iphone照片 heic_如何在iPhone上将照片变成“回忆”

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The Photos app on iPhone and iPad automatically arranges the photos and videos you take into “Memories.” But you don’t have to stick with the automatic selections—you can create your own Memories, too.

iPhone和iPad上的“照片”应用程序会自动将您拍摄的照片和视频整理到“回忆”中。 但是您不必坚持使用自动选择,也可以创建自己的内存。

什么是记忆? (What Are Memories?)

Memories are a way of automatically organizing your photos and videos into something like an album, but better. For example, if you took a bunch of photos on a vacation to Paris, the Photos app might automatically create a Memory named “Paris.” If you take some photos on Christmas day, it will likely create a Memory named “Christmas.” The dates you took the photos are also displayed, of course. This makes it faster to revisit the photos and videos you took at a particular event or location.

记忆是一种将照片和视频自动整理成相册(但更好)的方法。 例如,如果您在去巴黎度假时拍摄了一堆照片,则“照片”应用程序可能会自动创建一个名为“巴黎”的记忆。 如果您在圣诞节那天拍照,可能会创建一个名为“圣诞节”的记忆。 当然,还会显示您拍摄照片的日期。 这样可以更快地重新查看您在特定事件或地点拍摄的照片和视频。

The Memories feature also automatically creates video slideshows of your photos, pairing them with music and transition effects so you can view your photos or share them with someone else as a nice-looking slideshow.


Memories are part of the Photos app on iPhone and iPad. Photos you take on your iPhone are stored there, and they’ll sync to your iPad and Mac if you use iCloud Photo Library. You can also work with Memories in the Photos app on a Mac.

回忆是iPhone和iPad上“照片”应用程序的一部分。 您在iPhone上拍摄的照片存储在此处,如果您使用iCloud照片库,它们将同步到iPad和Mac。 您也可以在Mac上的“照片”应用中使用“记忆”

To view your Memories, open the Photos app, and then tap the “Memories” icon at the bottom of your screen. You’ll see the photos, people, and locations associated with that Memory. You can also tap the “Play” button at the top of the screen to watch a video of your Memory. It incorporates the photos you took, along with automatically selected music and transition effects.

要查看您的回忆,请打开“照片”应用,然后点击屏幕底部的“回忆”图标。 您会看到与该记忆相关的照片,人物和位置。 您也可以点击屏幕顶部的“播放”按钮以观看您的内存视频。 它包含您拍摄的照片以及自动选择的音乐和过渡效果。

如何创建自己的记忆 (How to Create Your Own Memories)

To create your own memories, view any group of photos in your Photos app. For example, you could tap the “Photos” icon, go to the “Years” view, and tap “2017” if you wanted to create a Memory incorporating all the photos you took in 2017.

要创建自己的回忆,请在“照片”应用中查看任意组照片。 例如,如果您想创建一个包含您在2017年拍摄的所有照片的记忆,则可以点击“照片”图标,进入“年份”视图,然后点击“ 2017”。

Or, you could narrow it down to the Collections view and tap a group of photos you recently took (the app categorizes your photos into collections depending on when and where you took them). This allows you to create a Memory from vacation or event photos for which your iPhone didn’t automatically create a Memory.

或者,您可以将其范围缩小到“收藏夹”视图,然后点击一组最近拍摄的照片(该应用程序根据您拍摄照片的时间和地点将它们分类为收藏集)。 这使您可以从iPhone并未自动为其创建记忆的假期或活动照片创建记忆。

You could also tap the “Albums” view, tap any album, and then tap a date range to make that album into a Memory. If you want to create an album first, tap “Albums”, tap the “+” button, enter a name, and then select the specific photos and videos you want in the album.

您也可以点击“专辑”视图,点击任意专辑,然后点击日期范围以将该专辑放入“内存”。 如果要先创建相册,请点按“相册”,再点按“ +”按钮,输入名称,然后选择要在相册中显示的特定照片和视频。

You can even tap the “Albums” view, tap “People”, and then tap someone’s face to create a Memory based on all the photos you’ve taken that contain that person.


Whatever view you start from, scroll down, and then tap “Add to Memories” to create a memory from that group of photos. You’ll see the Memory incorporating those photos appear in your Memories category.

无论您从哪个视图开始,请向下滚动,然后点击“添加到内存”以从该组照片创建内存。 您会看到包含这些照片的记忆出现在“记忆”类别中。

如何自定义您的记忆 (How to Customize Your Memories)

After creating a Memory, you can edit it like you would edit any Memory—even the ones your iPhone automatically creates. To edit the photos a Memory contains, tap the “Select” button at the top right corner of your screen, tap one or more photos you want to remove, and then tap the trash can icon.

创建内存后,您可以像编辑任何内存一样对其进行编辑,甚至包括iPhone自动创建的内存。 要编辑内存中包含的照片,请点击屏幕右上角的“选择”按钮,点击您要删除的一张或多张照片,然后点击垃圾桶图标。

To edit the Memory’s video, tap the video to start watching it. You can quickly customize the video by choosing a type of music—Dreamy, Sentimental, Gentle, Chill, Happy, Uplifting, Epic, Club, and Extreme are the options. You can also choose the video length by tapping the “Short,” “Medium,” or “Long” options.

要编辑存储器的视频,请点击视频以开始观看。 您可以通过选择一种音乐类型来快速自定义视频-可以选择“梦幻”,“多愁善感”,“柔和”,“寒意”,“快乐”,“令人振奋”,“史诗”,“俱乐部”和“极限”。 您还可以通过点击“短”,“中”或“长”选项来选择视频长度。

To really customize the video, tap the “Options” button at the bottom right corner of the window. You can then choose the exact title of the Memory, the music it includes (you can select your own songs, too), the precise duration of the video, and the photos and videos the memory includes.

要真正自定义视频,请点击窗口右下角的“选项”按钮。 然后,您可以选择存储器的确切标题,其中包含的音乐(您也可以选择自己的歌曲),视频的精确时长以及存储器中包括的照片和视频。

如何保存或删除它们 (How to Keep Memories or Delete Them)

The Photos app automatically removes old Memories to make space for new ones. You can stop this from happening, and ensure a Memory stays around, by marking it as a favorite. To do so, tap the Memory, scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and then tap the “Add to Favorite Memories” link.

“照片”应用程序会自动删除旧的内存,为新的内存腾出空间。 您可以通过将其标记为收藏夹来阻止这种情况的发生,并确保记忆保持不变。 为此,请点击“内存”,向下滚动到屏幕底部,然后点击“添加到收藏夹”链接。

Of course, when your iPhone clears out an old memory, it doesn’t remove the photos or videos that Memory incorporates—it just removes the Memory itself.


To delete an entire Memory immediately, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap “Delete Memory” instead.


如何分享你的记忆 (How to Share Your Memories)

You can’t share an actual memory (i.e., send a full memory to someone else), but you can share the video of a Memory. Just start watching the video, and then tap the “Share” button at the bottom of the screen. You can share it via a social media website like Facebook, or send it directly to someone via email or a chat app.

您不能共享实际的内存(即,将完整的内存发送给其他人),但是可以共享内存的视频。 只需开始观看视频,然后点击屏幕底部的“共享”按钮即可。 您可以通过Facebook等社交媒体网站共享它,也可以通过电子邮件或聊天应用程序将其直接发送给某人。

You can also share an individual photo or video in a memory by tapping that photo or video, and then tapping the “Share” button.


Memories offer a convenient way to organize your photos and videos by event or location, and to enjoy—or share—a video slideshow of those memories.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/320068/how-to-turn-photos-into-memories-on-your-iphone/

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