网页分到到facebook_如何找出您是否受到近期Facebook Hack的影响



A few weeks ago, Facebook had to admit that up to 50 million accounts were accessed by hackers, and after an investigation, they’ve created a tool to let you know if you were affected.

几周前,Facebook必须承认黑客最多可以访问5000万个帐户 ,经过调查,他们创建了一个工具,让您知道自己是否受到影响。

For those that had no idea that this happened, essentially hackers abused a security hole in the “View As” feature on your profile that let you check whether your profile had private information visible to other people, friends, or the general public. Ironically this feature, designed to help you protect your privacy, had a huge bug that would actually temporarily log you in as the other user. Hackers then figured out how to harvest tons of information this way.

对于那些不知道会发生这种情况的人,实质上,黑客滥用了您个人资料上“查看方式”功能中的安全漏洞,该漏洞使您可以检查个人资料是否对其他人,朋友或公众可见。 具有讽刺意味的是,此功能旨在帮助您保护隐私,但存在一个巨大的错误,该错误实际上会暂时使您以其他用户身份登录。 黑客然后找出了如何以这种方式收集大量信息。

Facebook has now confirmed that hackers stole access tokens for “only” 30 million people, not 50 million. For 15 million of those people, the hackers were able to get phone number, email address, or both. And for 14 million more people, the hackers were able to get a lot more information, like username, gender, relationship status, religious, birthday, and a ton of other information including things you’ve searched for.

Facebook现在已经确认 ,黑客仅“为” 3000万人(而不是5000万)偷了访问令牌。 对于其中的1500万人,黑客能够获得电话号码,电子邮件地址或同时获得两者。 对于另外1400万人,黑客能够获得更多信息,例如用户名,性别,人际关系,宗教信仰,生日,以及大量其他信息,包括您搜索的内容。

We now know that fewer people were impacted than we originally thought. Of the 50 million people whose access tokens we believed were affected, about 30 million actually had their tokens stolen.

现在,我们知道受影响的人数比我们原先想象的要少。 我们认为访问令牌受到影响的5000万人中, 实际上大约有3000万人的令牌被盗。

You can check whether you were affected by visiting the update page on Facebook’s Help Center and scrolling down to the bottom, where you’ll see a notice like this, which will indicate whether you were or weren’t hacked. As you can see, my account was not accessed.

您可以访问Facebook帮助中心更新页面并向下滚动至底部,以查看是否受到影响,您会在此处看到这样的通知,该通知将表明您是否被黑客入侵。 如您所见,未访问我的帐户。

那么这对我意味着什么? (So What Does This Mean for Me?)

It’s worth noting that details like those accessed by hackers are often used to guess security questions and access other, more useful, accounts. There has been a huge increase in CryptoBlackmail, where hackers steal information about you, and then send you detailed threats to expose private information about you if you don’t pay them.

值得注意的是,像黑客访问的那些细节通常被用来猜测安全性问题并访问其他更有用的帐户。 CryptoBlackmail的数量激增 ,黑客窃取了有关您的信息,然后向您发送详细的威胁,以在您不付款时公开有关您的私人信息。

We know that the Facebook hackers were not able to steal any of your passwords, and they did not use these access tokens to get into any other third-party accounts.


If you were affected, the main thing that you should consider is that information that was accessed about you could be used to answer security questions on other sites to reset your password. You should never use common facts about yourself as the answer to security questions, and if you have, you should change them.

如果您受到影响,则应考虑的主要事情是,所访问的有关您的信息可用于回答其他站点上的安全性问题以重置密码。 您永远不要将关于您自己的常见事实用作安全性问题的答案 ,如果有,则应更改它们。

And just like every other day of the week, it’s time to start considering using a password manager if you haven’t already—iOS 12 has fantastic autofill that makes it a no-brainer. And to further protect your accounts, make sure you’re using two-factor authentication everywhere, even if it’s just the SMS variety.

就像一周中的其他每一天一样,现在您应该开始考虑使用密码管理器了-iOS 12 具有出色的自动填充功能,使您轻而易举 。 为了进一步保护您的帐户,请确保在所有地方都使用双重身份验证 ,即使这只是SMS种类。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/how-to-find-out-if-you-were-affected-by-the-recent-facebook-hack/


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