亚马逊echo中国使用_您是否需要Amazon Prime才能使用Amazon Echo?



Amazon’s popular Echo speaker system (and the personal assistant Alexa that comes with it) seem completely enmeshed with Amazon ecosystem, but does that mean you need a Prime account to take advantage of the Echo?


每个人的回音技巧:Alexa查询,体育,交通,播客等 (Echo Tricks for Everyone: Alexa Inquiries, Sports, Traffic, Podcasts, and More)

You can absolutely use a all of the Echo products, including but not limited to, the Echo, Echo Dot, and Echo Show without purchasing a Prime membership. The vast majority of features are accessible regardless of whether or not you have a Prime account including a wide range of the features we’ve written about here at How-To Geek.

您可以绝对使用所有Echo产品,包括但不限于Echo,Echo Dot和Echo Show,而无需购买Prime会员资格。 无论您是否拥有Prime帐户都可以使用绝大多数功能 ,其中包括我们在How-To Geek上编写的各种功能。

Sans Prime membership you can use the communication features of the Echo to call and message your friends as well as use your Echo devices as an intercom system in your home. Likewise, you don’t need Prime to ask general inquiries of Alexa, check the weather, traffic, or sports scores, set alarms and timers, or add things to your shopping list. You can even listen to the news as well as enjoy podcasts.

如果没有Sans Prime会员,则可以使用Echo的通信功能给朋友打电话和发消息 ,以及将Echo设备用作家中的对讲系统 。 同样,您不需要Prime即可对Alexa进行一般查询, 检查天气,交通或运动成绩设置闹钟和计时器 ,也无需在购物清单中添加内容 。 您甚至可以收听新闻以及欣赏播客

Even some of the features that seem like they should be premium features are free for use, including the ability to expand the Echo with third-party skills that allow you to do all sorts of neat things like control your media center with your voice or trigger smarthome products like your lights.

甚至某些看起来应该是高级功能的功能也可以免费使用,包括能够通过第三方技能扩展Echo的功能从而使您能够执行各种整洁的事情,例如用声音触发来 控制媒体中心 智能家居产品就像您的灯

That’s the good news! You get access to almost everything for the price of the Echo unit itself. Now let’s take a look at what you miss out on (and how to fill in the biggest hole life without Prime creates).

那是个好消息! 您可以以Echo单元本身的价格使用几乎所有内容。 现在,让我们看看您错过了什么(以及如何在没有Prime创建的情况下填补最大的Kong寿命)。

主要订户的回音技巧:购物,独家优惠和音乐 (Echo Tricks for Prime Subscribers: Shopping, Exclusive Deals, and Music)

There are three things you miss out on if you’re using the Echo without a Prime account. The first two missing pieces may or may not matter to you: voice-activated shopping and exclusive deals for Primer owners with Echo units.

如果您在没有Prime帐户的情况下使用Echo,则会错过三件事。 前两个缺失的部分可能对您可能无关紧要: 语音激活购物和具有Echo单元的Primer所有者的独家交易。

While not everyone finds the act of asking Alexa to buy something particularly appealing—I know I like comparison shopping on the web instead, looking at reviews, and manually ordering the item—it is pretty neat to easily reorder something from your kitchen right when you realize you ran out of it by simply telling Alexa to do so. Without Prime, you lose that the-future-is-now super power.

虽然并非所有人都发现要求Alexa购买特别吸引人的东西的方式-我知道我喜欢在网上进行对比购物,查看评论并手动订购该商品-整齐方便地在您方便时从厨房重新订购商品只需告诉Alexa这样做,您就会意识到您用光了它。 没有Prime,您将失去未来才是超级强大的力量。

In addition, Amazon has heavily promoted the use of the Echo system by offering Echo-only deals to Prime members wherein you must order the item through Alexa in order to get the discount or to get the item at all—a rather clever way to get people using a system they might be otherwise indifferent to trying out.


Those issues aren’t necessarily deal breakers for most people, but the big feature you’ll definitely miss out on Prime Music without a Prime account. Out of the box access to the Prime Music library, wherein you can issue simple commands to Alexa like “Alexa, play some alternative rock” or “play some Billy Joel” and get easy access the millions of songs in the Prime library, is a feature that most Echo users, myself included, love.

对于大多数人来说,这些问题并不一定能解决问题,但如果没有Prime帐户,您肯定会错过Prime Music的重要功能。 可以直接访问Prime音乐库,在其中您可以向Alexa发出简单的命令,例如“ Alexa,播放其他摇滚”或“播放Billy Joel”,并轻松访问Prime库中的数百万首歌曲。大多数Echo用户(包括我自己)都喜欢的功能。

All is not lost, on the music front, if you don’t have Prime though. Let’s take a look at how to fill the hole left by Prime Music with other music services and content.

如果您没有Prime,在音乐方面,一切都不会丢失。 让我们看一下如何用其他音乐服务和内容填补Prime Music留下的空白。

如何填补主要音乐差距 (How to Fill the Prime Music Gap)

There are a few ways you can go about filling the hole in your Alexa experience left by the absence of the Prime Music library and how you go about doing that hinges a lot on how you want to engage with your music.


If you’re primarily interested in using the Echo for ambient background music without a focus, necessarily, on specific songs, then using Pandora with the Echo is a great choice. You can use a free Pandora account with ads, or $36 a year for premium ad-free service. Activating Pandora with your Echo is as simply as opening up the “Books and Music” menu in the Alexa app and plugging in your login credentials under the entry for Pandora.

如果您主要是想将Echo用于周围的背景音乐而又不必专注于特定的歌曲,那么将Pandora与Echo一起使用是一个不错的选择。 您可以使用带有广告的免费Pandora帐户,或每年36美元的高级无广告服务。 使用Echo激活Pandora就像在Alexa应用程序中打开“图书和音乐”菜单,然后在Pandora条目下插入您的登录凭据一样。

If you crave a more focused experience where you can pick individual songs and build playlists, Spotify is $9.99 a month (the free option doesn’t work with the Echo) and can also be easily linked in the same “Books and Music” menu in the Alexa app. If you go with either Pandora or Spotify, do check out our guide to changing the default music service on the Echo. Without the change you have to specify the service name like “Alexa, play the Pearl Jam station on Pandora”, but with the default switched to that service you no longer need to call it out by name.

如果您希望有一个更专注的体验,可以选择单个歌曲并建立播放列表, Spotify的价格为每月9.99美元 (免费选项不适用于Echo),还可以轻松地在同一“图书和音乐”菜单中进行链接Alexa应用程序。 如果您使用Pandora或Spotify,请查看我们的指南,以更改Echo上的默认音乐服务 。 在没有更改的情况下,您必须指定服务名称,例如“ Alexa,在Pandora上播放Pearl Jam电台”,但是将默认设置切换为该服务后,您不再需要按名称进行呼叫。

For services that don’t have direct Echo support (or require premium service) you can always—at the cost of losing voice integration with Alexa—simply pair your mobile device with the Echo via Bluetooth.

对于没有直接Echo支持(或需要高级服务)的服务,您始终可以(通过与Alexa失去语音集成的代价) 通过蓝牙将移动设备与Echo配对

In addition if you want to supplement those two streaming services with music of your own, you can also upload up to 250 MP3s to your Amazon account (no Prime membership necessary) and they will be accessible through your Echo.

此外,如果您想用自己的音乐来补充这两种流媒体服务,您还可以将多达250个MP3上传到您的Amazon帐户 (不需要Prime会员资格),并且可以通过您的Echo访问它们。

Finally, if you’re on the fence about picking up a dedicated streaming service, we’d recommend you read our breakdown of everything you get with your Amazon Prime account. Prime offerings might have been sparse back in the day, but if you’re considering paying $36-120 a year for just music streaming you might reconsider and pay $99 for Prime where you’ll get not only Prime Music but a huge pile of other benefits like unlimited photo storage, streaming video, free books and audio books, and more.

最后,如果您对选择专用的流媒体服务不满意,建议您阅读我们有关使用Amazon Prime帐户获得的所有内容的细分 。 Prime产品在当时可能很稀少,但是如果您考虑每年仅支付36-120美元的音乐流媒体费用,就可能会重新考虑并为Prime支付99美元,您不仅可以获得Prime Music,还可以获得大量其他产品好处包括无限的照片存储,流式视频,免费书籍和有声书籍等等。



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