iphone指纹识别射频_如何在iPhone或iPad上添加其他Touch ID指纹



Fingerprint scanning technology on pixellated screen - 3d render

Fingerprint scanners have been an option on some laptop models for about as long as the concept has existed, but they’ve always usually been kind of quirky and forgettable. Then along comes Apple, who not only perfects it, but makes it a must-have feature.

指纹扫描仪一直是某些笔记本电脑型号的选配件,但自从概念出现以来,它们就一直是古怪而容易忘记的。 然后是苹果公司,它不仅对其进行了完善,而且使其成为必备功能。

Apple introduced Touch ID with the iPhone 5S in 2013, and it’s quickly proven itself to be an indispensable feature. By integrating it right into the Home button, it feels absolutely natural to unlock you device, download apps, or make purchases with a simple touch of your finger.

苹果于2013年在iPhone 5S中引入了Touch ID ,并很快证明了它是必不可少的功能。 通过将其直接集成到“主页”按钮中,只需用指尖即可解锁设备,下载应用程序或进行购买,这是绝对自然的事情。


When you first set up your new iOS device (Touch ID is available on iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air 2, and iPad Mini 3), you’ll be asked to set up a fingerprint in addition to a four-digit PIN, which you can then use to unlock your device, use in lieu of your Apple ID in the App Store, or make purchases with Apple Pay. It works very well, but over time we’ve discovered one finger is simply not enough.

首次设置新的iOS设备(iPhone 5S,iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus,iPad Air 2和iPad Mini 3都提供触摸ID)时,除了要设置四个指纹外,还会要求您设置指纹。位PIN码,您可以用它来解锁设备,在App Store中代替Apple ID或通过Apple Pay进行购买。 它工作得很好,但是随着时间的流逝,我们发现一根手指根本不够用。

You may discover there are times when your one finger isn’t available. You might be writing something and need to quickly unlock your iPhone or iPad to check something, and you don’t want to interrupt yourself by setting the pen down. Or, maybe you share an iPad with your significant other, and they want to use Touch ID too. There’s any number of valid scenarios where you’d want to use a different finger with your Touch ID sensor.

您可能会发现有时候一根手指无法使用。 您可能正在写东西,并且需要快速解锁iPhone或iPad来检查某物,并且您不想通过放下笔来打扰自己。 或者,也许您与其他重要用户共享一个iPad,而他们也想使用Touch ID。 在许多有效的情况下,您都希望将其他手指与Touch ID传感器配合使用。

Luckily, Apple anticipated this because iOS allows you to add as many fingerprints to your device as you want.


手指给您的设备 (Give Your Device the Fingers)

Open the Settings on your device, tap “Touch ID & Passcode,” and enter your passcode.

打开设备上的设置,点击“ Touch ID和密码”,然后输入密码。


Since you’ve only added one fingerprint, you’ll see it listed under the “Fingerprints” heading. In this screenshot, we’ve already enrolled four other fingerprints. To add another fingerprint, tap “Add a Fingerprint”.

由于您仅添加了一个指纹,因此您会在“指纹”标题下看到它。 在此屏幕截图中,我们已经注册了其他四个指纹。 要添加另一个指纹,请点击“添加指纹”。

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You have to train your device to recognize the new fingerprint. Press firmly but don’t click the Home button. Keep your finger still (you’ll be scolded if you move it) until you’re instructed to lift. During the first phase, the device will scan the meaty parts of you finger, and then during the second phase, it will scan the peripheral areas.

您必须训练设备以识别新指纹。 用力按下,但不要单击“主页”按钮。 保持手指静止不动(如果移动手指会被责骂),直到被指示提起为止。 在第一阶段,设备将扫描手指的肉部分,然后在第二阶段,它将扫描外围区域。

When finished, you’ll see the following confirmation.



Touch ID has no idea which or whose fingers you’re adding so it simply names them “Finger #”. Finger 1 will be the one you originally set the device up so that’s easy to remember but if you add several more, it could be become a little confusing.

Touch ID不知道您要添加哪个或哪个手指,因此仅将它们命名为“ Finger#”。 手指1将是您最初设置设备时使用的手指,这样很容易记住,但是如果再添加几个手指,可能会有些混乱。

While in the Touch ID settings, place your finger on the sensor and the associated fingerprint will turn gray.

在“ Touch ID”设置中,将手指放在传感器上,关联的指纹将变为灰色。

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If you tap on each fingerprint, you can rename them something more easily discernible. Note also, you can tap “Delete Fingerprint” to remove it for whatever reason, such as if you added someone else and you don’t want them to be able to access the device anymore.

如果点击每个指纹,则可以将它们重命名为更容易识别的名称。 另请注意,无论出于何种原因,例如,如果您添加了其他人并且您不希望他们再能够访问该设备,您都可以点击“删除指纹”将其删除。

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It’s important to remember that you typically cannot make major changes to a device without your passcode. For example, every time your restart the device, you will need to use your passcode before you can unlock the device again. So, if you do share the device with others, there’s more incentive to enroll their finger rather than share your passcode.

重要的是要记住,没有密码,通常无法对设备进行重大更改。 例如,每次重新启动设备时,都需要使用密码,然后才能再次解锁设备。 因此,如果您确实与他人共享设备,则更有动力注册他们的手指而不是共享密码。

You can also disable Touch ID altogether, or for individual features, which is perfect if you don’t want anyone with access making making unauthorized purchases with Apple Pay or through ITunes and the App Store.

您也可以完全禁用Touch ID,也可以禁用单个功能,如果您不希望任何人通过Apple Pay或通过iTunes和App Store进行未经授权的购买,则这是完美的选择。

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Admittedly, those of us using newer iOS devices are quite taken with Touch ID, and we hope Apple integrates it into their laptops eventually.

诚然,我们那些使用较新的iOS设备的人已经很喜欢Touch ID,我们希望Apple最终将其集成到他们的笔记本电脑中。

It’s easy to cynically dismiss it as an unoriginal gimmick that only serves to sell more Apple products, but after even a few uses (no more typing in your password whenever you want to download an app), you likely find it as indispensable as we do. The fact that you can add, rename, and delete fingers only makes it a more useful and a sensible addition to Apple’s mobile devices.

愤世嫉俗地将其视为仅用于销售更多Apple产品的un头,但即使经过几次使用(每次下载应用程序时都无需输入密码),您可能会发现它像我们一样必不可少。 您可以添加,重命名和删除手指的事实只会使它成为Apple移动设备中更有用,更明智的添加。

That said, we invite your comments and questions on the subject. Our discussion forum is open and we’re always happy to hear from you.

也就是说,我们邀请您对这个问题发表评论和提出问题。 我们的讨论论坛是开放的,我们总是很高兴收到您的来信。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/205525/how-to-add-touch-id-fingerprints-to-iphone-or-ipad/






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