anker2017拆_Anker的Eufy Genie与Amazon Echo Dot:值得吗?



The Echo Dot is a great device, but Anker’s Eufy Genie ($35) aims to dethrone it with the same Alexa-based system and a $15 cheaper price tag (even more when it’s on sale). But is it worth saving a few bucks to get a third-party Echo device in the first place?

Echo Dot是一款很棒的设备,但是Anker的Eufy Genie (售价35美元)旨在通过基于Alexa的系统和更便宜的15美元价格(在销售时甚至更多)来取代它。 但是,值得花费几美元来获得第三方Echo设备吗?

Amazon allows any company to bake Alexa into their devices, and Anker’s Eufy Genie does exactly that. It isn’t the only direct competitor to the “real” Echo, but it’s one of the most popular options, and certainly the most well-reviewed one on Amazon currently. And while it aims to compete with the Echo Dot, it does have some disadvantages compared to Amazon’s own voice-activated virtual assistant.

亚马逊允许任何公司将Alexa烘焙到其设备中,而Anker的Eufy Genie正是这样做的。 它不是“真正的” Echo的唯一直接竞争对手,但它是最受欢迎的选项之一,并且肯定是当前亚马逊上最受欢迎的选项。 尽管它旨在与Echo Dot竞争,但与亚马逊自己的语音激活虚拟助手相比,它确实有一些缺点。

没有远场麦克风阵列 (There’s No Far-Field Microphone Array)

Amazon’s Echo devices come with an insane seven-microphone setup that allows an Echo to hear you from across the room in any direction, making it so that you don’t necessarily have to be right next to the device in order to say a voice command.


The Eufy Genie doesn’t have this, but it does at least come with a two-microphone setup that Anker claims to still offer 360-degree voice recognition.

Eufy Genie没有这个功能,但至少配备了两麦克风设置,Anker声称仍然可以提供360度语音识别。

We reckon it still works pretty well in smaller spaces where even Amazon’s seven-mic setup would probably be overkill, but if your current Echo sometimes has trouble hearing you, the Eufy Genie probably won’t be any better.

我们认为它在较小的空间中仍然可以很好地工作,即使是亚马逊的7麦克风设置也可能会显得过大,但是如果您当前的Echo有时听不清您的声音,Eufy Genie可能不会更好。

它不进行呼叫,消息传递或挂断 (It Doesn’t Do Calling, Messaging, or Drop In)

Amazon recently added calling and messaging, as well as Drop In, to the Echo, which allows you to call other Echo devices without the other end having to answer—essentially using your Echo as an intercom.

亚马逊最近向Echo添加了呼叫和消息传递以及Drop In ,这使您可以呼叫其他Echo设备而另一端不必接听—本质上是将Echo用作对讲机。

All three of these features are not supported by the Eufy Genie. This probably isn’t a huge deal for most Alexa users, since you can only call and message other Alexa devices in the first place (rather than actually calling or messaging a phone number), but it’s still something that’s lacking with this third-party Echo device.

Eufy Genie不支持所有这三个功能。 对于大多数Alexa用户而言,这可能不是什么大问题,因为您一开始只能拨打电话和向其他Alexa设备发送消息(而不是实际拨打或发送电话号码),但是该第三方仍然缺少此功能回声设备。

您无法更改唤醒词 (You Can’t Change the Wake Word)

If you don’t want to use “Alexa” as the wake word for your Echo, you can change it to either Amazon, Echo, or Computer. However, the Eufy Genie requires that you use “Alexa”.

如果您不想使用“ Alexa”作为Echo的唤醒词,则可以将其更改为Amazon,Echo或Computer。 但是,Eufy Genie要求您使用“ Alexa”。

We’re not exactly sure why this is, but we can definitely see this being a huge downside for some households, especially if you know someone named Alexa, which would get confusing pretty quickly.


它不支持回声空间感知 (It Doesn’t Support Echo Spatial Perception)

Thanks to a recent firmware update, Echo devices are able to know which device you’re closest to if you have multiple Echos in your house. For example, if two of your Echo devices both hear you, they’ll figure out which one you’re closest to and eliminate the own that’s farthest away. That way they both won’t answer you and create a confusing mess.

多亏了最新的固件更新,如果您家中有多个Echo,Echo设备就能知道离您最近的设备。 例如,如果您的两个Echo设备都听到了您的声音,它们会找出您最接近的设备,并消除最远的设备。 这样,他们俩都不会回答您,并且会造成混乱。

Unfortunately, the Eufy Genie doesn’t support this feature, so if you’re trying to talk to your Echo that’s in your kitchen, but your Eufy Genie also hears you, it will respond no matter what.

不幸的是,Eufy Genie不支持此功能,因此,如果您想与厨房里的Echo通话,但您的Eufy Genie也会听到您的声音,无论如何都会响应。

没有蓝牙支持 (There’s No Bluetooth Support)

Both the Eufy Genie and the Echo Dot comes with a 3.5mm audio output jack, allowing you to connect a larger speaker to the device in order to get better sound quality from music. This is great and all, but the Echo Dot also comes with Bluetooth, which lets you skip the audio cable and connect Bluetooth speakers wirelessly.

Eufy Genie和Echo Dot都配有3.5毫米音频输出插Kong,可让您将更大的扬声器连接到设备,以从音乐中获得更好的音质。 这一切都很棒,但是Echo Dot还带有蓝牙,可以让您跳过音频线并无线连接蓝牙扬声器。

Bluetooth doesn’t come with the Eufy Genie, though, so you’re stuck using an audio cable. I’m sure this was a cost-cutting maneuver in order to keep the Genie at a lower price than the Echo Dot, but Bluetooth is one feature that Echo Dot users seem to love.

但是,Eufy Genie并未随附蓝牙,因此您被音频线卡住了。 我确信这是一项削减成本的操作,目的是使Genie的价格低于Echo Dot,但是蓝牙是Echo Dot用户似乎喜欢的功能。

精灵可能更便宜,但回音点真的很便宜购买二手 (The Genie May Be Cheaper, but Echo Dots Are Really Cheap to Buy Used)

Of course, even with these downsides, the Eufy Genie can still do a lot of the same things that any other Echo device can do. It can control your smarthome devices and respond to pretty much any basic command.

当然,即使有这些缺点,Eufy Genie仍然可以做任何其他Echo设备可以做的很多相同的事情。 它可以控制您的智能家居设备,并几乎可以响应任何基本命令。

But in the end, $35 for the Eufy Genie isn’t that crazy of deal, especially considering it’s missing some really good features. Plus, you can get often the Echo Dot for about the same price when it’s on sale. So the savings are pretty negligible for an objectively weaker device.

但是最后,Eufy Genie的35美元并没有那么疯狂,特别是考虑到它缺少一些非常好的功能。 另外,您通常可以在出售时以大致相同的价格获得Echo Dot。 因此,对于客观上较弱的设备而言,节省的费用几乎可以忽略不计。

Here’s the even bigger kicker: Sites like eBay, Craigslist, and OfferUp are littered with new or gently-used Echos and Echo Dots for even less. It seems a lot of people are buying these, then not really knowing what to do with them (hint: smarthome). So they turn around and sell them for $35 used (or probably less if you negotiate). You’re much better off grabbing one of these—it’s the cheapest way to get the best Alexa experience.

这是更大的踢腿eBayCraigslistOfferUp等网站上散落着新的或使用过的Echos和Echo Dots更少。 似乎很多人都在购买这些产品,然后才真正不知道该如何处理它们(提示: smarthome )。 因此,他们转身以35美元的价格将其出售( 如果您进行协商,则可能会更低 )。 您最好抓住其中之一,这是获得最佳Alexa体验的最便宜的方法。



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