


Editing photos on your iPhone or iPad is really easy. The Photos app on iOS packs a lot of features into it, including the ability to crop, adjust the color, make one-touch adjustments, and more.

在iPhone或iPad上编辑照片非常简单。 iOS上的“照片”应用程序具有很多功能,包括裁剪,调整颜色,一键式调整等功能。

In this article, we’ll show you how to access the Photos app’s editing tools using an iPhone. If you do this on an iPad, you’ll see the same tools and buttons, but they may be in slightly different locations.

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用iPhone访问“照片”应用的编辑工具。 如果在iPad上执行此操作,则会看到相同的工具和按钮,但它们的位置可能略有不同。

To edit a photo, tap to select it from your collection.


Then tap the Edit button, which looks like three sliders on top of one another.


When you open a photo to edit, you’ll see four controls: rotate/crop, filters, color adjustments, and the more button.


The magic wand at the top automatically makes fixes it thinks your photo needs. In some photos, where there might be an incidence of red eye, a red-eye reduction button may appear (pictured below in the top-left corner).

顶部的魔术棒会根据您的照片需要自动进行修复。 在某些可能会出现红眼的照片中,可能会出现防红眼按钮(如下图所示,位于左上角)。

The crop tool lets you freely rotate your photos or drag the corners inward. Additionally, here in the bottom-left corner, you see another icon that allows you to rotate your photo in 45-degree increments.

裁剪工具可让您自由旋转照片或向内拖动角落。 此外,在左下角,您会看到另一个图标,该图标可让您以45度为增量旋转照片。

If you want to constrain your crop to a specific aspect ratio, tap the button (pictured above in the bottom-right corner), and Photos will present you with a list.


Beyond simple crop and rotate controls, Photos also has a filter presets you can try out. This is completely non-destructive, so if none of them are appealing, you can simply revert to the original by tapping “Cancel”.

除了简单的裁剪和旋转控件之外,“照片”还具有您可以试用的滤镜预设。 这是完全无损的,因此,如果它们都不有吸引力,您只需点击“取消”即可恢复到原始状态。

Black and white really brings out the adorableness.

Manual adjustments let you change your photo’s lighting (exposure, highlight, shadows, etc.), color (saturation, contrast, cast), and also black and white levels (tone, grain, and so on). Anything you can select from the preset effects can be accomplished using the manual controls, and you can use the manual controls to further adjust the presents.

手动调整可让您更改照片的照明(曝光,高光,阴影等),颜色(饱和度,对比度,投射)以及黑白级别(色调,颗粒度等)。 可以从预设效果中选择的任何内容都可以使用手动控件完成,并且可以使用手动控件进一步调整礼物。

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When you make adjustments manually, you can slide the control up or down to flip through changes quickly. If you really want to dig into things and perform fine-grained edits, click the three lines as indicated by the arrow.

手动进行调整时,可以向上或向下滑动控件以快速浏览更改。 如果您确实想深入研究并执行细粒度的编辑,请单击箭头指示的三行。

Here are the sub-options that we see with the Color selector. Tapping any of these will let you make even more specific adjustments to the photo’s saturation, contrast, or cast; you make adjustments in this same way to Light and B&W as well.

这是我们在“颜色”选择器中看到的子选项。 点击其中任何一个,您都可以对照片的饱和度,对比度或投射进行更具体的调整。 您也可以对Light和B&W进行相同的调整。

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Whenever you’re finished making edits, you need to tap the “Done” button. If you decide you want to discard the changes, you can tap “Cancel” to abandon your changes.

完成编辑后,就需要点击“完成”按钮。 如果您决定要放弃更改,则可以点击“取消”放弃更改。

Finally, if you realize you want to undo all your changes, reopen your edited photo and tap “Revert.”


But wait, we’re not quite done yet. Photos also gives you the ability to mark up your photos with drawings, text, and magnifications. Tap the More button (the last button on the right) and then “Markup”.

但是,等等,我们还没有完成。 照片还使您能够用图纸,文字和放大倍率标记照片。 点击更多按钮(右侧的最后一个按钮),然后点击“标记”。

Now you can add your own personal touches to your photos and share them with friends and family. As always, if you’re not happy with your changes, you can just tap “Cancel” to discard them.

现在,您可以将自己的个人风格添加到照片中,并与亲朋好友分享。 与往常一样,如果您对所做的更改不满意,可以点击“取消”以将其丢弃。

Photos does quite a lot for a little app on your iPhone or iPad, and you can even edit Live Photos too.


Of course, it won’t take the place of a full-fledged photo editor you might find on a desktop PC, but that’s not the point. Photos is meant to let you make quick and easy changes without needing to jump on a computer, or use another app for that matter.

当然,它不会代替您在台式机上可能找到的功能强大的照片编辑器,但这不是重点。 照片旨在让您快速,轻松地进行更改,而无需跳到计算机上或使用其他应用程序。

Besides, the iPhone typically takes nice enough photos that you’ll only need to make small adjustments. So, for those times when you want to make just a small little tweak here and there, Photos’ editing tools gives you that power.

此外,iPhone通常会拍摄足够漂亮的照片,您只需要进行少量调整即可。 因此,对于那些只想在此处和此处进行一些小的调整的时代,Photos的编辑工具将为您提供这种强大的功能。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/278273/how-crop-and-edit-photos-on-the-iphone-or-ipad/






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