netgear ddns_如何延长Netgear Arlo Pro相机的电池寿命

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Netgear’s Arlo Pro wireless security cameras can last anywhere from 3-6 months on a single charge, but there are a lot of factors that can affect the battery life. Here’s how to stretch it out as much as possible.

Netgear的Arlo Pro无线安全摄像机一次充电可以持续3到6个月不等,但是有很多因素会影响电池寿命。 这是尽可能扩展它的方法。

Before we dive deep into the different tricks that you can do to save on battery life, keep in mind that you can keep your Arlo Pro cameras plugged into power 24/7. The included charging cable is about six feet long, so if it is possible for you to keep your cameras plugged in, by all means do so. However, you likely bought into the Arlo Pro system because of its wireless abilities, so read on how you can squeeze out a bit more juice from these cameras.

在我们深入探讨可以节省电池寿命的各种技巧之前,请记住, 可以将Arlo Pro相机保持24/7电源连接。 附带的充电电缆大约六英尺长,因此,如果可以让相机保持连接状态,请务必这样做。 但是,由于其无线功能,您可能会购买Arlo Pro系统,因此请阅读如何从这些相机中榨出更多汁液的信息。

在应用中更改视频质量 (Change the Video Quality in the App)

One of the best ways to save on battery life with the Arlo Pro is to change the video quality so that it favors battery life. The quality won’t be as good as it could be, but you’ll at least get more juice out of the cameras before you’ll have to recharge them.

使用Arlo Pro节省电池寿命的最好方法之一就是更改视频质量,从而延长电池寿命。 画质可能不尽如人意,但您至少必须从相机中榨出更多汁,然后才能为其充电。

To do this, open up the Arlo app and tap on the “Settings” tab at the bottom.


Select “My Devices” at the top.


Select your camera from the list.


Tap on “Video Settings”.


Scroll down and select “Best Battery Life”.


使相机远离寒冷的环境 (Keep the Camera Out of Cold Environments)

According to Netgear, temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit can negatively affect the battery life of Arlo Pro cameras. So if you have your cameras mounted outside, you may experience decreased battery life during the winter months.

根据Netgear的说法 ,低于32华氏度的温度可能会对Arlo Pro相机的电池寿命产生负面影响。 因此,如果将相机安装在室外,则冬季可能会减少电池寿命。

With that said, try to keep the cameras indoors if you can, and just have them pointed out a window. Obviously, this might not be the best solution depending on the layout of your house or apartment, so just be aware that you may have to charge them more frequently during the colder months.

话虽如此,如果可以的话,请尽量将相机保持在室内,并让它们指出一个窗口。 显然,根据房屋或公寓的布局,这可能不是最佳解决方案,因此请注意,在寒冷的月份中可能需要更频繁地为它们充电。

Netgear doesn’t say anything about warmer temperatures, but heat can also negatively affect battery life as well, so keep that in mind. In the end, though, Arlo Pro cameras were designed to be placed outdoors, so don’t sweat it too much.

Netgear并未透露任何有关温度升高的信息,但是热量也会对电池寿命产生负面影响 ,因此请记住这一点。 最后,尽管如此,Arlo Pro摄像机被设计为可以放置在室外,所以不要流汗过多。

坚持好地方 (Stick to Well-Lit Areas)

The Arlo Pro comes with night vision capabilities in the form of a built-in infrared spotlight that shines infrared light into the frame. As you would expect, this uses up extra battery life.

Arlo Pro具有内置的红外聚光灯形式的夜视功能,可将红外光照射到框架中。 如您所料,这将消耗额外的电池寿命。

In fact, it can be a considerable battery hog in some circumstances. I have my Arlo Pro in my garage, which is completely dark 90% of the time. This means that the night vision capabilities on the camera are turned on most of the time. This has resulted in a 15% battery drain in just a couple of weeks, which means a battery life of around three months. This is on the lower end of Netgear’s battery life estimates.

实际上,在某些情况下这可能是相当大的电池消耗。 我的车库里有Arlo Pro,这90%的时间都是完全黑暗的。 这意味着相机的夜视功能大部分时间都是打开的。 这导致在短短几周内耗电15%,这意味着电池寿命约为三个月。 这是Netgear电池寿命估算值的下限。

Because of this, try to mount your cameras in areas that are well lit most of the time if you want to maximize battery life.


避免弱Wi-Fi连接 (Avoid Weak Wi-Fi Connections)

Arlo Pro cameras connect to a central base station that then connects to your router. If your cameras have a hard time keeping a solid connection with the base station, this can lower battery life.

Arlo Pro摄像机连接到中央基站,然后再连接到路由器。 如果您的相机难以与基站保持牢固连接,则可能会降低电池寿命。

You can see how good the connection is in the Arlo app by going into the Settings and looking at the “Connection”. If it has three full bars, you’re good to go. If not, you may need to move the camera closer to the base station in order to make the connection a little better.

您可以通过进入“设置”并查看“连接”来查看Arlo应用程序中的连接状况。 如果它有三个完整的小节,则很好。 如果没有,您可能需要将摄像机移近基站,以使连接更好一些。


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