


Photoshop and Illustrator both have a dark point many users choose to avoid—the notorious Pen Tool. It may be intimidating, but it can be mastered, and surely is not impossible to use. Keep reading for tips and videos to help.

Photoshop和Illustrator都有许多用户选择避免的黑暗点-臭名昭著的Pen工具。 它可能令人生畏,但可以被掌握,并且肯定不是不可能使用。 继续阅读有关提示和视频的帮助。

The Pen Tool and vectors are important parts of Photoshop, and pretty much run the show within the confines of Illustrator. Scared off yet? If not, carry on, and see both how easy (and how complex) the Pen Tool really is.

钢笔工具和矢量是Photoshop的重要组成部分,几乎可以在Illustrator的范围内进行显示。 吓到了吗? 如果不是,请继续进行操作,并查看Pen Tool到底有多容易(以及多么复杂)。

向量再一次与像素 (Vectors Versus Pixels, Once Again)


One of the most helpful things before diving into the Pen Tool in either Photoshop or Illustrator is a basic understanding of how vectors work, what they are, and how they differ from pixels. As you may remember, How-To Geek has already covered the differences between Pixels and Vectors in an older article from last year. It can be helpful to refresh your memory on the difference; simply because you may be working in Photoshop does not mean that its Pen Tool is not exclusively a vector drawing tool. Once you’re satisfied in your knowledge about vectors, you can confidently dive into using Photoshop’s Pen Tool.

在进入Photoshop或Illustrator中的钢笔工具之前,最有用的事情之一是对向量的工作原理,它们是什么以及它们与像素的区别有一个基本的了解。 您可能还记得, How-To Geek在去年的较旧文章中已经介绍了Pixels和Vectors之间的区别 。 在差异上刷新记忆可能会有所帮助; 仅仅因为您可能在Photoshop中工作并不意味着它的钢笔工具并非专门用于矢量绘图工具。 对矢量的知识满意之后,您就可以放心使用Photoshop的钢笔工具。

直线与曲线 (Straight Lines Versus Curved Lines)

The first thing to know about the Pen Tool is that it creates two basic types of lines, Straight Lines, and Curved Lines. These lines are created by the kinds of points you draw when you select the Pen Tool and click around in your canvas.

关于钢笔工具要了解的第一件事是它创建了两种基本类型的线,即直线曲线 。 这些线条是由您在选择“钢笔工具”并在画布中单击时所绘制的点的类型所创建的。

Creating straight lines between points is as simple as clicking single points with your mouse or stylus. When using the Pen Tool, any single click without dragging will create a point or connect to your last active point with a straight line.

在点之间创建直线就像用鼠标或手写笔单击单个点一样简单。 使用钢笔工具时,任何单击而不拖动都将创建一个点或使用直线连接到最后一个活动点。

In the sample video, you can see the active line creating points, then connecting back to the original point, creating a complete, contiguous shape.


Curved lines are a little more complex, and the main reason behind most users frustration. They are created by clicking and dragging to create an anchor point that affects the next curve that is drawn. Every new point that is added affects the curve before and the curve after it, which can frustrate users new to the Pen Tool. However, there are a myriad of tools to add, edit, and re-edit these points, curves, and anchor points, again and again.

曲线稍微复杂一点,这是大多数用户感到沮丧的主要原因。 通过单击并拖动以创建锚点来创建它们,该锚点会影响绘制的下一条曲线。 添加的每个新点都会影响它之前的曲线和之后的曲线,这会使刚接触钢笔工具的用户感到沮丧。 但是,有很多工具可以一次又一次地添加,编辑和重新编辑这些点,曲线和锚点。

笔工具和朋友 (The Pen Tool and Friends)

pen tools screenshot

As one of the most complicated tools in the Photoshop and Illustrator toolbox, the Pen Tool has a lot of accompanying tools in order to be a little more user friendly. Let’s take a look at some the ones in Photoshop, and see what can help you save some frustration.

作为Photoshop和Illustrator工具箱中最复杂的工具之一,钢笔工具具有许多附带的工具,以便于用户使用。 让我们看一下Photoshop中的一些功能,看看有什么可以帮助您节省一些挫败感。


Pen Tool: The be all and end all, the Pen Tool is why you’re here in the first place. Click and hold on the Pen Tool in the toolbox to bring up these other options in the contextual menu.

钢笔工具归根到底 ,钢笔工具就是您为什么在这里的原因。 单击并按住工具箱中的“钢笔工具”,以在上下文菜单中弹出这些其他选项。

Freeform Pen Tool: Photoshop only. The Freeform Pen Tool allows you to draw with your mouse or stylus. When you release your drawn line, Photoshop will create a path based on your drawn line.

自由形式的笔工具 :仅适用于Photoshop。 Freeform钢笔工具允许您使用鼠标或手写笔进行绘制。 释放画线时,Photoshop将基于画线创建路径。

Add Anchor Point Tool: A tool useful for adding points of articulation to a line you’ve already drawn. Simply select this tool and click or click and drag to add new points to it.

添加锚点工具 :此工具可用于在已经绘制的线条上添加铰接点。 只需选择此工具,然后单击或单击并拖动以向其添加新点。

Delete Anchor Point Tool: A long name to say it removes points of articulation from a line you’ve already drawn. Select this tool and click any point you’ve drawn on any line to delete it.

删除锚点工具 :一个长名字,说它可以从已经绘制的线条中删除铰接点。 选择此工具,然后单击在任何线上绘制的任何点以将其删除。


Convert Point Tool: With the Pen Tool active, shortcut key . More useful that it sounds, the convert point tool allows you to change single click “angular” style points to click and drag “curved” points. It will also allow you more precise control over your points, as you can use it to move your anchor points.

转换点工具 :激活钢笔工具后,快捷键。 听起来更有用,转换点工具使您可以更改单击“角度”样式的点以单击并拖动“弯曲”点。 它还可以让您更精确地控制点,因为您可以使用它来移动锚点。


Path Selection Tool: Selects and moves the entire connected path without changing its shape, moving points or anchors, or changing what you’ve drawn other than simply moving it around. Click and hold down the Path Selection tool in your toolbox to select the buried “Direct Selection Tool.”

路径选择工具 :选择并移动整个连接的路径,而无需更改其形状,移动点或锚点或更改绘制的内容,而不仅仅是移动它。 单击并按住工具箱中的“路径选择”工具,以选择隐藏的“直接选择工具”。

Direct Selection Tool: Can select individual points, lines and anchors, moving them around and warping lines and paths. Useful for re-editing your lines and anchor points once you’ve drawn them.

直接选择工具 :可以选择单个点,线和锚点,使其四处移动以及使线和路径变形。 绘制线和锚点后,对重新编辑它们很有用。


The Paths Panel: If you can’t see this, you can go to Window > Paths to open this panel. Similar to the layers panel, Photoshop works with various paths in these different containers within this panel. Switching from Path 1 to Path 2 will make any lines drawn for Path 1 disappear from the screen. Photoshop will only show one of these active paths at a time. Keep in mind that each of these containers can hold dozens if not hundreds of actual lines and points that don’t connect and Photoshop will still consider them “Path 1” or “Path 2.” Think of it as a “layer” of paths, only you can’t have more than a single layer turned on at a time.

路径面板 :如果看不到,则可以转到窗口>路径打开此面板。 与“图层”面板类似,Photoshop在此面板中的这些不同容器中使用各种路径。 从路径1切换到路径2将使为路径1绘制的所有线条从屏幕上消失。 Photoshop一次只会显示这些活动路径之一。 请记住,这些容器中的每个容器都可以容纳数十个甚至数百条未连接的实际线和点,并且Photoshop仍会将其视为“路径1”或“路径2”。 将其视为路径的“层”,只有一次不能打开多个层。


Rectangle Tool, et al: A set of tools that draws regular vector shapes. If you are uncertain of how vectors work, you might want to experiment here to get your sea legs with Photoshop’s vector abilities. Otherwise, these tools will have little effect on your use of the Pen Tool, and can safely be ignored when drawing with it.

Rectangle Tool等 :一组绘制常规矢量形状的工具。 如果不确定矢量是如何工作的,则可能需要在此处进行实验,以使您具备Photoshop的矢量功能。 否则,这些工具对钢笔工具的使用影响不大,并且在使用它进行绘制时可以安全地忽略。

比较,操纵两种类型的点 (Comparing, Manipulating Your Two Types of Points)

The two types of points, as we’ve shown before, are “made” of the same types of information. Clicking and dragging in combination will create various types of points, allowing you to create and manipulate complex drawings.

如前所述,两种类型的点是由相同类型的信息“构成”的。 组合单击和拖动将创建各种类型的点,使您可以创建和处理复杂的工程图。


With the Pen Tool selected, use the shortcut key to pick the Direct Selection arrow. This will allow you to move points and anchors around, changing your curves and location of your lines.

选择钢笔工具后,使用快捷键选择“直接选择”箭头。 这将允许您在周围移动点和锚点,从而更改曲线和直线的位置。


Again, with the Pen Tool selected, plus clicking on a line will allow you to add points to it. plus clicking and dragging will allow you to add curving points to a line.

再次,选择钢笔工具,再单击一条线,即可向其添加点。 再加上单击和拖动,将使您可以向直线添加弯曲点。


also allows you to move the curve anchor points independantly of each other, as shown in the video above. Watch and rewatch it, as all of these techniques are very useful in drawing accurate lines.

还可以让您彼此独立地移动曲线锚点,如上面的视频所示。 观看并重新观看它,因为所有这些技术对于绘制精确的线条都非常有用。

绘制复杂曲线并掌握钢笔工具 (Drawing Complex Curves and Mastering the Pen Tool)

Combinations of these techniques will allow readers to draw lines to follow elegant curves with surprising precision. It does not come immediately and is frustrating at times. While explaining the usage of the tool and the various helper tools will only get readers so far in learning the Pen Tool.

这些技术的结合将使读者能够以惊人的精度绘制线条以遵循优美的曲线。 它不会立即出现,有时会令人沮丧。 在解释该工具和各种辅助工具的用法时,到目前为止只会吸引读者学习钢笔工具。

The fact of the matter is that it is somewhat difficult to understand and requires a lot of practice to become accurate at drawing curves. It can be helpful to see how certain complex curved shapes are drawn, as in the video above. While practice makes perfect, this how-to should give you a good start on figuring out some of the more complicated and confusing aspects of the tool and all the associated tools and panels required to even have a basic understanding of it.

事实是,这有点难以理解,需要大量练习才能准确绘制曲线。 如上面的视频所示,了解如何绘制某些复杂的弯曲形状可能会有所帮助。 尽管实践是完美的,但是该方法应该为您提供一个良好的开端,以弄清该工具以及甚至对其具有基本理解所需的所有相关工具和面板的一些更复杂和令人困惑的方面。

Does the Pen Tool still give you nightmares? Send your Photoshop and Graphics questions to
钢笔工具是否还会给您带来噩梦? 将您的Photoshop和Graphics问题发送至, or simply add them in the comments section below. Your question may be featured in a future Photoshop article on How-To Geek. ,或直接在下面的评论部分中添加它们。 您的问题可能会在以后的Photoshop文章“ How-To Geek”中出现。

Image Credits: All artwork copyright the author. Please do not use without permission. Pixels versus Vectors image credited in its original article.

图片来源:所有艺术品均归作者所有。 请不要擅自使用。 像素与矢量图像在其原始文章中提到



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