yahoo! keykey_旧版本的Yahoo! Mail和“ Mail Classic”正在关闭,立即升级您的帐户

yahoo! keykey

yahoo! keykey

Are you or someone you know using an older UI version of Yahoo! Mail or maybe even the Classic Edition? Then this news is going to be of specific interest to you. Starting June 3rd Yahoo! is pushing mandatory upgrades to the newest UI for all mail accounts and we have the information you need if you are affected by the changes.

您是使用旧版Yahoo!用户界面还是认识的人? 邮件,甚至经典版? 然后,您将对这个新闻特别感兴趣。 从6月3日开始Yahoo! 正在将所有邮件帐户的强制升级升级到最新的用户界面,如果您受到更改的影响,我们将提供所需的信息。

Some people will not have a problem with the changes while others are going to be very upset at having to switch to the new UI. Either way, the upgrades are mandatory if you want to continue using your accounts as seen in the following excerpt. Take note that the upgrades also come with a new TOS/Privacy Policy update.

有些人不会对更改造成任何问题,而另一些人将不得不切换到新的UI感到很沮丧。 无论哪种方式,如果您要继续使用帐户,都必须进行升级,如以下摘录所示。 请注意,升级还附带了新的TOS /隐私权政策更新。

From the official announcement: Beginning the week of June 3, 2013, older versions of Yahoo! Mail (including Yahoo! Mail Classic) will no longer be available. After that, you can access your Yahoo! Mail only if you upgrade to the new version. You should have received an email from Yahoo! letting you know that your account required an upgrade.

从官方公告:从2013年6月3日这一周开始,旧版本的Yahoo! 邮件(包括Yahoo! Mail Classic)将不再可用。 之后,您可以访问Yahoo!。 仅当升级到新版本时才发送邮件。 您应该已经收到来自Yahoo!的电子邮件。 告知您您的帐户需要升级。

When you upgrade, you will be accepting our Communications Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. This includes the acceptance of automated content scanning and analyzing of your communications content, which Yahoo! uses to deliver product features, relevant advertising, and abuse protection.

升级时,您将接受我们的通信服务条款和隐私政策。 这包括接受自动内容扫描和分析您的通信内容,而Yahoo! 用于提供产品功能,相关广告和滥用保护。

For those who may be looking at, and feel displeased with, the part that refers to “automated content scanning and analyzing of your communications content“, just remember that it is no different than using a Gmail account. Google does the same kind of scanning in order to deliver targeted advertising each time you read through your mail.

对于那些正在看“ 自动内容扫描和分析您的通信内容 ”的部分感到不满意的人,请记住,这与使用Gmail帐户没有什么不同。 Google会进行相同类型的扫描,以便每次您阅读邮件时都投放有针对性的广告。

You can learn more about the mandatory upgrade via the blog posts linked below. We have also included reference links from Yahoo! for those who may have questions about (or wish to close) their accounts.

您可以通过下面的博客文章了解有关强制升级的更多信息。 我们还包括Yahoo!的参考链接。 对于那些可能对自己的帐户有疑问( 或希望关闭 )的人。

Yahoo Shuts Down Mail Classic, Forces Switch To New Version That Scans Your Emails To Target Ads [TechCrunch]

雅虎关闭Mail Classic,强制切换到新版本,该版本扫描您的电子邮件以定位广告 [TechCrunch]

Yahoo eliminates classic Mail, requiring users to agree to Gmail-like email scanning [The Verge]

雅虎消除了传统的Mail,要求用户同意类似Gmail的电子邮件扫描 [The Verge]

Yahoo Is Axing Mail Classic But The New Version Reads Your Emails [Gizmodo]

雅虎是Axing Mail Classic,但新版本会读取您的电子邮件 [Gizmodo]

雅虎! 参考链接 (Yahoo! Reference Links)

Do I have to upgrade to the new Yahoo! Mail? *Official Announcement*

我是否必须升级到新的Yahoo! 邮件? *官方公告*

Setting up IMAP on mobile device or email client *For Transferring or Downloading Your Mail*

在移动设备或电子邮件客户端上设置IMAP *用于传输或下载邮件*

Closing your Yahoo! account

关闭您的Yahoo! 帐户

Can I get a refund for my Mail Plus account, since my version of Yahoo! Mail is no longer available?

自Yahoo!版本以来,我可以为我的Mail Plus帐户获得退款吗? 邮件不再可用?

Yahoo! Global Communications Additional Terms of Service for Yahoo! Mail and Yahoo! Messenger

雅虎! Yahoo! Global Communications附加服务条款 邮件和Yahoo! 信使

Yahoo! Privacy Policy – Yahoo! Mail

雅虎! 隐私政策– Yahoo! 邮件

[via Ashutosh Mishra (@twitosh) – Twitter]

[通过Ashutosh Mishra(@twitosh)– Twitter ]


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