


If you’re thinking about replacing the battery in your smartphone yourself, or even switching out that shattered screen, there are several tools you should have to make the job a lot easier.


Undoubtedly, one of the best places to buy replacement parts is iFixit. And after the whole iPhone battery fiasco, their battery replacement kits have become quite popular. While these kits come with all the tools you’ll need to get the job done, unfortunately it’s the bare minimum, and you’d be surprised at how easier the process is with a few additional tools at your disposal.

无疑, iFixit是购买替换零件的最佳场所之一。 在整个iPhone电池惨败之后 ,他们的电池更换套件变得非常受欢迎。 尽管这些工具包随附完成工作所需的所有工具,但不幸的是,这只是最低限度的工作,您会惊讶地发现,使用一些其他工具可以使过程变得如此容易。

吸盘钳 (Suction Cup Pliers)

If you have a mobile device like the iPhone, where you have to pry up the display in order to get inside, a pair of suction cup pliers is a great tool to have.


iFixit battery replacement kits come with a small suction cup to help pry open your phone, but it pales in comparison to some suction cup pliers. You just attach one suction cup to the back of the phone and the other to the front, and then simply squeeze on the pliers to separate the display from the rest of the phone.

iFixit电池更换套件带有一个小的吸盘,可帮助撬开手机,但与某些吸盘钳相比,它显得苍白。 您只需将一个吸盘安装在手机背面,将另一个吸盘安装在手机正面,然后只需用钳子挤压即可将显示屏与手机的其余部分分开。

If you do even only a small handful of mobile repairs, these pliers are a worthy investment and will pay for themselves with the amount of time you’ll save.


热风枪或吹风机 (Heat Gun or Hair Dryer)

Of course, with newer smartphones, you can’t pry open the display without heating up the adhesive first. To do that, it’s great to have a heat gun or a hair dryer.

当然,对于较新的智能手机,您必须先加热粘合剂才能撬开显示屏。 为此,拥有加热枪或吹风机真是太好了。

The heat softens up the adhesive and makes it easier to separate the display when you pry it open, as well as lessening the chance of something breaking.


You can also use something like a rice bag that you heat up in the microwave. iFixit sells their own version of this specifically made for mobile repair, but you could easily make your own with a sock and some rice.

您还可以使用在微波炉中加热的饭袋之类的东西。 iFixit 出售自己的专用于移动维修的版本,但是您可以轻松地用袜子和米饭制作自己的版本

磁性垫 (Magnetic Mat)

Taking apart a phone results in a lot of loose screws and small parts that need to be kept organized and—more importantly—prevented from getting lost. This is where a magnetic mat can be a true life saver.

拆开手机会导致螺钉松动,并需要固定一些小零件,更重要的是要防止丢失。 在这里, 磁性垫可以真正拯救生命。

It not only keeps your tiny screws from rolling off the table and getting lost, but most mats have separator lines so that you can organize parts and keep track of everything, as well as use a dry-erase marker to know what’s what.


吉他拨片 (Guitar Picks)

Suction cup pliers are great to have, but if you’re dealing with a stubborn display assembly that’s really glued down, guitar picks can come in handy.


You can use them as a makeshift spudger (the little plastic prying devices), but guitar picks are also handy for acting as spacers to keep places you’ve already pulled apart separated. Say you got the bottom half of the screen to pry up, but not the top half. You can stick some guitar picks in between the body and the screen on the bottom half to keep it pried up not falling back into place as you work on the top half.

您可以将它们用作临时的撬棒(小的塑料撬动装置),但吉他拨片也很方便用作隔离物,以保持已经分开的位置。 假设您撬开了屏幕的下半部分,但没有撬起上半部分。 您可以在主体和下半部的屏幕之间插入一些吉他拨片,以防止其撬起而不会在上半部工作时掉落到位。

As for where you can buy guitar picks, pretty much any music store sells them, but you can also just grab them on Amazon. iFixit also sells their own versions.

至于可以在哪里购买吉他拨片,几乎所有音乐商店都出售它们,但您也可以在亚马逊上购买它们 。 iFixit也出售自己的版本

旧信用卡 (Old Credit Cards)

Like guitar picks, having an old credit card handy can help when prying up certain parts, but what makes credit cards better in some cases is that you can pry up a larger surface area at once.


This makes them great for prying out stubborn batteries that are stuck down with adhesive—using a spudger or something similar isn’t ideal for this, since it’d be easy to puncture the battery accidentally.


With an old credit card, you can slide it underneath the entire battery on one side and slowly work it out without fear of puncturing anything.


放大镜 (Magnifying Glass)

Smartphone parts are extremely tiny. Unless you have good eyesight, it can be difficult to see what’s what. A magnifying glass can be a really savior.

智能手机零件非常小。 除非您的视力良好,否则很难看到什么。 放大镜可能是真正的救星。

What I like to do is use the magnifying glass on my “third hand” soldering tool. You can buy these for pretty cheap, and the stand allows you to keep both hands free while you use the magnifying glass to get a closer look at the innards of your phone.

我想做的是在“第三只手”焊接工具上使用放大镜。 您可以以相当便宜的价格购买它们 ,并且支架可以让您在使用放大镜时放开双手,以便更仔细地查看手机的内部。

If you wear glasses and want a little more portability, you can try something like this jeweler’s clip-on eye loupe.


台灯 (Desk Lamp)

You might think that you have plenty of light already, but you would be amazed at what a cheap desk lamp can do.


For the longest time, I’ve never taken advantage of additional light when working on projects, but once I started using headlamps and desk lamps, it completely changed my perspective of what adequate lighting meant.


It’s a cheap investment as well. You can get a decent desk lamp for less than $15. Better yet, you probably already have one lying around the house somewhere.

这也是一笔便宜的投资。 您可以不到15美元的价格买到像样的台灯。 更好的是,您可能已经在房子周围的某个地方躺了一个。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/350714/7-must-have-tools-for-mobile-phone-repair/


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