算法训练营 重编码_什么是编码训练营?

算法训练营 重编码

The goal of many bootcamp coding attendants is to move into a web development career. They do this by learning to build applications at a professional level – providing the foundation they need to build applications that are ready for production and demonstrating the skills they have to add real value to a potential employer.

许多训练营编码助理的目标是进入网络开发事业。 他们通过学习在专业级别上构建应用程序来做到这一点-为构建可用于生产的应用程序提供所需的基础,并展示其为潜在雇主增加真正价值所必需的技能。

为什么训练营编码很重要 (Why bootcamp coding is important)

We live in a world that continues to evolve the technology. Using Uber or Lyft, technology-driven transport companies are more common than ever to get around.

我们生活在一个不断发展技术的世界中。 借助Uber或Lyft,技术驱动的运输公司比以往任何时候都更为普遍。

The way we pay for things is changing companies like Apple, Square, and PayPal. The world is being taken over by software. This shift changes the way we live our lives, but it also requires employees with software engineering skills that can build the technology we all use.

我们付款的方式正在改变像Apple,Square和PayPal这样的公司。 世界正在被软件所取代。 这种转变改变了我们的生活方式,但同时也要求具有软件工程技能的员工能够构建我们都使用的技术。

Participating in a coding bootcamp is a viable path to transition into a web development career as an alternative (or supplement) to graduating with a 4-year degree in computer science to help meet the needs of industry skilled software engineers.


编码训练营如何工作 (How do coding bootcamps work)

Coding bootcamps last somewhere in the range of about a month and a half to almost two years, however with projects ordinarily traversing a range from 12 to 40 weeks. Given the consolidated time period of preparing, it is important that these instruction programs are structured around two center columns: speed and high-sway learning. We should take a gander at why both of these are fundamentally significant.

编码训练营的持续时间大约为一个半月至近两年,但是项目通常需要12到40周的时间。 考虑到准备时间的长短,重要的是这些教学程序必须围绕两个中心列进行组织:速度学习和快速学习。 我们应该对这两者为何都具有根本意义感到困惑。

速度 (Speed)

Most software engineering understudies go through 4 years finishing their degree. Software engineering degrees incorporate classes on a wide scope of themes significant to registering. Most understudies will take classes on programming and programming improvement. Moreover, when taking a multi-year degree, there are numerous classes on themes like systems administration, working frameworks, and processing hypothesis that are useful for understanding the point in the scholarly community, yet that are detached from the day by day life of a product engineer in reality.

大多数软件工程专业都需要完成4年的学位。 软件工程学位包括与注册相关的广泛主题的课程。 大多数研究将学习编程和编程改进课程。 此外,在攻读多年制学位时,会涉及许多主题,例如系统管理,工作框架和处理假设等课程,这些课程对于理解学术界的观点非常有用,但是却与日常工作脱节。现实中的产品工程师。

Coding bootcamps detach the most applicable abilities from a multi-year degree and implant it with significant industry aptitudes to conquer any hindrance between the hypothetical universe of the scholarly world and this present reality that meets the present needs of the business.


In spite of the two projects being extraordinary, both a four-year degree in Computer Science and moving on from a quality bootcamp can give a practical way to beginning a profession as a web designer. Numerous individuals do both.

尽管这两个项目非常出色,但无论是获得四年制计算机科学学位还是从高质量的训练营中继续学习,都可以为踏入网络设计师职业提供切实可行的途径。 很多人都做。

高影响力学习 (High impact learning)

Coding bootcamps center around high-sway learning and show just the aptitudes that will turn out to be most important in reality. These projects concentrate strongly to expertise their individuals up with precisely what they should be effective coding in the expert world.

编码训练营围绕高速学习而设计,并且仅显示出实际上最重要的才能。 这些项目非常专注于为他们的个人提供专业知识,准确地说明了他们在专家世界中应该是有效的编码方式。

The time allotment that individuals go to a coding bootcamp is moderately short when contrasted with customary preparing with a four-year degree from college. So as to make this work, all unimportant abilities are mercilessly cut from the coding bootcamp educational modules.

与大学四年制学位的常规准备相比,个人去编码训练营的时间分配适中。 为了使这项工作有效,所有无关紧要的能力都从编码训练营教育模块中无情地削减了。

This implies coding bootcamps are perfect for individuals who need to get the specialized aptitudes that will help them become employable, yet to likewise do as such in an exceptionally brief time allotment.


Given coding bootcamps center to give a quickened rate of high-sway learning, these instruction programs are not for everybody. Rather, these projects are planned explicitly for individuals who need to augment the measure of abilities they get in a short measure of time amid a concentrated preparing background.

给定代码训练营中心以加快学习速度,这些指导程序并不适合所有人。 相反,这些项目是为需要在集中准备背景下在短时间内提高自己能力的个人而明确计划的。

总有一些东西要学习 (There is always something to learn)

Getting proficient dimension improvement abilities takes a great deal of work and there is a wide range of aptitudes that are essential to learning!


Notwithstanding the program, you try out its essential to realize that as an expert designer it is imperative to have certain ranges of abilities. Things like: a programming language, a web system, involvement with server and facilitating usefulness, and databases are exceedingly significant abilities to learn. Inside every one of these classes of innovations, there are explicit advances, each with exchange offs and benefits both for and against them.

尽管有该程序,您仍要尝试其必要性,以认识到作为专家设计师,必须具有一定范围的能力。 诸如:编程语言,Web系统,参与服务器并促进实用性以及数据库等都是极其重要的学习能力。 在这些创新的每一类中,都有明显的进步,每一项都有各自的利益与对立。

Does this sound like a major pledge to you? In the event that it does, I don't accuse you. Fortunately, when learning an aptitude as mind-boggling as programming getting the establishments will set you up better over the long haul. Given the programming field changes so every now and again, your most logical option is to concentrate your vitality on understanding the programming ideas that will withstand the trial of time.

这听起来像是对您的一项重大保证? 如果确实如此,我不会指责您。 幸运的是,在学习与编程一样令人难以置信的能力时,从长远来看,建立机构将使您更好。 鉴于编程领域会时不时发生变化,因此,最合乎逻辑的选择是将精力集中在理解将经受时间考验的编程思想上。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/450436/

算法训练营 重编码





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