discord china_如何设置自己的Discord聊天服务器

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Discord is an excellent, free chat application that was built for gamers, but is useful for anyone. It comes with Slack-style text chat, group voice chat channels, and plenty of tools to manage your users. It’s a great tool for getting a community together or talking with friends while you play games. Here’s how to set up your own server.

Discord是专为游戏玩家打造的出色的免费聊天应用程序,但对任何人都有用。 它具有Slack风格的文本聊天,群组语音聊天频道以及许多用于管理用户的工具。 这是在玩游戏时建立社区或与朋友交谈的好工具。 这是设置您自己的服务器的方法。

什么是不和谐? (What Is Discord?)

Discord is a lot like Slack with some extra features that are designed to help gamers…but honestly, it’s a great chat program all around. Regular text chat channels work a lot like classic IRC-style chat rooms. Anyone (with permission) can enter a room and talk or use slash commands. Discord also offers voice channels that members of the server can drop into to talk with other members using a headset. So, for example, you could set up a server for your gaming buddies, then create a voice chat channel for Overwatch, Destiny, and Minecraft. Hop in the appropriate channel, and you can talk with anyone playing that game without disturbing your friends who are in a different game. No worrying about invites or creating a new group chat every single time you play.

Discord 就像Slack一样,具有一些旨在帮助游戏玩家的额外功能……但老实说,它是一个很棒的聊天程序。 常规文本聊天频道的工作方式与经典IRC风格的聊天室非常相似。 任何人(具有权限)都可以进入房间并讲话或使用斜杠命令。 Discord还提供了语音通道,服务器成员可以使用耳机进入该通道以与其他成员通话。 因此,举例来说,你可以建立一个服务器为您的游戏好友,然后创建监工命运我的世界语音聊天频道。 跳到适当的频道,您就可以与任何玩该游戏的人交谈,而不会打扰其他游戏中的朋友。 每次播放时,都无需担心邀请或创建新的群聊。

Currently, it’s free to set up a Discord server and there are no limits to the number of users, channels, or even servers you can create. (Discord has information on how it makes money here.) There are already thousands of existing Discord servers for all kinds of communities and groups that you can browse here (note: some may be NSFW). Whether you want a place for your friends to chat while playing Overwatch, or if you want to build a community of thousands of people around your hobby of extreme ironing, you can create a server for your needs.

当前,可以免费设置Discord服务器,并且您可以创建的用户,频道甚至服务器数量没有限制。 (Discord在此提供了有关如何赚钱的信息 。)您已经可以在这里浏览成千上万个用于各种社区和团体的现有Discord服务器(请注意:有些可能是NSFW)。 无论您是想让朋友在玩《 守望先锋》时聊天的场所,还是想在极度熨烫的爱好周围建立成千上万的人的社区,都可以创建满足您需求的服务器。

如何创建Discord服务器 (How to Create a Discord Server)

We’ll be demonstrating on the desktop version of the Discord app, but the steps should be largely the same on mobile as well. To create your own server, open the Discord app (if you don’t have it, download it here) and create an account if you don’t already have one. Then, click the plus icon in a circle in the server selection column on the left side of the screen.

我们将在桌面版Discord应用程序上进行演示,但是步骤在移动设备上也应大致相同。 要创建自己的服务器,请打开Discord应用程序(如果您没有该服务器,请在此处下载 ),然后创建一个帐户(如果您还没有)。 然后,在屏幕左侧的服务器选择列中,单击圆圈中的加号图标。

Click “Create a Server” on the left.


Give your server a name under Server Name.


Optionally, click the circle on the right to upload a thumbnail picture to represent your server. If you join several servers, this will be the primary way you distinguish between them, so pick something unique that identifies your server at a glance.

(可选)单击右侧的圆圈以上传缩略图来表示您的服务器。 如果您加入多个服务器,这将是您区分它们的主要方式,因此请一眼就能识别出服务器的独特之处。

Once you’ve made all your decisions, click Create at the bottom of the window.


That’s all it takes! Just a few short clicks and you have your very own Discord server.

这就是全部! 只需单击几下,您便拥有了自己的Discord服务器。

Now that you’ve created your server, you’ll want to make it feel like home. Start by inviting friends to join you. Hover over any text or voice channel and click the Create Instant Invite icon.

现在,您已经创建了服务器,您将想要使其像家一样。 首先邀请朋友加入。 将鼠标悬停在任何文本或语音通道上,然后单击“创建即时邀请”图标。

In the window that pops up, you’ll get a temporary invitation link. Copy this and share it to anyone you want to add to your server. If they don’t already have a Discord account, they’ll be prompted to create one when they sign up. By default, these invitations will expire after one day. If you click the gear icon, you can change how long until they expire, and even limit how many users can use a link.

在弹出的窗口中,您将获得一个临时邀请链接。 复制此文件并将其共享给您要添加到服务器的任何人。 如果他们还没有Discord帐户,则在注册时会提示他们创建一个。 默认情况下,这些邀请将在一天后过期。 如果单击齿轮图标,则可以更改直到它们过期的时间,甚至可以限制可以使用链接的用户数。

You can also add all the text and voice chat channels you need by clicking the plus sign next to each section in the channels column on the left hand side of the app.


Discord has a lot more to offer than we can cover in a single article, but with your own server you’re ready to start chatting with your team wherever and however works best for you.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/318890/how-to-set-up-your-own-discord-chat-server/

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