


There are two kinds of balance in photography: formal and informal. Understanding both—and knowing how to them—is an important part of composition. Let’s dig in.

摄影有两种平衡:正式和非正式。 既了解和知道如何给他们,是一个重要部分组成 。 让我们深入。

Balance has been a part of composition since long before photography came along. It’s an integral part of most renaissance paintings. It’s also a slightly slippery concept. It relies on an idea called “visual weight” that is, in and of itself, a metaphor. The idea is that different objects in a scene all have different visual weight. People, brightly colored things, high-contrast objects, and unusual subjects, for example, all have high visual weight. Other things like large areas of space, sky, water, or ground, have low visual weight. The only way to get a handle on it is to see it in action and play around.

自摄影术问世以来,平衡一直是构图的一部分。 这是大多数文艺复兴时期绘画的组成部分。 这也是一个有点滑的概念。 它依靠一个称为“视觉重量”的想法,该想法本身就是一个隐喻。 想法是场景中的不同对象都具有不同的视觉权重。 例如,人,色彩鲜艳的物体,高对比度的物体和不寻常的物体都具有很高的视觉重量。 诸如大空间,天空,水或地面等其他区域的视觉重量也很低。 掌握它的唯一方法是在实际操作中观察并玩转。

正式或对称平衡 (Formal or Symmetrical Balance)

Formal balance is symmetry. It’s where the frame is split in half, either vertically or horizontally, and both sides are given equal visual weight. Have a look at this portrait.

形式上的平衡是对称的。 在这里,框架被垂直或水平地分成两半,并且两侧具有相同的视觉权重。 看这张画像。

It’s essentially perfectly symmetrical along the vertical axis.


Both sides of the image have equal visual weight. There is nothing that pulls our eyes to one side of the image or the other.

图像的两面均具有相同的视觉权重。 没有什么可以吸引我们将视线移到图像的一侧或另一侧。

Here’s another portrait where, again, the model is central, so it’s pretty much symmetrical.


And one more.


As you can see, formal balance can work well with portraits. It gives a sense of serenity, seriousness, and solidity. I deliberately used formal balance in the following shot of a Soviet statue in Transnistria because I wanted it to feel like it had stood for years—since it had.

如您所见,正式平衡可以很好地搭配人像。 它给人一种宁静,认真和团结的感觉。 我在接下来的特涅斯特里亚州苏联雕像的拍摄中故意使用形式上的平衡,因为我希望它看起来像它已经站立了很多年了。

Formal balance is pretty easy to grasp: put the subject in the center. So let’s move on to the trickier concept of informal balance.

形式上的平衡很容易掌握:将主题放在中心。 因此,让我们继续讨论非正式平衡这一棘手的概念。

非正式或不对称的平衡 (Informal or Asymmetrical Balance)

Informal or symmetrical balance is where you balance the image by juxtaposing objects with similar visual weights rather than just balancing everything symmetrically. Let’s look at some examples.

非正式或对称平衡是通过并置具有相似视觉权重的对象来平衡图像,而不仅仅是对称地平衡所有事物。 让我们看一些例子。

In this photo, I have enough visual weight to balance the mountains and clouds nicely. You still get a sense of the scale, but the image doesn’t feel empty. People are visually very heavy so they can often balance a lot.

在这张照片中,我有足够的视觉重量来很好地平衡山脉和云层。 您仍然可以感觉到比例,但是图像不会感到空白。 人们在视觉上非常沉重,因此经常可以保持平衡。

Here’s another similar idea. Will, the skier, is even smaller in the frame but is still balancing the huge mountain behind him.

这是另一个类似的想法。 滑雪者威尔的身材更小,但仍在平衡身后的那座大山。

Let’s look at this in reverse. Here’s an unbalanced shot. The castle is cool and interesting, but there’s not a lot going on in the photo otherwise.

让我们反向看一下。 这是不平衡的镜头。 这座城堡既酷又有趣,但是在照片中没有太多其他事情了。

A few moments later, a boat passed up the river. Now we’re onto something. The small moving boat is enough to balance the gigantic, ancient castle.

片刻后,一条船驶过河。 现在,我们开始做某事。 移动的小船足以平衡巨大的古老城堡。

You can also balance a single object that has large visual weight with lots of objects that have very little visual weight. Here, the stars in the sky balance the large Joshua trees. The smaller trees also balance the big tree.

您还可以使视觉重量很大的单个对象与视觉重量很小的许多对象保持平衡。 在这里,天空中的星星平衡了约书亚树。 较小的树也平衡了大树。

Perhaps the best example of asymmetrical balance comes not from photography, but art. Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam is wonderfully balanced: Adam and the earth have the same visual weight as God and the choir of angels.

不对称平衡的最好例子也许不是摄影,而是艺术。 米开朗基罗的《亚当的创造》完美地平衡了:亚当和大地的视觉分量与上帝和天使的合唱团相同。

动态影像不平衡 (Unbalanced or Dynamic Images)

Remember, balance is just one tool in your compositional toolbox. There’s also other stuff like leading lines, limited color palettes, and much more. This means that not all your images need to be balanced. Unbalanced images tend to have tension, dynamism, and a sense of activity.

请记住,平衡只是组成工具箱中的一种工具。 还有其他东西,例如引线有限的调色板 等等 。 这意味着并非所有图像都需要平衡。 不平衡的图像容易产生张力,动感和活跃感。

Just look at this photo. Will is jumping into a black abyss. This gives a sense of speed and drama to what he’s doing.

看看这张照片。 威尔正跳入一个黑色的深渊。 这给了他正在做什么的速度感和戏剧性。

Or, take this shot of the Santa Monica Pier. Do the sky and sea balance the pier? Maybe, but I’d say probably not. Instead, we get this dynamic sunset shot of the pier thrusting out into the ocean.

或者,拍摄圣莫尼卡码头的照片。 天海平衡码头吗? 也许吧,但我可能不会。 取而代之的是,我们得到了驶入大海的码头的动态日落照片。

What it comes down to, for me, is what you’re trying to convey. If you want solidity and stability, go with a formally-balanced image. If you’re looking for something more dramatic that still has that balanced look, try some asymmetrically-balanced compositions. Or, if you want something tense and dynamic, go with an unbalanced image.

对我而言,这就是您要传达的内容。 如果您需要坚固性和稳定性,则可以使用形式均衡的图像。 如果您正在寻找更具戏剧性但又保持平衡的外观,请尝试一些不对称平衡的构图。 或者,如果您想要紧张和动态的东西,那就选择不平衡的图像。

Play around: whatever composition you go with might not work out, but you might end up with something wonderful! And at the very least, you’ll learn something along the way. There are very few rights or wrongs here.

随便玩:无论采用哪种构图都可能无法奏效,但最终可能会得到一些很棒的东西! 至少,您将在此过程中学到一些东西。 这里很少有是非是非。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/400934/how-to-use-a-balanced-composition-for-stronger-photos/






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