亚马逊echo中国使用_您可以(也可以不)使用多个Amazon Echo做的事情



The Amazon Echo is a device that can quickly become the center point of your smarthome setup, but what if you live in a larger home where one Echo just won’t cut it? Here’s what you should know about bringing in a second, or even a third, Amazon Echo into your house.

Amazon Echo是一种可以Swift成为您的智能家居设置中心的设备,但是如果您住在一个较大的家庭中,而一个Echo不会削减它,该怎么办? 这是将第二个甚至第三个Amazon Echo带入您的房屋时应了解的信息。

You might be curious as to whether or not the Amazon Echo is even capable of getting along with another Echo in the same location, but it’s actually nothing to worry about—they’re made to work with each other. There are still some things that don’t work across multiple Echos, though, so we’re here to rest any confusion.

您可能对Amazon Echo是否甚至能够与同一位置的另一个Echo融为一体感到好奇,但实际上没有什么可担心的,因为它们彼此协作。 不过,仍然有些事情无法在多个Echo中使用,因此,我们在这里消除了任何混乱。

您的第二个回声将已经预先配置 (Your Second Echo Will Already Come Pre-Configured)

When you order a second Amazon Echo and activate it with your Amazon account, many of your settings from your first Echo will automatically transfer over to your new Echo device. Thanks, Amazon!

当您订购第二个Amazon Echo并使用您的Amazon帐户激活它时,第一个Echo中的许多设置将自动转移到新的Echo设备上。 谢谢,亚马逊!

Settings that can be transferred include your music settings, household profiles, Alexa Skills, smart home devices, Flash Briefing settings, and your calendar.


如果两个回声可以同时听到您,请不要担心 (Don’t Worry If Two Echos Can Hear You at the Same Time)

In the past, you would’ve needed to change the wake word on some of your Echo units if they were too close together so that you didn’t have more than one Echo wake up when you said “Alexa”, but that’s no longer needed.

过去,如果某些Echo单元之间的距离太近,则需要更改唤醒词 ,这样当您说“ Alexa”时,您不会被多个Echo唤醒,但这不再需要。

Alexa is now smart enough that if two or more of them happen to hear the wake word, only one device will answer you. Your Echos now have the technology to not only hear your voice and the direction it’s coming from, but also to gauge how far away you are from your various Echos. Using that information, Alexa determines which Echo you’re closest to and uses just that device, shutting off the other Echo units that also heard your voice.

Alexa现在足够聪明,如果其中两个或多个碰巧听到了唤醒词,那么只有一个设备会回答您。 您的Echos现在拥有不仅可以听到您的声音和声音方向的技术,而且还可以测量您与各种Echos之间的距离。 利用这些信息,Alexa可以确定您最接近的回声并仅使用该设备,从而关闭其他也听到您声音的回声单元。

计时器和警报无法在多个回波上工作 (Timers and Alarms Don’t Work Over Multiple Echos)

Unfortunately, if you tell Alexa to set a timer or alarm on one Echo, it won’t sync to all of the other Echo devices in your house. That means any timer or alarm you set will only go off on the Echo you used to start it.

不幸的是,如果您告诉Alexa在一个Echo上设置计时器或警报 ,它将不会同步到您家中的所有其他Echo设备。 这意味着您设置的任何计时器或警报都只会在您用来启动它的回声上关闭。

This is so that you can set a timer or alarm on one Echo, and if you need to, set another timer or alarm on another Echo (you can also set multiple timers or alarms on a single Echo). While you have timers or alarms going on each Echo at the same time, they won’t interfere with each other.

这样,您可以在一个Echo上设置一个计时器或警报,并且如果需要,可以在另一个Echo上设置另一个计时器或警报(您也可以在一个Echo上设置多个计时器或警报)。 当您同时在每个Echo上运行计时器或警报时,它们不会互相干扰。

音乐可以在多个回声中播放 (Music Can Be Played Over Multiple Echos)


If you love listening to music while doing chores around the house or you’re hosting a party and want the music playing in different rooms, you can have music play on multiple Echos at the same time. This is a relatively new feature to the Echo, but it’s one that has been on the wishlist for a while.

如果您喜欢在做家务的同时听音乐,或者主持聚会并希望音乐在不同的房间中播放,则可以同时在多个Echo上播放音乐。 对于Echo来说,这是一个相对较新的功能,但是它已经存在了一段时间。

Unfortunately, it’s something that you have to manually set up in order to get it to work. The good news is that it’s fairly customizable, allowing you to create “groups” and only have music playing on specific Echos in your house.

不幸的是,您必须手动对其进行设置才能使其正常工作。 好消息是它相当可定制,允许您创建“组”,并且只允许在您家中的特定回声上播放音乐。

蓝牙配置是独立的 (Bluetooth Configurations Are Independent)

Speaking of music, if you prefer playing music from your phone and using your Echo as a Bluetooth speaker, it’s important to know that Bluetooth settings and configurations don’t sync across multiple Echos.

说到音乐,如果您更喜欢从手机播放音乐并将Echo用作蓝牙扬声器 ,那么了解蓝牙设置和配置不会在多个Echo之间同步非常重要。

Instead, if you connect your phone to one Echo in your house, but also want to later connect to another Echo, you’ll have to perform the connection process again on the second Echo. You also can only connect your phone to one Echo at a time.

相反,如果您将手机连接到房屋中的一个Echo,但又想稍后连接到另一个Echo,则必须在第二个Echo上再次执行连接过程。 您一次也只能将手机连接到一个Echo。

您可以将它们用作对讲机 (You Can Use Them as Intercoms)

A new-ish feature for the Echo is Drop In, which basically lets you call one Echo from another—whether they’re in the same house or not. It’s a great feature for in-home use with your multiple Echos, because you can use them as intercoms of sorts.

回音的一个新功能是“插入”,它基本上使您可以从另一个声音中调用一个回音-无论它们是否在同一个房间中。 这对于在家中与多个Echo一起使用来说是一个很棒的功能,因为您可以将它们用作各种对讲机

This allows you to communicate with a family member if you’re all the way across the house from each other—you can tell your kids that dinner is ready if they’re in their rooms, or even just tell your spouse a quick message if they’re busy in the garage. The possibilities are endless.

这样一来,您就可以与家人进行交流,如果他们彼此在家里对面–您可以告诉孩子,如果他们在房间里,晚餐已经准备好了;或者如果您的孩子在房间里,他们甚至可以快速告诉您的配偶他们在车库里忙。 可能性是无止境。

购物和待办事项清单在回声之间同步 (Shopping & To-Do Lists Are Synced Between Echos)


On top of the small handful of things that sync across multiple Echos, your shopping and to-do lists are also spread across your Echo devices.


This means that if you tell Alexa to add an item to your shopping list or a task to your to-do list, it will automatically sync to your Amazon account where you can then access it from any of your Echos. You can even view your shopping list in the web browser on Amazon’s website, as well as within the Alexa app (pictured above).

这意味着,如果您告诉Alexa将商品添加到购物清单或将任务添加到待办事项清单,它将自动同步到您的Amazon帐户,您可以在其中从任何Echos访问它。 您甚至可以在亚马逊网站上的网络浏览器以及Alexa应用程序(如上图)中查看购物清单

As you can see, for the most part, your Echos operate independently from one another, except for the stuff it actually stores in the cloud, like your shopping list, household profiles, and various other settings. We still wish there were some things that would sync across Echos, like timers or alarms, but I’m sure Amazon will be broadening its Echo features more and more over the next couple of years—there will likely be much to look forward to.

如您所见,在大多数情况下,除了实际存储在云中的内容(如购物清单,家庭资料和其他各种设置)以外,您的Echo彼此独立运行。 我们仍然希望某些东西可以在Echos之间同步,例如计时器或警报,但是我敢肯定,亚马逊将在未来几年内越来越多地扩展其Echo功能-可能会有很多期待。



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