


1984, Orwell’s prophetic year of Big Brother, saw the release of the Mac which broke the idea that centralised control could ever be what it was before. That year also saw the first workable prototype for a 3D printer. Built by Charles Hull, the technology was then known as stereolithography. We know it as 3D printing, and that’s a term that covers a variety of different processes which may revolutionise all stages of the global manufacturing and distributing process. In that very science-fictional year, Hull set off a revolution that is only now seeing fruition. 3D printing continues to threaten the social and economic structures which preceded it. When we speak about 3D printing, we’re speaking of a general technique of successive printing layers to form a three-dimensional object at the end. From powder to paper to human tissue, these thin membranes are laid down like the construction of a plaster mask. From that simple concept, the 3D printer offers the reverse of Ford’s mass production revolution. Printing one item is now as cost-effective in some cases as manufacturing a thousand items in the traditional way.

1984年,奥威尔(Orwell)预言的“大哥”(Big Brother)年,看到了Mac的发布,打破了集中控制可能成为以前的想法。 那年也看到了第一个可行的3D打印机原型。 该技术由查尔斯·赫尔(Charles Hull)建造,后来被称为立体光刻。 我们将其称为3D打印,这是一个涵盖各种不同过程的术语,这可能会改变全球制造和分销过程的所有阶段。 在那非常科幻小说的年份,赫尔掀起了一场革命,直到现在才取得成果。 3D打印继续威胁着它之前的社会和经济结构。 当我们谈论3D打印时,我们说的是一种连续印刷层在最后形成三维物体的一般技术。 从粉末到纸张再到人体组织,这些薄膜都像石膏面具一样铺设。 从这个简单的概念开始,3D打印机就扭转了福特的大规模生产革命。 现在,在某些情况下,打印一件商品与以传统方式制造一千件商品一样具有成本效益。

The computer powers 3d printing with printable files known as STLs, guiding the printers themselves as they construct, from the ground up, plastic homunculi that would awe medieval alchemists. It’s not quite the replicator from Star Trek, but it’s in the same Galaxy Class Starship.

计算机利用称为STL的可打印文件为3d打印提供动力,从而在打印机从头开始构造会使中世纪的炼金术士敬畏的塑料同盟时,指导打印机本身。 它不是《星际迷航》中的复制器,而是在同一个Galaxy Class Starship中。

Our 3D printing future, however, isn’t liable to look like the utopian ideals Gene Roddenberry envisioned. Instead, we will see both positive and negative outcomes from these machines as the world finds ways to employ the emergent technology.

但是,我们3D打印的未来并不像Gene Roddenberry所设想的理想理想一样。 取而代之的是,随着世界各地找到采用新兴技术的方法,我们将看到这些机器带来的积极和消极的结果。

粉雾中的游击队 (Guerillas in the Powdery Mist)

Not all consequences will be planned. As William Gibson has famously opined “The sreet finds its uses for things.” We’ve already seen a concerted effort to print workable guns which cannot be traced. In America, this is a political issue for many. In conflict hotspots in the world, this could become a one-stop-supone-stop-shopWhat if we could print, not only guns but missiles and mobile hardware? What happens when the first commercial airliner is taken down by a 3D printed Stinger missile? Funding and weapons acquisition no longer hamper the 3D printing empowered guerilla. He could become a one-stop-shop for both the ideology and means to inflict it upon the world.

并非所有后果都会被计划。 正如威廉·吉布森(William Gibson)所说的那样:“香甜派找到了用途。” 我们已经看到了一致的努力,以打印无法追踪的可行枪支。 在美国,这对许多人来说是一个政治问题。 在世界冲突热点中,这可能会变成一站式服务,如果我们能打印,不仅是枪支,还有导弹和移动硬件,该怎么办? 当第一架商用客机被3D打印的“毒刺”导弹击落时,会发生什么? 资金和武器采购不再妨碍3D打印增强的游击队。 他可以成为一站式服务的意识形态和手段将其强加于世界。

Conversely, the very technology that may allow the guerilla greater autonomy may also help prevent the rise of such movements. Economic conditions are a rallying cry for the guerilla or terrorist, but what happens when 3D technology allows print ofter filtration systems, printed housing and locally sourced manufacturing opportunities? If you can write that water filtration system, you might not have to print the gun.

相反,可以使游击队具有更大自治权的技术也可能有助于防止此类运动的加剧。 经济状况是游击队或恐怖分子的集会号召,但是当3D技术允许印刷品过滤系统,印刷房屋和本地采购的制造机会时会发生什么呢? 如果您可以编写该水过滤系统,则可能不必打印喷枪。

Empowerment is key to the outcome of 3D printing technology. By giving smaller communities the ability to be independent of large sections of the global distribution chain, we allow the fostering of new kinds of communities, and not all of these have to be on Earth.

增强能力是3D打印技术成果的关键。 通过使较小的社区能够独立于全球分销链的大部分区域,我们可以培育新型社区,而并非所有这些社区都必须存在于地球上。

再探《最后的边疆》 (The Final Frontier, Revisited)

We lost the dream of manned exploration of space in dollars and cents. Transporting goods off planet earth and into the final frontier is expensive. If we could instead manuofure items in orbit—or on the planet—we might regulomeallowe promise of the heyday of the Space Age. While the robotics revolution may never allow for the kind of human exploration we once envisioned, 3D printing could allow permanent, sustainable colonies on the moon and Mars. We’d still need the raw material, but much of the labor could take place on site with feon-sitepon-siteonies like these, uncoupled from earth, might begin to evolve in their own directions once they aren’t dependent on the home planet. But could this happen back home as well?

我们失去了用美元和美分进行载人探索太空的梦想。 将货物从地球上运输到最后的边界是昂贵的。 如果我们可以代替在轨道上或在地球上操纵物品,我们可能会重新接受太空时代鼎盛时期的承诺。 虽然机器人革命可能永远不会像我们曾经设想的那样进行人类探索,但是3D打印可以在月球和火星上形成永久,可持续的殖民地。 我们仍然需要原材料,但是很多工作可能会在现场进行,例如像泥土一样的泥土-地点与地球分离,一旦它们不依赖本国行星,它们可能会朝着自己的方向发展。 。 但是这也可能发生在家里吗?

When a place becomes autonomous, it is allowed a separate futurD printing may oay contribute to the rise of experiential communities at a rate we haven’t previously seen. Our country is rich with experimental and planned alterlabourcommunlabour. Imagion-siterldon-sitehnological enclaves of Amish-scale independenthe ce wherethe everything is done on site. Arcologies, actual self-sustaining cities, become possible. As these new human habitations grow, they may undermine the structures in which they were initially fostered. What national laws will apply to a self-sustaining city? Opting-in to the the socio-economic structures of the parent country may no longer be the only choice.

当一个地方变得自治时,可以允许进行单独的未来印刷,这可能会以前所未有的速度促进体验社区的兴起。 我国拥有丰富的实验性和计划性替代劳动社区。 阿米什(Amish)规模独立场所的Imagion-siterldon-sitenological飞地,所有工作均在现场完成。 真正的自我维持城市-考古学成为可能。 随着这些新的人类栖息地的增长,它们可能会破坏最初培育它们的结构。 哪些国家法律适用于自给自足的城市? 选择加入母国的社会经济结构可能不再是唯一的选择。

经济成果 (Economic Outcomes)

Thomas Frey recently predicted the loss of two billion global jobs by 2030 during a Ted Talk. It was an offhaon-siteent he explained further on his site where he suggests one of the core engines of this job loss will be 3D printing.

托马斯·弗雷(Thomas Frey)最近预测,到2030年,在Ted Talk期间将失去20亿个全球就业机会。 他在他的网站上进一步解释说,这是一个休假地点,他建议这种失业的核心引擎之一将是3D打印。

Manufacturing has already begun to heavily erode in this country. We’ve moved from a society that makes objects to a society thaeates ideas. The manufacturing jobs we have left will likely be threatened by the full implementation of 3D printing. An already fragile economy could be devastated by such effects. We have to prepare for a future where human labor is redeflabour

该国的制造业已经开始严重侵蚀。 我们已经从制造对象的社会转变为阻碍想法的社会。 完全实施3D打印可能会威胁到我们剩下的制造工作。 这样的影响可能会破坏本已脆弱的经济。 我们必须为劳动力重新泛滥的未来做准备

Ironically, the US may be in a better position to make this change than rising powers like China. As we built our wealth and power on production some years ago, China is doing the same now. If that process gets disrupted, China might become a nation in crisis.

具有讽刺意味的是,与中国这样的新兴大国相比,美国更可能做出这一改变。 几年前,当我们在生产上建立财富和力量时,中国现在正在这样做。 如果这一过程受到干扰,中国可能会陷入危机。

It’s not just manufacturing that gets hit though. Transportation would be gutted as well. If objects are made and assembled on site, no one needs to transport them to their point of sale. If manufacturing becomes largely redundant, so does shipping. From the great hulks stacked with Lego-like containers moving across the seas to eighteen-wheelers moving down the nation’s highways, our shipping routes may become ghost lanes. The added benefit is one of a reduced carbon footprint, but that is little comfort to the millions of people who have lost their jobs. Technology has alway, threatened the economic model to which it was born, and 3D printing is likely to be no different.

不仅制造业受到打击。 运输也会被破坏。 如果在现场制作和组装物品,则无需将其运送到销售点。 如果制造在很大程度上变得多余,那么运输也是如此。 从堆满乐高式集装箱的大废船到海洋,再到沿着国家公路行驶的十八轮车,我们的运输路线可能会变成幽灵车道。 额外的好处是减少了碳足迹,但这对数百万失去工作的人来说却很少。 技术一直在威胁着它诞生的经济模式,而3D打印可能不会改变。

Work as we know it is changing. Human labor is no longer the yardstick by which the economic potential of nations will be measured. This means the idea of work needs to change. We cannot ignore the implications of emerging technologies if we hope to support a planet of seven billion people. At the same time, the vectors technology take are inherently unknowable. All of the above or none of it could happen. All we can say is that something will happen. Something IS happening. We see it around us, and it causes a vague excitement mixed with dread we once called future shock.

我们知道工作正在发生变化。 人力劳动不再是衡量国家经济潜力的标准。 这意味着工作观念需要改变。 如果我们希望为70亿人口的星球提供支持,我们就不能忽视新兴技术的影响。 同时,矢量技术固有地是不可知的。 以上所有或全部都不会发生。 我们只能说会发生什么。 发生了什么事。 我们在周围看到它,它引起一种含糊不清的兴奋,并充满了我们曾经称为未来冲击的恐惧。

We’re getting more comfortable in the existential gap between yesterday and tomorrow. This has become the place we inhabit, and we will soon decorate it with tchotchkes designed in Nepal but printed out in our living rooms. 3D printing, like any other technology, will become mundane and commonplace. Today however, it’s still an example of Arthur C. Clarke’s maxim that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” We’ve begun to realize the dreams of alchemy. We’ve begun to make magic. Soon, it will remake us.

我们对昨天和明天之间存在的差距感到更加自在。 这已经成为我们居住的地方,我们将很快用尼泊尔设计的小装饰品装饰它,然后在客厅打印出来。 像任何其他技术一样,3D打印将变得平凡而司空见惯。 然而,今天仍然是亚瑟·克拉克(Arthur C. Clarke)格言的一个例子,“任何足够先进的技术都无法与魔术区分开。” 我们已经开始实现炼金术的梦想。 我们已经开始制作魔术。 很快,它将重塑我们。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/476788/


如果你想根据数据的某些特征对其进行分组,并在三维图中以不同的颜色或符号表示不同的组,可以在绘制三维图之前对数据进行分组,然后使用`scatterplot3d`函数的`color`或`pch`参数来指定颜色或符号。下面是一个示例代码: ```R # 导入scatterplot3d库 library(scatterplot3d) # 导入数据集 data <- read.table("gene_expression_data.txt", header=T, sep="\t", row.names=1) # 对数据集进行标准化 data_norm <- scale(data) # 进行PCA分析 pca <- prcomp(data_norm, scale.=FALSE, center=TRUE) # 获取前三个主成分 pca_3d <- data.frame(pca$x[,1], pca$x[,2], pca$x[,3]) # 生成随机分组 groups <- sample(1:3, nrow(pca_3d), replace=TRUE) # 绘制PCA结果并根据分组进行着色 s3d <- scatterplot3d(pca_3d, color=groups, pch=16, main="PCA 3D plot", xlab="PC1", ylab="PC2", zlab="PC3") legend("topright", legend=c("Group 1", "Group 2", "Group 3"), col=1:3, pch=16) ``` 在这个示例中,我们生成了一个随机分组,其中每个样本被分配到三个组中的一个。然后,我们使用`scatterplot3d()`函数绘制PCA结果,并根据分组使用`color`参数对点进行着色。我们还使用`legend()`函数添加一个图例,以便在图中标识不同的组。请注意,我们将`color`参数设置为`groups`,而不是一个颜色向量,这将导致`scatterplot3d()`函数使用默认的调色板来为每个组分配不同的颜色。同样,我们将`pch`参数设置为16,这将导致每个点使用相同的形状。如果你想为每个组使用不同的形状,可以将`pch`参数设置为一个形状向量,其中每个元素对应于一个组。




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