,因为它看起来很像设置警报。 设置警报(稍后我们将介绍)时,您将设置定期警报。 当您将计时器设置为绝对时间时,它更像是一个提醒:它只会关闭一次,然后再删除。 因此,例如,如果您需要微调以停止工作并在下午4点去执行某些任务,则可以设置一个一次性计时器。 但是,由于Alexa内置了这些提示 ,因此您也可以只设置一个实际的提醒

If you need multiple timers going at once, you can name timers so that you don’t get them mixed up with each other. For example, if you need to set a timer for the laundry and a timer for the lasagna in the oven, you can do this:

如果您需要同时使用多个计时器,则可以命名计时器,以免混淆它们。 例如,如果您需要为衣物设置一个计时器,为烤箱中的烤宽面条设置一个计时器,则可以执行以下操作:

  • “Alexa, set a laundry timer for 1 hour”.

    “ Alexa,设置一个洗衣计时器为1小时”。
  • “Alexa, set a lasagna timer for 20 minutes”.

    “ Alexa,将千层面计时器设置为20分钟”。

When a named timer goes off, your Echo will not only light up and make the timer sound, but Alexa will also say, “Your laundry timer is done”.


After you’ve started a timer (whether you named it or not), you can manage it and make changes with your voice:


  • “Alexa, how much time is left on the (laundry) timer?”.

    “ Alexa,(洗衣)计时器还剩多少时间?”。
  • “Alexa, what timers are set?”.

    “ Alexa,设置了哪些计时器?”。
  • “Alexa, cancel the (lasagna) timer”.

    “ Alexa,取消(千层面)计时器”。

There’s more you can do with timers, but you need to open up the Alexa app on your phone. To see your alarms and timers, start by tapping on the menu icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

您可以使用计时器做更多的事情,但是您需要在手机上打开Alexa应用程序。 要查看警报和计时器,请先点击屏幕右上角的菜单图标。

Select “Alerts & Alarms”.


Tap on the “Timers” tab to the right.


Once open, you’ll see a list of all the timers that you currently have set, including the name of each timer if you’ve named them (otherwise it will just be blank).


Tap on a timer to manage it. From there, you can either pause or cancel the timer.

点击计时器进行管理。 从那里,您可以暂停或取消计时器。

Unfortunately, you can’t create timers within the Alexa app—you can only do it from an Echo using your voice. You also can’t cancel all your timers at once, either using your voice or the app.

不幸的是,您无法在Alexa应用程序中创建计时器-您只能使用声音从Echo进行操作。 您也无法使用语音或应用程序一次取消所有计时器。

To switch Echo devices (if you have multiple Echo devices in your house), tap on the downward-facing arrow toward the top and choose the Echo device that you want to manage. Timers and alarms are specific to each Echo device and don’t sync between multiple units, unfortunately.

要切换Echo设备(如果您的房屋中有多个Echo设备),请点击顶部的向下箭头,然后选择要管理的Echo设备。 定时器和警报特定于每个Echo设备,不幸的是,它们无法在多个设备之间同步。

You can also tap on “Manage timer volume” to set an independent volume level that will be used for timers only, which can come in handy if you want the alerts for timers and alarms to be loud, but don’t necessarily want anything else blaring throughout the house at the same volume.


设置和管理警报 (Setting and Managing Alarms)

Just like timers, you can use your voice to set up alarms. You can set an alarm using the following voice commands:

就像计时器一样,您可以使用声音来设置闹钟。 您可以使用以下语音命令设置警报:

  • “Alexa, wake me up at [time, like 3PM]”.

    “ Alexa,在[时间,例如3PM]叫醒我。”
  • “Alexa, set an alarm for [time, like 3PM]”.

    “ Alexa,为[时间,例如3PM]设置闹钟”。

Additionally, there is another alarm command that you can trigger:


  • “Set an alarm for [amount of time, like 30 minutes] from now”.


However, we’re not very big fans of this command. The issue is that it doesn’t create an alarm, but rather a timer, which again are one-time use rather than recurring.

但是,我们不是这个命令的忠实拥护者。 问题在于它不会创建警报,而是创建计时器,这再次是一次性使用,而不是重复发生。

In addition to setting an alarm, you can use the following commands to check in on and manipulate it, just like with the timers:


  • “Alexa, what time is my alarm set for?”.

    “ Alexa,我的闹钟时间是几点?”
  • “Alexa, snooze”. This will snooze the alarm for 9 minutes.

    “ Alexa,打sn睡”。 这将使闹钟暂停9分钟。
  • “Alexa, cancel alarm for [previously set time]”. This disables but does not delete the alarm.

    “ Alexa,取消警报[先前设置的时间]”。 这将禁用但不会删除警报。

For that last command, it’s important to note that you will need to turn that particular alarm back on if you wish to use it again.


To get to the alarm settings, open up the Alexa app, select the menu icon, and select “Alerts & Alarms” from the side menu, just like you did with timers. From there, tap on the “Alarms” tab to view and manage alarms.

要进入警报设置,请打开Alexa应用程序,选择菜单图标,然后从侧面菜单中选择“警报和警报”,就像使用计时器一样。 在此处,点击“警报”选项卡以查看和管理警报。

You’ll now be able to view all of your alarms that you have set. Remember, alarms aren’t synced across Echo devices, and will only go off on the Echo device that you originally set it up on.

现在,您将能够查看所有已设置的警报。 请记住,警报不会在Echo设备之间同步,只会在您最初设置的Echo设备上发出警报。

From this screen, you can turn off alarms and turn them back on whenever, as well as manage the alarm volume and sound used by tapping on “Manage alarm volume and default sound”.


Tapping on an alarm will allow you to edit it or delete it entirely.








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