


The iPhone 7 Plus’ new dual-camera setup is great, but there’s one feature that stands out more than any other: Portrait mode. Using both cameras, the iPhone 7 Plus is able to work out where things are in relation to each other and, without Photoshop, make a smartphone photo look like it was taken with a DSLR. Let’s look at how it works and how to use it.

iPhone 7 Plus的新双摄像头设置很棒 ,但其中一项功能比其他任何功能都突出:纵向模式。 使用两个摄像头,iPhone 7 Plus可以确定彼此之间相对的位置,并且无需使用Photoshop,就可以使智能手机的照片看起来像使用DSLR拍摄的照片 。 让我们看看它是如何工作的以及如何使用它。

Update: This article was originally written when Portrait Mode was first introduced on the iPhone 7 Plus. It’s since been included on other iPhones, including all iPhone 11 models as well as the iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone X.

更新 :本文最初是在iPhone 7 Plus上首次引入人像模式时撰写的。 此后,它就被包括在其他所有iPhone中,包括所有iPhone 11型号以及iPhone XR,iPhone XS和iPhoneX。

iPhone如何模拟浅景深和人像外观 (How the iPhone Emulates Shallow Depth of Field and the Portrait Look)

In photography, an image with a shallow depth of field is one where the subject is in focus but everything else is blurry and out of focus. It creates a really pleasing look that’s especially flattering for portraits.

在摄影中, 景深较浅的图像是被摄对象清晰对焦的图像,而其他所有图像都是模糊不清晰的。 它创造出令人愉悦的外观,特别适合肖像拍摄。

Normally, this effect is created using a wide aperture; the wider the aperture, the shallower the depth of field. Due to the limits of smartphone camera sensors, however, even with a wide aperture lens, it’s impossible to get a very shallow depth of field. The small sensor size and need for all the components to fit inside a phone just won’t allow it.

通常,此效果是使用大光圈创建的; 光圈越宽,景深越浅。 但是,由于智能手机相机传感器的局限性,即使使用大光圈镜头,也无法获得非常浅的景深。 传感器尺寸小,并且所有组件都必须安装在手机内,这是不允许的。

The iPhone 7 Plus’s Portrait mode, seen in the image above, fakes the effect. Instead of using a wide aperture lens, it uses two cameras to create a depth map of the scene and selectively blurs certain areas it knows are further away. When it gets it right, it emulates the look of a portrait shot with a DSLR really well.

如上图所示,iPhone 7 Plus的人像模式伪造了这种效果。 它没有使用大光圈镜头,而是使用两个摄像头来创建场景的深度图,并选择性地模糊它知道较远的某些区域。 正确安装后,它可以很好地模拟用数码单反相机拍摄的人像外观。

To understand how this works, put your index about eighteen inches in front of your face and stare at it. First close your left eye. Then open your left eye and close your right eye. When you do, you should see your finger move in relation to the background. This is the parallax effect in action.

要了解它是如何工作的,请将索引放在您的脸前约18英寸处并凝视它。 首先,闭上你的左眼。 然后张开左眼,闭上右眼。 当您这样做时,您应该看到手指相对于背景移动。 这是视差效果。

Your eyes each view the finger from a slightly different perspective. Your brain processes the two inputs into one so we rarely notice the effect in everyday life, but this binocular vision is what gives us our ability to perceive depth. The only reason you’re able to pick a glass up from the table without spilling it is that, because your eyes each see it from a different point, your brain is able to triangulate its position relative to you.

每只眼睛从略有不同的角度看待手指。 您的大脑将这两个输入处理为一个,因此我们很少注意到日常生活中的影响,但是这种双目视觉使我们能够感知深度。 您能够从桌子上捡起玻璃杯而不会溅出玻璃的唯一原因是,因为每个人的眼睛都从不同的角度看到玻璃,因此您的大脑能够将其相对于您的位置进行三角测量。

With two cameras, the iPhone 7 Plus also has a form of binocular vision. By analyzing how different the image looks between the two cameras, it’s able to create a depth map and work out where different objects are in the scene.

带有两个摄像头的iPhone 7 Plus还具有一种双目视觉。 通过分析两个摄像机之间的图像外观有何不同,它可以创建深度图并确定场景中不同对象的位置。

Hold your finger in front of your face again, this time a little closer. Notice how it moves more against the background than before? Now hold it as far away as you can. See how it moves less?

再次将手指保持在您的脸前面,这次再靠近一点。 注意到它在背景下比以前有更多的移动吗? 现在,将其尽可能地拿远。 看看它怎么移动得更少?

To the iPhone, objects that are close to the phone will shift more between the two images, while things that are far away, like the background, will barely move.


With the depth map built, all that’s left to be done is for the phone to work out what areas you want sharp and what should be blurred to create the portrait look. Through a combination of machine learning and the elements in the scene, the iPhone makes a best guess at what the subject of the shot is and keeps it in focus, everything else gets blurred to some degree. Most of the time, it gets it pretty right.

构建深度图后,剩下要做的就是让手机确定您想要锐化的区域以及应该模糊哪些区域以创建人像外观。 通过结合机器学习和场景中的元素,iPhone可以最佳地猜测镜头的主题并保持对焦,其他所有内容都会在一定程度上变得模糊。 在大多数情况下,它都非常正确。

如何使用人像模式 (How to Use Portrait Mode)

Open the Camera app on your iPhone. To get to Portrait mode, swipe once to the left or tap where it says Portrait above the shutter button.

在iPhone上打开“相机”应用。 要进入人像模式,请向左滑动一次,或点按快门按钮上方的“人像”。

Using Portrait mode is largely automatic. Frame your subject in the viewfinder. If you want to adjust exposure or specify a subject, tap on them.

使用人像模式在很大程度上是自动的。 在取景器中构图。 如果要调整曝光或指定主题,请点击它们。

When the effect is locked in you’ll see a preview. The Depth Effect box at the bottom of the screen will also go yellow.

锁定效果后,您将看到预览。 屏幕底部的“深度效果”框也将变为黄色。

Your subject needs to be between about 0.5m and 2.5m of the camera. If they’re too close or too far, you’ll get a warning and the effect won’t work.

您的拍摄对象需要在相机的约0.5m至2.5m之间。 如果它们太近或太远,您都会收到警告,并且效果将不起作用。

When you’re ready, tap the shutter button to take a shot. You should get something that looks a little like the photo below.

准备好后,点击快门按钮进行拍摄。 您应该得到的东西看起来像下面的照片。

As well as the photo with the Depth Effect, you’ll also have a regular photo without it applied in case things don’t work out.


It’s worth noting that while it’s being billed as Portrait mode, you can do a lot more with it. I love using it to take photos of small, nearby objects like this bumblebee.

值得注意的是,虽然它被称为纵向模式,但您可以做更多的事情。 我喜欢用它为附近的大WaSP等小物体拍照。

The depth effects works really well here.


深度效果有多好? (How Good is the Depth Effect?)

Apple is quite clear that Portrait Mode is still in beta, and occasionally it shows. When there are soft edges between the subject and the background, it works great. However, when there are hard edges or transparent areas, like in the image below, the wrong areas can get blurred.

苹果很清楚,肖像模式仍处于测试阶段,偶尔会显示出来。 当主体和背景之间的边缘较柔和时,效果很好。 但是,当有坚硬的边缘或透明区域时,如下图所示,错误的区域可能会变得模糊。

Similarly, the effect will never look identical to a photo taken with a DSLR and a wide aperture lens. It only approximates it. If you zoom in and check all the edges, you will probably be able to find some weird artifacts.

同样,效果永远不会与使用DSLR和大光圈镜头拍摄的照片相同。 它只是近似值。 如果放大并检查所有边缘,则可能会发现一些奇怪的伪像。

Overall though, Portrait mode is a great addition to the iPhone. It might not always look perfect, but the Depth Effect is a great way to isolate subjects in your images. It won’t work for every photo, but it can make your portraits and close up shots stand out.

总的来说,肖像模式是iPhone的重要补充。 它可能并不总是看起来完美,但是深度效果是一种隔离图像中主体的好方法。 并非每张照片都适用,但可以使您的人像和近摄更加引人注目。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/309253/how-to-use-the-iphone-plus-portrait-mode/






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