
Windows 10 Task Manager icon hero

Sometimes your Windows 10 PC slows to a crawl, perhaps accompanied by a whirring fan and programs that barely respond. Often the problem is an application that is using a large share of the CPU’s power, leaving little left for other programs. Here’s how to check—and what to do about it.

有时您的Windows 10 PC会缓慢爬行,可能伴随着呼呼的风扇和几乎没有响应的程序。 通常,问题出在一个应用程序占用大量CPU能量的情况下,而其他程序所剩无几。 这是检查方法以及处理方法。

The best tool to diagnose a Windows program that might be using too much system resources is a built-in utility called Task Manager.

诊断Windows程序可能使用过多系统资源的最佳工具是一个内置的实用程序,称为Task Manager

To open Task Manager, right-click the taskbar. In the menu that pops up, select “Task Manager.” (You can also press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select “Task Manager” from the list.)

要打开任务管理器,请右键单击任务栏。 在弹出的菜单中,选择“任务管理器”。 (您也可以按Ctrl + Alt + Delete并从列表中选择“任务管理器”。)

Right-click on the taskbar and select "Task Manager."

If you see the simple Task Manager interface, click “More Details” at the bottom of the window.


In Task Manager, click "More details."

In the full Task Manager window, click the “Processes” tab. You will see a readout of all the active processes and the resources they’re using. Processes are any applications or programs running on your computer, including vital system functions that run silently in the background.

在完整的任务管理器窗口中,单击“进程”选项卡。 您将看到所有活动进程及其正在使用的资源的读数。 进程是计算机上运行的任何应用程序或程序,包括在后台静默运行的重要系统功能。

To sort the processes by which one is using the most CPU, click the header of the “CPU” column. The process using the largest percentage of the CPU will appear at the top of the list.

要对使用最多CPU的进程进行排序,请单击“ CPU”列的标题。 使用最大百分比CPU的进程将显示在列表顶部。

In Task Manager on Windows 10, select the "Processes" tab, then click the "CPU" header.

At this point, if the CPU-hogging process is an application, you can attempt to close it using the usual methods (such as selecting File > Exit in the application’s menu or right-clicking the application in the taskbar and selecting “Close Window”).

此时,如果占用CPU的进程是一个应用程序,则可以尝试使用常规方法将其关闭(例如,在应用程序菜单中选择“文件”>“退出”,或在任务栏中右键单击该应用程序,然后选择“关闭窗口” )。

If the application doesn’t respond, you can either wait for a task to complete (if you know that the application is actively working and not just hung), or you can force it to close. To do that, select the application or process name in the Task manager processes list, and click “End Task.”

如果应用程序没有响应,则可以等待任务完成(如果您知道该应用程序正在运行,而不仅仅是挂起),或者可以强制其关闭。 为此,请在“任务管理器”进程列表中选择应用程序或进程名称,然后单击“结束任务”。

Select the process in Task Manager and click "End Task" in Windows 10.

After that, the process will close. If your machine suddenly becomes responsive again, then you know that the CPU-hogging application was the issue.

之后,该过程将关闭。 如果您的计算机突然再次变得响应,那么您就知道问题在于CPU占用的应用程序。

If the process hogging the CPU is a system process or a process that you don’t recognize, you could also try to reboot your PC. Immediately afterward, it might be wise to run a virus scan with Windows Defender just in case malware is causing the problem.

如果占用CPU的进程是系统进程或您不认识的进程,则也可以尝试重新引导PC。 之后立即使用Windows Defender运行病毒扫描,以防万一恶意软件引起了该问题。

If rebooting doesn’t fix the problem, you can also try updating the application or updating Windows itself. That may fix a bug in the software that is causing the process to hang. Good luck!

如果重启不能解决问题,您也可以尝试更新应用程序或更新Windows本身 。 这可能会修复导致进程挂起的软件错误。 祝好运!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/687271/how-to-see-which-program-is-using-all-your-cpu-on-windows/

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