cue cd曲目怎么提取_音乐CD是否包含其中的曲目所需的元数据?

cue cd曲目怎么提取

cue cd曲目怎么提取


Most of the time our favorite music CD playing software offers to download relevant information from an online database, but is that step really necessary? Do music CDs actually have all of the needed information on them already? Today’s SuperUser Q&A post has the answer to a curious reader’s question.

大多数时候,我们最喜欢的音乐CD播放软件可以从在线数据库中下载相关信息,但这是否真的必要? 音乐CD实际上已经在其上包含了所有需要的信息吗? 今天的“超级用户问答”帖子回答了一个好奇的读者的问题。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

Photo courtesy of John Ward (Flickr).

照片由John Ward(Flickr)提供

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader cipricus wants to know if most music CDs contain the necessary metadata for tracks on them:


I see that many audio players (multimedia software like Winamp or Foobar2000, for example) have the ability to retrieve music (song) information from online databases like CDDB. This information should already be available on the music CDs though, right? Is it actually there?

我看到许多音频播放器(例如Winamp或Foobar2000等多媒体软件)都能够从CDDB等在线数据库中检索音乐(歌曲)信息。 但是,这些信息应该已经在音乐CD上可用了,对吧? 真的在那里吗?

Some audio players display a CD’s contents while others do not. Is that information taken from the CDs or retrieved from the Internet?

一些音频播放器显示CD的内容,而另一些则不。 这些信息是从CD中获取还是从Internet中获取?

Do most music CDs contain the necessary metadata for tracks on them or not?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor RedGrittyBrick has the answer for us:


This information should already be available on the music CDs though, right?


I think most of us, as consumers, would say yes.


Is it actually there?


Almost never in my experience. The software that I have used to rip CDs to MP3s never seems able to obtain this information from the CDs themselves, though I have read about a few exceptions (notably Sony since 1997).

根据我的经验,几乎从来没有。 我曾经将CD翻录为MP3的软件似乎从未能够从CD本身获得此信息,尽管我已经阅读了一些例外情况(自1997年以来特别是Sony)。

There are probably several reasons for this, including:


  • The music industry’s business model

  • Inertia

  • The rise of digital distribution


Music Industry Business Model


The music industry traditionally made money from the sales of vinyl records, cassette tapes, and audio CDs. Protection of their copyright was seen by the industry as essential for their survival. In order to combat illegal copying of tapes, they persuaded legislators to impose a levy on blank tape sales.

传统上,音乐行业从黑胶唱片,盒式磁带和音频CD的销售中获利。 业界认为保护其版权对于他们的生存至关重要。 为了打击磁带的非法复制,他们说服了立法者对空白磁带的销售征税。

The music industry felt that facilitating playback on personal computers was facilitating the infringement of their copyright, thus facilitating their own destruction. So decisions concerning audio CD content and formats were heavily skewed against making anything easier for personal computer users.

音乐界认为,促进个人计算机上的播放有利于侵犯其版权,从而促进其自身的破坏。 因此,关于音频CD内容和格式的决策严重偏离了使个人计算机用户更容易使用的任何内容。



The audio CD has been established for a long time now and there is no point in making new CDs incompatible with existing CD players. This means that care has to be taken if adding digital content to audio CDs. Digital data and audio data on CDs use completely different and incompatible underlying formats. This makes it tricky to mix both (though it can be done).

音频CD已经建立了很长时间,并且使新CD与现有CD播放器不兼容是没有意义的。 这意味着在将数字内容添加到音频CD时必须格外小心。 CD上的数字数据和音频数据使用完全不同且不兼容的基础格式。 这使得两者混合起来很棘手(尽管可以做到)。

Given a large population of older CD players, the industry has evidently not seen any benefit in improving the audio CD format.


Their perceived usage case is: you buy a CD, you put it into a dedicated audio CD player attached to an audio amplifier and loudspeakers, you sit down and read the track information printed on the CD’s cover.


Digital Distribution


These days the trend is shifting to downloadable content. At least purchased MP3 files generally contain metadata listing the artist, album name, year, genre, etc.

如今,趋势正在转向可下载的内容。 至少购买的MP3文件通常包含列出艺术家,专辑名称,年份,流派等的元数据。

It therefore seems unlikely that the music industry has any interest whatsoever in doing anything new with their CD pressing process. It is a dying business after all. From a 2011 blog post:

因此,音乐行业似乎不太可能对CD压制过程中的任何新事物产生兴趣。 毕竟这是一个垂死的业务。 摘自2011年博客文章

  • One of the greatest, coolest, but sadly least known and least often used tech things about CDs is CD-Text. … This has been out for 14 years and I can count on one hand the number of times I have actually seen a CD in my car have text associated with it.

    CD文本是CD领域最伟大,最酷但最令人遗憾的是它鲜为人知且使用最少的技术之一。 ……这已经有14年了,我一方面可以指望我实际看到汽车上的CD上有与之相关的文字的次数。

Make that nearly 20 years now and no sign of general adoption by the music industry.


Why Did CDs not Include Metadata Originally?


It is worth remembering that the audio CD was merely a more durable and convenient sized replacement for the pressed 12″ vinyl album disc.


The latter was a purely analogue form with no digital information on it, just the analogue audio waveform in the form of vertical and horizontal undulations in a continuous spiral groove, with no distinction between tracks other than a section of silence (no undulations) and wider spacing of the spiral (visible to humans but not detectable by a record player). Any information about track names, etc. was present on the printed paper sleeve notes or on the printed cardboard sleeves themselves.

后者是纯模拟形式,上面没有数字信息,只是在连续螺旋形凹槽中以垂直和水平起伏形式出现的模拟音频波形,除无声部分(无起伏)外,音轨之间没有区别,且宽度更大螺旋的间距(人类可见,但电唱机无法检测到)。 有关轨迹名称等的任何信息都出现在印刷的纸套纸币或印刷的纸板套本身上。

So when audio CDs were invented, they took the same approach. They expected CDs to be played in dedicated CD music players, not in computers. Therefore, the music was not stored on CDs with the type of file system that a computer would normally use for data files. Details of tracks were printed on the paper insert in the plastic CD-case and not placed with the CD contents in any way.

因此,当音频CD发明时,它们采用了相同的方法。 他们期望CD将在专用CD音乐播放器中播放,而不是在计算机中播放。 因此,音乐没有以计算机通常用于数据文件的文件系统类型存储在CD上。 轨道的详细信息印在塑料CD盒的纸质插页上,没有以任何方式与CD内含物一起放置。

Similarly, the audio data on an audio CD was encoded on a single continuous spiral track. This is very different from the low-level formatting of computer data disks (hard, floppy, CD data, etc.) which typically have a large number of circular tracks arranged concentrically and divided into sectors.

类似地,音频CD上的音频数据被编码在单个连续螺旋轨道上。 这与计算机数据磁盘(硬盘,软盘,CD数据等)的低级格式化有很大不同,后者通常具有大量同心排列并分成多个扇区的圆形磁道。

There was no provision for data, probably because this had not been needed for vinyl records and because it would have complicated the manufacturing of audio CD players, making them more expensive at a time when the industry presumably wanted to encourage sales of CDs as a premium (more profitable) product.

没有数据准备,可能是因为黑胶唱片不需要这些数据,并且可能会使音频CD播放器的制造变得复杂,从而在行业可能想鼓励CD销量上升的时候使它们变得更加昂贵。 (利润更高)产品。

Note that, to identify a CD, programs on computers have to extract some of the audio data (i.e. the list of song offsets in the lead-in section of the track or the waveform of part of the first song) and use that as a key for searching in a database, typically a remote database elsewhere on the Internet. This is how software retrieves artist names, album names, track names, etc.

请注意,要识别CD,计算机上的程序必须提取一些音频数据(即,音轨导入部分中的歌曲偏移量列表或第一首歌曲的一部分波形),并将其用作用于在数据库(通常是Internet上其他地方的远程数据库)中进行搜索的关键字。 这是软件检索歌手姓名,专辑名称,曲目名称等的方式。

Some programs do look for CD-Text, sometimes only if they are offline and cannot contact a remote database. So the presence and use of CD-Text is a relative rarity. There is no computer readable metadata in most audio CDs, not even an identifying product number.

有些程序确实会寻找CD文本,有时仅在它们脱机且无法联系远程数据库时才查找。 因此,CD-Text的存在和使用是相对罕见的。 大多数音频CD中没有计算机可读的元数据,甚至没有识别的产品编号。

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不错。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程


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