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翻译 借助深度学习和结构归纳偏差准确评估房屋价值

Stu (Michael) Stewart 斯图(迈克尔)斯图尔特 搭建舞台 (Setting the Stage)At Opendoor, we buy and sell thousands of homes every year. We make offers to purchase even more homes — hundreds of thousands annually. To...

2020-09-17 10:54:54 1061

翻译 管理节点和计算节点_使用节点1自动化办公室管理

管理节点和计算节点File Cabinets, bookkeeping, and more are part of normal business operations. In this article we use Node.JS to explore ways to automate these tasks. 文件柜,簿记等功能是正常业务的一部分。 在本文中,我们使用Node.JS探索自动执行...

2020-09-17 06:32:46 1186

翻译 员工调度优化

工业工程师R (R for Industrial Engineers) 行动调查 (Operations Research)Operations Research is a scientific approach for decision making that seeks for the best design and operation of a system, usually unde...

2020-09-17 06:22:04 2024

翻译 导轨测试变得简单

Creating tests for your Rails app or API is a critical step in creating a production-level application. If you’re new to Rails, testing may seem esoteric and time-consuming. 为Rails应用程序或API创建测试是创建生产级应用...

2020-09-17 06:12:12 231

翻译 软件项目项目管理流程_软件项目管理101

软件项目项目管理流程The statistics presented in the graph above are based on a survey of 5500 project management professionals. The survey was conducted as part of a report made by PMI. To understand the graph,...

2020-09-17 06:01:21 232

翻译 vim a.vim如何使用_vim开发人员第0部分为何使用vim

vim a.vim如何使用**Note: I will be using NeoVim for this series. I address why below. But 99.99% of everything I cover will work exactly the same in Vim8. So, if you’d prefer to use Vim8 you can still lea...

2020-09-17 05:51:17 300

翻译 python 字典键 列表_在python中按特定键对字典分组列表

python 字典键 列表The itertools function in Python provides an efficient way for looping lists, tuples and dictionaries. The itertools.groupby function in itertools will be applied in this tutorial to grou...

2020-09-17 05:41:55 747

翻译 java web构建_使用Java构建一个宁静的Web服务

java web构建 介绍 (Introduction)Due to its exponential growth, REST(Representational State Transfer) has rapidly become the “de-facto” Software Architecture for developing Web Services. This is no surpri...

2020-09-17 05:32:54 305

翻译 5g 软件软件开发_在5天内建立一个软件开发人员投资组合网站

5g 软件软件开发 作品集网站是程序员必不可少的工具 (A portfolio website is an essential tool for a programmer)The site serves two purposes — first to highlight any projects a developer may have worked on in the past, second...

2020-09-17 05:22:22 328

翻译 js选择树的节点及子节点_净核心vs节点js您应该选择什么

js选择树的节点及子节点We start a series of blogs where we are going to compare the trendiest programming languages to help you choose the best technology for your project. 我们开始创建一系列博客,在这些博客中,我们将比较最流行的编程语言,以帮助您为...

2020-09-17 05:12:31 187

翻译 python合并时间_合并会议时间

python合并时间This is a popular algorithm problem that involves a list of integers which indicate meeting time slots in a calendar. The target is to return a merged list by merging the overlapping time sl...

2020-09-17 05:03:12 381

翻译 aws 短信验证_带有AWS后端第2部分身份验证的Flutter应用

aws 短信验证Setting up authentication in a Flutter application is easy with the help of AWS Cognito, now available through Amplify Flutter. If you haven’t check out Part 1 of this series, I suggest you do...

2020-09-15 05:56:43 656

翻译 奥兹医生秀下载_奥兹肘的隐性成本

奥兹医生秀下载By Rohit Gohri 罗希特·格里(Rohit Gohri) 或者,我们如何通过Let's Encrypt每月节省1200美元 (Or, how we saved $1200 every month with Let’s Encrypt)This past month we had a really high AWS bill, and it was supposed ...

2020-09-13 18:48:34 186

翻译 gcp 创建实例_使用带有可抢占实例的dataproc在gcp上长时间运行spark作业

gcp 创建实例 在Google Cloud上使用Dataproc的Hadoop / Spark (Hadoop/Spark using Dataproc on Google Cloud)Dataproc is the go-to option when running a Hadoop cluster on top of Google Cloud Platform and is definit...

2020-09-13 18:38:23 727

翻译 保持良好的彩票因素

什么是彩票因素? (What is the Lottery Factor?)The Lottery Factor, more often referred to as the Bus Factor, is a number that represents how many people being no longer available on a project would put that ...

2020-09-13 18:27:45 170

翻译 分布式系统的高可用性_分布式系统中的可用性

分布式系统的高可用性Availability is one of the critical aspects of Distributed Systems. In this modern age, most systems need to guarantee availability. We may say, availability is the time a system remains fun...

2020-09-13 18:18:05 1176

翻译 presto集群_使用数据获取网关保护和管理多云的Presto集群

presto集群 介绍 (Introduction)Data is the lifeblood of Grab and the insights we gain from it drive all the most critical business decisions made by Grabbers and our leaders every day. 数据是Grab的命脉,我们从中获得的见...

2020-09-13 18:07:41 511

翻译 heroku部署的工作流程

This is my very first Medium article and I hope this place can become the collection of my experience and experiment. To make sure I can still explain those steps, let’s get started! 这是我的第一篇中型文章,我希望这个...

2020-09-12 12:17:51 478

翻译 列表创建字典_从列表创建字典

列表创建字典 那一件事 (That One Thing)You know that road-trip game, where you only count cars you see if they are of the same color. On a long, lonely stretch of road, it is a game of anticipation. On a busy h...

2020-09-12 12:07:40 747

翻译 mvu启发了扑扑的状态管理

There was a moment where I fell in love with working with front-end, and that was when I met The Elm Architecture, more specifically the Elmish F# implementation. I wanted to have the same happiness I...

2020-09-12 11:56:44 416

翻译 flame graphs_在kubernetes上引入kubectl flame轻松分析

flame graphs 什么是性能分析? (What is Profiling?)Profiling is the act of analyzing the performance of applications in order to improve poorly performing sections of code.One of the most popular ways to visu...

2020-09-12 11:46:58 423

翻译 通过Ansible在Docker上部署Web服务器

任务描述 :- (Task Description :-)Write an Ansible PlayBook that does the following operations in the managed nodes: 编写Ansible PlayBook,在受管节点中执行以下操作: 1. Configure Docker 1.配置Docker 2. Start and enable ...

2020-09-12 11:37:14 451

翻译 aws 小程序_带有AWS后端的Flutter应用程序第3部分分析

aws 小程序 什么是放大分析 (What is Amplify Analytics)The Analytics category enables you to collect analytics data for your App. The Analytics category comes with built-in support for Amazon Pinpoint Google Ana...

2020-09-12 11:26:57 250

翻译 了解python第1部分

程式设计 (Programming)This is the first part of “Understanding Python” wherein we would be learning the foremost 5 fundamentals in python. They are, 这是“ Python理解”的第一部分,我们将学习python最重要的5个基础知识。 他们是, Varia...

2020-09-12 11:17:02 229

翻译 学习数据结构01数组

I found data structure and algorithms are daunting and it is like something I can never be reached to as a self-taught. However, from some point I wanted to become a better programmer who can code wit...

2020-09-12 11:07:48 99

翻译 多租户 配置_多租户应用程序配置不受欢迎

多租户 配置I have seen quite a few solutions to application configuration since I started my programming career, some 20 years ago. 自大约20年前开始我的编程生涯以来,我已经看到了许多针对应用程序配置的解决方案。 Along the way, I have seen tens...

2020-09-11 18:17:17 320

翻译 将数据结构与算法结合在一起以获取PHP中的干净代码

Before I start, sorry about my English, I’m striving to improve it ;) 开始之前,对我的英语感到抱歉,我正在努力提高英语水平;) I that understand that data structures and algorithms are more complex and deeper concepts than I wi...

2020-09-09 09:51:30 66

翻译 lambda函数实现循环_lambda函数和cloudwatch事件实现自动化

lambda函数实现循环Lambdas are great. It lets you run your code without having to worry about provisioning or managing servers. You pay only for the compute time you consume. With Lambda, you can run code fo...

2020-09-09 00:09:26 232

翻译 调试代码遗留_半确定性方法,指导您的遗留代码现代化和测试

调试代码遗留Modernisation usually occurs incrementally, there would be very few success stories about legacy systems modernisation following a big bang approach. 现代化通常是逐步进行的,采用爆炸式方法进行的遗留系统现代化的成功案例很少。 Some ...

2020-09-05 22:46:26 88

翻译 猫咪视频_猫视频如何进入您的手机

猫咪视频 用Layman的术语解释数据如何在Internet上移动 (Explaining How Data Moves Around the Internet in Layman’s Terms)Imagine, for a moment, that you are a spy. And not only that: you are a spy who just hit the jackpot...

2020-08-25 17:13:21 50134

翻译 提高编码效率_这5种简单的策略可提高您的编码效率

提高编码效率As a developer, your productivity is not gauged by how much code you churn out, but by how much value you deliver. Gone are the days where lines of code are a worthwhile performance metric. If y...

2020-08-25 17:03:15 1570

翻译 — Windows 10中的VS代码设置

Currently my Macbook air is not capable of what I want to do and I have change my laptop to a Windows 10 Machine due to the fact that I think Windows 10 has made so many new feature that made programm...

2020-08-25 16:53:18 230

翻译 jira批量导入任务_我们如何使用批量操作扩展用户导入任务

jira批量导入任务We have functionality in our loyalty product to allow our clients to import their customers into the program. Our team wrote this as a Celery task which would read each row from a CSV file a...

2020-08-25 16:42:21 3792

翻译 微服务openid等_使用OpenID Connect在Quarkus中保护微服务

微服务openid等This is the fourth part in a series on building a microservice from the ground up with Quarkus, Kotlin and Debezium. The service is for sending SMS messages. Ť他是建设从地面微服务了Quarkus,Kotlin和Debez...

2020-08-25 16:32:01 1300

翻译 递归算法和非递归算法_算法问题解决—递归基础

递归算法和非递归算法We are going to talk about how to intuitively think about recursion. 我们将讨论如何直观地思考递归。 Problem StatementYou are climbing a stair case. It takes n steps to reach to the top. Each time you can ...

2020-08-25 16:22:06 372

翻译 inkscape导出svg_如何使用Inkscape从SVG批量导出

inkscape导出svgWhen working with a lot of SVG files, it might be tiresome to export via GUI for each file. Inkscape offers some command line options to avoid repetitive stuff like this. Inkscape’s — exp...

2020-08-25 16:12:14 1674

翻译 学习C ++:表驱动选择

The typical way to perform selection (or branching) in C++ is with the if statement. However, for many scenarios that come up consistently, putting the logic into a table is a more efficient way to pe...

2020-08-25 16:02:08 384

翻译 清除缓存代码_清除代码著名报价。

清除缓存代码The phrase “software engineering” was terms at conferences organized by NATO in 1968 and 1969 to discuss the ‘software crisis’. If we consider 1968 as the starting point of software engineering ...

2020-08-25 15:51:57 293

翻译 kotlin 高阶函数_Kotlin:Lambda表达式和高阶函数

kotlin 高阶函数Kotlin, as a statically typed programming language. This means the type of a variable is known at compile-time instead of at run-time. Kotlin,作为一种静态类型的编程语言。 这意味着变量的类型在编译时(而不是运行时)是已知的。 Kotl...

2020-08-25 15:41:20 339

翻译 kubernetes 集群_调整Kubernetes集群大小的技巧

kubernetes 集群Managing a Kubernetes cluster is not a one-size-fits-all problem. There are many ways to rightsize your cluster, and it is vital to design your application for reliability and robustness....

2020-08-25 15:31:41 566



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