找出访问者通过Google Analytics(分析)每页点击了哪些链接

Note: This article is was for the prior version of Analytics

注意:本文适用于旧版Google Analytics(分析)

Often you will wonder if your navigational changes have caused visitors to click links more often. You may add related links at the bottom of the page, or put a link right in the middle of the content. Figuring out what links a visitor clicks from the category pages is also helpful.

通常,您会想知道您的导航更改是否导致访问者更频繁地单击链接。 您可以在页面底部添加相关链接,也可以在内容的中间放置一个链接。 找出访问者从类别页面单击的链接也很有帮助。

Thankfully Google Analytics gives you an easy, visual way to do this. First, select a time range via the calendar in the lower left hand corner. Then go to Content Optimization \ Navigational Analysis \ Site Overlay:

幸运的是,Google Analytics(分析)为您提供了一种简单直观的方法。 首先,通过左下角的日历选择时间范围。 然后转到内容优化\导航分析\网站​​覆盖:

You will see a view of your page inside a window. You should notice the address bar, because we can type in any URL of your site, and view the page in an overlay mode. You can also click down through the links on your site, viewing each one in the overlay mode.

您将在窗口内看到页面视图。 您应该注意到地址栏,因为我们可以输入您网站的任何URL,并以覆盖模式查看页面。 您也可以单击站点上的链接,以覆盖模式查看每个链接。

I chose to click on the VMware category to see how well it is doing. My VMware articles continue to be some of the most popular on my site, even though there aren’t quite as many of them. Looking at the graphs, I can see a small bar chart that tells me how well each link has done:

我选择单击VMware类别以查看其性能。 我的VMware文章仍然是我网站上最受欢迎的文章,尽管其中的文章并不多。 查看这些图,我可以看到一个小的条形图,它告诉我每个链接的完成情况:

You can also click on any of these overlay graphs to see more details about how many people clicked on the link. For this one, I had updated my original vmware tools article with a link to the updated guide for the newer version of vmware. I was wondering if that link helped visitors to get to the right spot.

您也可以单击这些叠加图中的任何一个,以查看有关单击链接的人数的更多详细信息。 为此,我更新了原始的vmware工具文章,并提供了指向较新版本vmware的更新指南的链接。 我想知道该链接是否有助于访问者到达正确的位置。

By clicking on the graph, it expands to show me that in the last week, 202 people have clicked through to the updated guide. I’m glad to know that people are getting to the right place… I don’t want to give out old information!

通过单击该图,它会扩展为向我显示,在过去的一周中,有202个人点击了更新后的指南。 我很高兴知道人们到了正确的地方……我不想透露旧的信息!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/google-analytics/find-out-which-links-visitors-click-per-page-with-google-analytics/





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