
iPhone X Cameras
Kevin Parrish

Smartphones may never replace a good DSLR or analog camera, but they’re still a handy, portable substitute. They’re even decent solutions for taking up-close shots and portraits. This guide explains which iPhones have portrait mode.

智能手机可能永远不会取代优质的数码单反相机或模拟相机,但它们仍然是方便携带的替代品。 它们甚至是近距离拍摄照片和人像的不错的解决方案。 本指南介绍了哪些iPhone具有纵向模式。

什么是人像模式 (What is Portrait Mode)

This is a mode used in photography to capture images of a single subject. Traditionally this subject—whether it’s a human, a vase of flowers, a pet, and so on—stays in focus while everything else in the foreground and background is out of focus.

这是一种用于摄影的模式,用于捕获单个对象的图像。 传统上,这个主题(无论是人类,花瓶,宠物等)都将保持焦点,而前景和背景中的其他所有焦点都不清晰。

Chewbacca Furby
Kevin Parrish

On a DSLR or analog camera, you can manually focus the lens on a subject while also capturing the surrounding out-of-focus elements. iPhones didn’t have this capability outside of using third-party external lenses until 2016 when Apple introduced the iPhone 7 Plus.

在DSLR或模拟相机上,您可以手动将镜头聚焦在拍摄对象上,同时还可以捕捉周围的失焦元素。 直到2016年Apple推出iPhone 7 Plus时,iPhone才使用第三方外接镜头来提供此功能。

After that, Apple added Portrait Lighting on the iPhone 8 Plus a year later. This feature uses artificial intelligence to emulate studio lighting for a more professional look.

之后,一年后,Apple在iPhone 8 Plus上增加了Portrait Lighting。 此功能使用人工智能模拟演播室灯光,以获得更专业的外观。

人像模式如何工作? (How Does Portrait Mode Work?)

There are now two versions of portrait mode on select iPhone models: Rear and front.


Portrait Mode for the back camera requires two specific lenses: Telephoto and Wide-Angle. The telephoto lens captures the scene while the wide-angle lens scans the scene to create a nine-layer depth map. The phone’s image signal processor uses these layers to determine what remains sharp and what it should blur using an artificial bokeh effect. Layers located closer to the camera are obviously sharper than those in the distance.

后置摄像头的纵向模式需要两个特定的镜头:远摄镜头和广角镜头。 远摄镜头捕获场景,而广角镜头扫描场景以创建九层深度图。 手机的图像信号处理器使用这些层来确定哪些图像保持清晰,哪些图像应使用虚假散景效果模糊。 靠近相机的图层明显比远处的图层锐利。

Portrait Mode for selfies uses Apple’s TrueDepth camera design. In this case, the infrared camera component captures and analyzes more than 30,000 dots emitted by the phone’s dot projector to create a depth map. The phone’s image signal processor pairs this information with the scene captured by the front-facing camera to determine what should stay in focus and what requires the bokeh effect.

自拍的人像模式使用Apple的TrueDepth相机设计。 在这种情况下,红外摄像头组件会捕获并分析手机的点投影仪发出的30,000多个点,以创建深度图。 手机的图像信号处理器将此信息与前置摄像头捕获的场景配对,以确定应该保持聚焦的焦点以及需要散景效果的焦点。

Below is a diagram of the iPhone X layout, as revealed during Apple’s special 2017 event.

下图是在苹果2017年特别活动期间显示的iPhone X布局图。

iPhone X TrueDepth
Apple 苹果

人像模式在哪里? (Where is Portrait Mode?)

Open the stock Camera app to find this option parked next to “Photo” on the sliding options list. For people, the app automatically renders a yellow box around faces. For other subjects, tap the object on your screen to define the focal point. The Camera app then acknowledges your focal request by rendering a yellow box around your subject.

打开库存的“相机”应用程序,以找到此选项停在滑动选项列表上“照片”旁边。 对于人来说,该应用程序会自动在面Kong周围呈现一个黄色框。 对于其他主题,请点按屏幕上的对象以定义焦点。 然后,“相机”应用会通过在对象周围绘制一个黄色框来确认您的焦点请求。

On iPhones that support  Portrait Lighting, you’ll see a circular slider with Natural Light, Studio Light, Contour Light, Stage Light, and Stage Light Mono effects. Tap the big white virtual Shutter button to take the picture.

在支持人像照明的iPhone上,您会看到一个带有自然光,工作室光,轮廓光,舞台灯和舞台光单声道效果的圆形滑块。 点击白色的大虚拟“快门”按钮拍照。

iPhone Portrait Lighting

什么iPhone支持纵向模式(背面) (What iPhones Support Portrait Mode (Rear))

Again, these phones must have two lenses or more to support Portrait Mode. Here’s the list:

同样,这些手机必须具有两个或更多个镜头才能支持人像模式。 这是清单:

  • iPhone 11 Pro Max (2019)

    iPhone 11 Pro Max(2019年)
  • iPhone 11 Pro (2019)

    iPhone 11 Pro(2019年)
  • iPhone 11 (2019)

    iPhone 11(2019年)
  • iPhone XR (2018)

    iPhone XR(2018)

  • iPhone XS Max (2018)

    iPhone XS Max(2018年)
  • iPhone XS (2018)

    iPhone XS(2018)
  • iPhone X (2017)

    iPhone X(2017年)
  • iPhone 8 Plus (2017)

    iPhone 8 Plus(2017年)
  • iPhone 7 Plus (2016)

    iPhone 7 Plus(2016年)
  • (And future iPhones)


Note that the iPhone XR has a single lens despite the hardware requirements of two. This phone’s portrait mode only captures a quarter of the depth typically made available on the other dual-lens phones. Due to this limitation, Apple’s Camera app for this specific model only supports humans in portrait mode.

请注意,尽管硬件要求为两个,iPhone XR仍具有一个镜头。 这款手机的纵向模式只能捕获其他双镜头手机通常提供的四分之一深度 。 由于此限制,针对此特定型号的Apple相机应用仅支持人像模式。

什么iPhone支持纵向模式(正面) (What iPhones Support Portrait Mode (Front))

These phones must have Apple’s TrueDepth camera. Here’s the list:

这些手机必须装有Apple的TrueDepth相机。 这是清单:

  • iPhone 11 Pro Max (2019)

    iPhone 11 Pro Max(2019年)
  • iPhone 11 Pro (2019)

    iPhone 11 Pro(2019年)
  • iPhone 11 (2019)

    iPhone 11(2019年)
  • iPhone XR (2018)

    iPhone XR(2018)
  • iPhone XS Max (2018)

    iPhone XS Max(2018年)
  • iPhone XS (2018)

    iPhone XS(2018)
  • iPhone X (2017)

    iPhone X(2017年)
  • (And future iPhones)


您的iPhone是否支持人像模式? (Does Your iPhone Support Portrait Mode?)

The easiest way to verify if you own an iPhone that supports portrait mode is to look at the camera lens group on its back. If you only see one lens, then it doesn’t support portrait mode. As previously noted, the iPhone XR is the only exception.

验证您是否拥有支持纵向模式的iPhone的最简单方法是查看其背面的相机镜头组。 如果您仅看到一个镜头,则它不支持纵向模式。 如前所述,iPhone XR是唯一的例外。

For portrait mode in selfies, the best way to confirm your iPhone supports this feature is to look at the screen. If there’s no physical Home button and the screen stretches from edge to edge, then you have a TrueDepth component.

对于自拍照中的人像模式,确认iPhone支持此功能的最佳方法是查看屏幕。 如果没有物理“主页”按钮,并且屏幕从一端延伸到另一端,则说明您具有TrueDepth组件。

Another way to verify is to check the iPhone’s model number. Here’s the list:

验证的另一种方法是检查iPhone的型号 。 这是清单:

  • iPhone 11 Pro Max – A2160 (Canada, United States) / A2217 (China mainland, Hong Kong, Macao) / A2215 (Other)

    iPhone 11 Pro Max – A2160(加拿大,美国)/ A2217(中国大陆,香港,澳门)/ A2215(其他)
  • iPhone 11 Pro – A2161 (Canada, United States) / A2220 (China mainland, Hong Kong, Macao) / A2218 (Other)

    iPhone 11 Pro – A2161(美国加拿大)/ A2220(中国大陆,香港,澳门)/ A2218(其他)
  • iPhone 11 – A2111 (Canada, United States) / A2223 (China mainland, Hong Kong, Macao) / A2221 (Other)

    iPhone 11 – A2111(加拿大,美国)/ A2223(中国大陆,香港,澳门)/ A2221(其他)
  • iPhone XS Max – A1921 / A2101 / A2102 (Japan) / A2103 / A2104 (China mainland)

    iPhone XS Max-A1921 / A2101 / A2102(日本)/ A2103 / A2104(中国大陆)
  • iPhone XS – A1920 / A2097 / A2098 (Japan) / A2099 / A2100 (China mainland)

    iPhone XS – A1920 / A2097 / A2098(日本)/ A2099 / A2100(中国大陆)
  • iPhone XR – A1984 / A2105 / A2106 (Japan) / A2107 / A2108 (China mainland)

    iPhone XR – A1984 / A2105 / A2106(日本)/ A2107 / A2108(中国大陆)
  • iPhone X – A1865 / A1901 / A1902 (Japan)

    iPhone X – A1865 / A1901 / A1902(日本)
  • iPhone 8 Plus – A1864 / A1897 / A1898 (Japan)

    iPhone 8 Plus – A1864 / A1897 / A1898(日本)
  • iPhone 7 Plus – A1661 / A1784 / A1785 (Japan3)

    iPhone 7 Plus – A1661 / A1784 / A1785(Japan3)

To find the model number on your device, tap Settings > General > About. Next, tap the part number listed to the right of “Model Number” to see the actual model number.

要在设备上查找型号,请点击设置>常规>关于。 接下来,点击“型号”右侧列出的部件号以查看实际的型号。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/449522/which-iphones-have-portrait-mode/





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