项目经理 素质_有效经理人的七大素质

项目经理 素质

有效的领导 (Effective leadership)

will require a number of qualities: organizational, administrative, analytical. Are the skills to set goals sufficient? Of course not.

将需要许多素质:组织,行政,分析。 设定目标的技能是否足够? 当然不是。

Every manager working in a company has duties and functions, and corresponding requirements are made to him.


  • The manager is responsible for the overall product strategy, development plans, the search for priorities and the implementation of the final product. He should be engaged in creating the «perfect product roadmap».

    经理负责总体产品策略,开发计划,优先级搜索和最终产品的实施。 他应该参与制定《完美的产品路线图》。
  • The manager is responsible for resources and finances.

  • The manager, interacting with clients, manages the provision of feedback and any kind of communication with clients.


All managers are united by one common quality — these are competent leadership skills. The list below highlights 7 main characteristics that are relevant at all times.

所有管理人员都以一种共同的素质团结在一起-这些都是主管的领导才能。 下面的列表突出显示了始终与之相关的7个主要特征。

成功经理人的7个特征 (7 characteristics of a successful manager)

有效沟通 (Effective communication)

It is important to be open so that colleagues know that, if problems arise, the leader is ready to listen. Willing to discuss will help to quickly solve problems and get answers to questions.

保持开放很重要,这样同事才能知道,如果出现问题,领导者随时可以倾听。 愿意讨论将有助于快速解决问题并获得问题的答案。

专注与承诺 (Focus and commitment)

There are circumstances in which it is necessary to «go ahead» to achieve the goals. An effective manager must be confident, always ready to support the team. It is very important to competently express thoughts, express opinions, influence the people around them.

在某些情况下,有必要“勇往直前”以实现目标。 有效率的经理人必须自信,时刻准备支持团队。 胜任地表达思想,表达意见,影响周围的人非常重要。

These leaders know how to negotiate successfully, negotiate deals, reach a compromise.


领导 (Leadership)

Leadership is considered one of the most important characteristics for a manager working in any direction. It is assumed that they have the ability to organize, establish a vision, direction, skills to lead a team to success and achieve the desired results. An experienced leader chooses the right methods of motivating colleagues.

对于任何方向的经理来说,领导力都是最重要的特征之一。 假定他们有能力组织,建立愿景,方向和技能,以带领团队取得成功并取得预期的结果。 经验丰富的领导者会选择激励同事的正确方法。

赢得团队信任的能力 (The ability to win the trust of the team)

A good manager periodically must ask himself the question: do team members trust him?


Any employee wants the leader to keep his promises and devote himself to the nuances of the events that are taking place, to notify him in time when plans and direction change.


After earned trust comes respect, which is the main point in the relationship.


透明度 (Transparency)

It can be difficult to make a decision, especially when there are serious updates, changes within a company or products. Therefore, managers should inform the team in time, not hide the nature of the difficulties or the situation.

做出决定可能很困难,尤其是当公司或产品中存在重大更新,变更时。 因此,管理人员应及时告知团队,不要掩盖困难的性质或情况。

Openness and honesty inspires confidence, raises the status of a leader in the eyes of subordinates. Of course, there are confidential questions in business, but there is information that should be communicated to all team members in a timely manner.

开放和诚实激发了信心,在下属的眼中提高了领导者的地位。 当然,业务中存在机密问题,但是有些信息应及时传达给所有团队成员。

战略思维和注重结果 (Strategic thinking and focus on results)

The leader, focused on specific results, will have a constant motivation, he will tell the team the direction and path of development. This person must have strong character, ability to compete, healthy ambitions.

专注于特定结果的领导者将具有不断的动力,他将告诉团队发展的方向和道路。 这个人必须具有坚强的品格,竞争能力,健康的野心。

代表团 (Delegation)

Being a leader does not mean at all, to do everything on your own, even when it comes to important issues. You need to be able to delegate, distribute work among colleagues, if necessary, replace the manager. It is necessary to competently expand the capabilities of workers, first trusting simple tasks, then gradually move on to difficult ones.

成为领导者根本不意味着自己做任何事情,即使涉及重大问题也是如此。 您需要能够委派工作,并在同事之间分配工作,必要时更换经理。 必须胜任地扩大工人的能力,首先要相信简单的任务,然后逐步转移到困难的任务上。

To gain the status of an ideal manager takes time. Even the most talented individuals can not become great leaders, just starting to work in the company. Many fail at the very beginning, someone has a lack of excitement, interest, even after several years of vigorous activity. In management, development plays a significant role, and every young leader must constantly return to the qualities mentioned above, try to shape them in himself.

获得理想管理者的地位需要时间。 即使是最有才华的人也不能成为伟大的领导者,而只是开始在公司工作。 许多人在一开始就失败了,即使经过几年的积极活动,他也缺乏兴奋和兴趣。 在管理中,发展起着重要作用,每个年轻的领导者都必须不断回归到上述素质,并努力塑造自己。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/449850/

项目经理 素质

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