91wii_安装Wii Game Loader,以轻松备份并缩短加载时间




We’ve shown you how to hack your Wii for homebrew software and DVD playback as well as how to safeguard and supercharge your Wii. Now we’re taking a peek at Wii game loaders so you can backup and play your Wii games from an external HDD.

我们向您展示了如何破解Wii的自制软件和DVD播放 ,以及如何保护和增强Wii的性能 。 现在,我们来看看Wii游戏加载器,以便您可以从外部HDD备份和玩Wii游戏。

Wii game loaders are a sub-class of Wii homebrew software designed to load games from an external source, typically a USB 2.0 external hard drive. (Some people use flash drives, but the cost to GB ratio on flash drives is still poor compared to external hard drives.)

Wii游戏加载程序是Wii自制软件的子类,旨在从外部资源(通常是USB 2.0外部硬盘驱动器)加载游戏。 (有人使用闪存驱动器,但是与外部硬盘驱动器相比,闪存驱动器的成本与GB的比率仍然很差。)

What does this mean to you, the end user? It means that once you have hacked your Wii for homebrew software you can easily add in a loader and a cheap USB drive for game backups and speedy playback. How speedy? When loading a new level in Super Smash Bros. Brawl off the disc, for example, it can take up to 20 seconds or more; the same load time off a USB HDD is usually around 3-4 seconds. Check out the video below to see it in action if you need a little convincing:

最终用户对您意味着什么? 这意味着一旦您入侵Wii的自制软件,您就可以轻松添加装载程序和便宜的USB驱动器,以进行游戏备份和快速播放。 有多快? 例如,在将Super Smash Bros. Brawl中的新关卡加载到光盘上时,可能要花费20秒或更长时间; USB HDD的相同加载时间通常约为3-4秒。 如果您需要一点说服力,请查看下面的视频以观看实际操作:

It’s so cheap and easy to perform this hack (and the benefits of backing up your expensive games and enjoying faster load times are so big) there’s no reason not to do it.


你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)


For this hack you’ll need the following items:


  • A Wii already modified to play homebrew software and with the Trucha patch IOS and cIOS installed. If you don’t have these things, start with our homebrew guide and then our guide on safeguarding and supercharging your Wii to get up to speed.

    Wii已修改为可以播放自制软件,并安装了Trucha补丁IOS和cIOS。 如果您没有这些东西,请先从我们的自制程序指南开始,然后再从保护和增压Wii的 指南入手。

  • A copy of USB Loader GX. We recommend grabbing the AllinOnePack for ease of setup.

    USB Loader GX的副本。 我们建议抓住AllinOnePack,以简化设置。

  • A USB external HDD. While we’ve never had any compatibility issues you can play it safe and browse this list of hard drives if you’re shopping for a new one and want to play it safe. The drive pictured above with the Wii-matching blue/silver/white color scheme is the FileMate 3.5” to USB 2.0 enclosure. It looks awesome sitting next to the Wii.

    USB外部硬盘。 虽然我们从未遇到任何兼容性问题,但是如果您要购买新硬盘并希望安全播放,可以放心使用它并浏览此硬盘列表 。 上图所示的Wii匹配蓝色/银色/白色配色的驱动器是FileMate 3.5英寸转USB 2.0机箱 。 坐在Wii旁边看起来很棒。

  • An SD card. (You should already have one if you’ve modded your Wii for homebrew.)

    SD卡 。 (如果您将Wii修改为自制软件,则应该已经拥有一个。)

  • A copy of WBFS Manager if you wish to interact with and manage your Wii HDD from your Windows computer. This tool isn’t necessary unless you want to back your games up to another drive or to your computer.

    如果您希望与Windows计算机交互并管理Wii HDD,则为WBFS Manager的副本。 除非您要将游戏备份到另一个驱动器或计算机上,否则不需要此工具。

Double check the list and make sure your Wii is modded for homebrew playback with the patched IOS and CIOS installed before proceeding.


安装USB Loader GX并设置硬盘
(Installing USB Loader GX and Setting Up Your Hard Drive)

Why USB Loader GX? There are more than a few USB loaders available but we selected USB Loader GX for this tutorial. USB Loader GX is user friendly, feature rich, and offers a good balance between usability and eye candy. Also, once you’ve installed one loader you’ve essentially installed them all so it won’t be much of a hassle to try out other loaders like the eye-candy-a-riffic WiiFlow.

为什么选择USB Loader GX? 有许多可用的USB装载程序,但在本教程中我们选择了USB装载程序GX。 USB Loader GX易于使用,功能丰富,并且在可用性和实用性之间取得了良好的平衡。 而且,一旦您安装了一个装载程序,就基本上安装了所有装载程序,因此尝试其他类似眼动糖果的WiiFlow装载程序将不会很麻烦。

First let’s take a peek at the contents of the AllInOnePack you downloaded from the USB Loader GX web site. If you don’t have your Wii SD card mounted on your computer now would be a good time to do so. Copy the following files from the ZIP file to your SD card: the entire \apps\usbloader_gx\ folder as well as \wad\USB Loader GX-UNEO_Forwarder_2.0.wad. Remember, keep the folder structure the same!

首先,让我们看一下您从USB Loader GX网站下载的AllInOnePack的内容。 如果您现在没有在计算机上安装Wii SD卡,则是个不错的选择。 将以下文件从ZIP文件复制到SD卡:整个\ apps \ usbloader_gx \文件夹以及\ wad \ USB Loader GX-UNEO_Forwarder_2.0.wad 。 记住,保持文件夹结构不变!


Note: If you’re curious about the difference between a Channel and a Forwarder, we’ll explain here briefly. A forwarder is like a shortcut on the Wii System Menu that points at the app on the SD card. A channel is actually an application installed on the Wii. Installing the USB Loader GX channel (instead of the of the forwarder) takes up more system memory and allows for fewer customization options (and no cover art!) but you can play without an SD card in the Wii. Installing it as a forwarder is preferred as it allows you to save settings and download cover and disc art. If you’re still curious you can read a point-by-point comparison here.

注意:如果您对Channel和Forwarder之间的差异感到好奇,我们将在此处简要说明。 转发器就像Wii系统菜单上的快捷方式,指向SD卡上的应用。 频道实际上是Wii上安装的应用程序。 安装USB Loader GX通道(而不是转发器的通道)会占用更多的系统内存,并且允许更少的自定义选项(并且没有封面!),但是您无需Wii即可使用SD卡进行播放。 最好将其安装为转发器,因为它允许您保存设置并下载封面和唱片。 如果您仍然好奇,可以在此处阅读逐点比较

Once you’ve copied the USB loader GX files over, it’s time to pop the SD card back in your Wii. Plug in your USB drive to the USB port on the back of the Wii. It’s important to use the USB port closest to the bottom of the Wii—in this case the bottom being the port near the rubber feet. The other USB port is reserved for games with USB accessories and you’ll run into errors if you try and use it.

复制完USB加载程序GX文件后,就该将SD卡弹出回Wii了。 将USB驱动器插入Wii背面的USB端口。 使用离Wii底部最近的USB端口很重要-在这种情况下,底部是靠近橡胶脚的端口。 另一个USB端口专用于带有USB配件的游戏,如果尝试使用它,将会遇到错误。

Start up the Wii and run the Homebrew channel. Listed under your apps you’ll see USB Loader GX. If it isn’t there then you’ve failed to properly copy it to your /apps/ directory.

启动Wii并运行Homebrew频道。 在您的应用程序下方列出的地方,您会看到USB Loader GX。 如果不存在,那么您将无法正确将其复制到/ apps /目录。

Once you’ve launched USB Loader GX it’ll prompt you, if this is your first time loading it with a new drive, to format it. Go ahead and format the drive in WBFS format. You could format it in other formats like FAT32 and NTFS but the benefits of doing so are few and the hassles are many. WBFS is the Wii’s custom format system and it’s best to stick with it.

启动USB Loader GX后,如果这是您第一次使用新驱动器进行加载,则会提示您对其进行格式化。 继续并以WBFS格式格式化驱动器。 您可以将其格式化为FAT32和NTFS等其他格式,但这样做的好处很少,麻烦很多。 WBFS是Wii的自定义格式系统,最好坚持使用它。

At this point you’re ready to start backing up your games. You’ll never need to use a computer if you don’t want to. All the backing up and loading is done with the Wii disc drive and the external HDD. Pop in any of your game discs into the Wii while USB Loader GX is running. You’ll see a screen like this:

此时,您就可以开始备份游戏了。 你永远不会需要,如果你不想使用计算机。 所有备份和加载都是通过Wii磁盘驱动器和外部HDD完成的。 USB Loader GX运行时,将您的任何游戏光盘弹出Wii。 您会看到如下屏幕:


Whenever you put a physical disc in the Wii drive while the loader is active it will prompt you to either Install or Mount (mounting will launch the game without copying it to the disc). Let’s install.

只要在加载器处于活动状态时将物理光盘放入Wii驱动器,它就会提示您安装或挂载(安装会启动游戏,而不会将其复制到光盘中)。 让我们安装。

Notice anything peculiar? The game is only 0.5GB. You’ll find that the vast majority of Wii games are under 2GB in size with only a few cresting over into the 2-3GB territory and even fewer in the 4+GB zone (like Super Smash Bros. Brawl). Even a 200GB hard drive can hold more Wii games than you could even get around to playing.

有什么特别的地方吗? 游戏只有0.5GB。 您会发现,绝大多数Wii游戏的大小都在2GB以下,只有极少数进入2-3GB区域,而在4 + GB区域则更少(例如《 Super Smash Bros. Brawl》)。 甚至200GB的硬盘驱动器都可以容纳比您玩的Wii游戏更多的游戏。

Click OK and watch the transfer bar slide by, for a small game like Wii Sports Resort it should take only a minute or two.

单击“确定”,然后观察传输栏的滑动,对于Wii Sports Resort这样的小型游戏,只​​需一两分钟即可完成。

Once you’ve copied your first game you might notice that it’s missing the cover art. When cover art is missing you just get a box cover with a question mark on it. That’s no fun, now is it? Press 1 on your Wiimote to access the Cover Download menu.

复制第一个游戏后,您可能会注意到它缺少封面。 当缺少封面时,您只需获得带有问号的盒子封面。 那没意思,是吗? 在您的Wiimote上按1进入“封面下载”菜单。


Whether your get the normal covers or the 3D covers is a personal choice. We’ve used the 3D covers throughout this tutorial, they look pretty swanky. Make sure to download both the covers and the disc images if you want to see the disc art when you go to load a game, like so:

是否获得普通封面或3D封面是个人选择。 在本教程中,我们一直使用3D封面,它们看起来很时髦。 如果要在加载游戏时看到光盘插图,请确保同时下载封面和光盘映像,如下所示:


Note: If you’re not connected to the internet when you try to download the covers and disc art you’ll get an error message with a URL directing you to a place you can manually download the covers. That’s a hassle though, so turn on your Wi-Fi if only for a moment and let it do the work of downloading and sorting the artwork for you. If you’ll be ripping a lot of discs at one time it’s worth waiting until the end to grab the cover art; it’ll grab all of it at once for you.

注意:如果您在尝试下载封面和唱片时没有连接互联网,则会收到一条错误消息,其中包含指向您可以手动下载封面的URL。 不过,这很麻烦,因此请暂时打开Wi-Fi,让它为您完成下载和分类图稿的工作。 如果您一次要翻录很多光盘,那么值得等到最后再获取封面。 它会一次为您获取所有内容。

安装转发器 (Installing the Forwarder)

At this point in the game you’ve got everything you need to backup and play your games but it’s kind of a hassle to load the Homebrew Channel every time you want to load the USB Loader. To install the forwarder you’ll need a WAD manager of some sort, if you’ve been following along with all our of Wii tutorials you’ll already have the Multi-Mod Manager installed (if not, visit the supercharge tutorial and grab it from our tool pack).

在游戏的这一点上,您已经拥有了备份和玩游戏所需的一切, 但是每次要加载USB Loader时都很难加载Homebrew Channel。 要安装转发器,您将需要某种WAD管理器,如果您一直在遵循我们的所有Wii教程,那么您已经安装了Multi-Mod Manager(如果没有,请访问增压教程,并获取它)。从我们的工具包中)。

Load the Homebrew Channel, launch Multi-Mod Manager, navigate to /wads/ and select the USB Loader GX forwarder wad for installation:

加载Homebrew频道,启动Multi-Mod Manager,导航至/ wads /并选择USB Loader GX转发器wad进行安装:

Once you’ve installed the WAD you’ll have a nice USB Loader GX icon on your Wii System Menu just like you saw in the video earlier in the tutorial (and the screenshot at the beginning of this section).

一旦安装了WAD,就可以在Wii系统菜单上看到一个漂亮的USB Loader GX图标,就像在本教程前面的视频中看到的一样(以及本节开头的屏幕截图)。

That’s it! Now you can suck games right up onto your hard drive, no mod-chip or hardware hacking required. The next time you spend $50 for a game you can unwrap it, copy it to the HDD, and then put the game away safely where your kids, idiot roommate, or destructive dog can’t turn your game into a coaster.  For an in-depth look at every button, setting, and toggle in USB Loader GX, make sure to
而已! 现在,您可以将游戏直接加载到硬盘上,而无需修改芯片或硬件。 下次您花50美元购买游戏时,可以将其拆开包装,将其复制到HDD,然后将其安全地放到孩子,白痴室友或破坏性狗无法将其变成杯垫的地方。 要深入了解USB Loader GX中的每个按钮,设置和切换,请确保在 check out the full Read Me file here. 此处签出完整的Read Me文件

Have an awesome loader to recommend or other Wii hack to share? Sound off in the comments and share the gaming goodness with your fellow readers.

有很棒的加载器推荐或其他Wii黑客分享吗? 在评论中留言,并与其他读者分享游戏的优点。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/40349/install-a-wii-game-loader-for-easy-backups-and-fast-load-times/


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