
Thousands of new online businesses created daily. Dozens of different platforms work like real mega plants to meet the needs of humanity. In recent years, the Shopify occupies a leading position in the market and continues to gain momentum. Shopify's functionality is expanding rapidly, but sometimes even it's not enough. We want to show how you can integrate the accounting Netvisor to your newly made e-shop and what benefits you get at it.

每天都有成千上万的新在线业务创建。 数十种不同的平台就像真正的巨型植物一样工作,可以满足人类的需求。 近年来,Shopify在市场上处于领先地位,并且继续保持增长势头。 Shopify的功能正在Swift扩展,但有时甚至还不够。 我们想展示如何将会计Netvisor集成到新创建的电子商店中,以及从中获得什么好处。

用于Shopify集成的基础Netvisor (The Basics Netvisor to Shopify Integration)

Today Shopify wizards can use 5-10 tools from the Shopify app store to generate more revenue from each customer. But e-commerce experts are not limited to the built-in features of the Shopify platform.

如今,Shopify向导可以使用Shopify应用商店中的5-10种工具从每个客户那里获得更多收入。 但是,电子商务专家不仅限于Shopify平台的内置功能。

While Shopify has existing solutions for the most common store functions, such as reviews, loyalty programs, product recommendations, etc., you will find that additional third-party integration can allow you to penetrate deeper into high-impact areas than with standard functionality out of the box.


Finding out which integrations solve the most common problems for shop owners, we identified the most recommended tools like:


  • Analytics

  • Development

  • Email Marketing

  • Loyalty Programs

  • Sales Funnel

  • Review Management

  • Workflow Automation


Here, in this article, we will look at the integration of the accounting platform Netvisor into the admin panel of your store on the Shopify platform.


Netvisor is one of the most popular and functional platforms for accountants, occupying leading positions in the whole northern region, as well as in the Benelux countries, Central and Eastern Europe. Belongs to the Norwegian company Visma Group. Consists of five business areas: SMB, Enterprise, Commerce Solutions, Custom Solutions, and Cloud Infrastructure Services.

Netvisor是最流行,功能最强大的会计平台之一,在整个北部地区以及比荷卢经济联盟国家,中欧和东欧占据领先地位。 属于挪威公司Visma Group。 由五个业务领域组成:SMB,企业,商务解决方案,自定义解决方案和云基础架构服务。

Thanks to the Netvisor system, customers can:


  • make their own online billing;

  • automate accounts and banking transactions with updates directly in the ledger;

  • leave billing directly to the Netvisor team;

  • serve VIP customers with the help of the Netvisor team;

  • collect debts with the help of a Netvisor, etc.


Developing Netvisor to Shopify integrations it’s easy. Such a solution may cover a number of tasks that were previously unbearable or required additional labor. Pre-modeled use scenarios by Amoniac professionals guarantee trouble-free adaptation. Here's how we can make the transfer of data and sync Netvisor and Shopify:

开发Netvisor到Shopify集成很容易。 这样的解决方案可以覆盖许多以前难以承受的任务或需要额外的劳动。 Amoniac专业人员预先建模的使用场景可确保无故障适应。 这是我们进行数据传输并同步Netvisor和Shopify的方法:

  • The integration service automates billing for e-commerce. It automatically transfers e-commerce orders to Netvisor, where only an “invoice” is issued.

    集成服务可自动执行电子商务计费。 它会自动将电子商务订单转移到Netvisor,在此仅发出“发票”。
  • The integration service can also automate reports from the payment service provider, with the result that the correct order is automatically assigned to the payment account.

  • Thanks to the concentration of product and inventory management in Netvisor and the integration service, inventory changes, and product information are updated in real time in the online store.


我们针对逐步Netvisor进行Shopify集成的解决方案 (Our solution for Step by Step Netvisor to Shopify Integration)

Many and many solutions can be found on the topic of how to Integrate Netvisor to your Shopify, but here is our view on simple things.


Shopify app development

请求和访问NetVisor (Request and access NetVisor)

To connect to NetVisor, you need to carry out some fairly simple manipulations. Initially, an application is submitted to request the necessary data to connect to the API right here //docs.google.com/forms/

要连接到NetVisor,您需要执行一些相当简单的操作。 最初,会在此处//docs.google.com/forms/提交应用程序以请求必要的数据以连接到API

Next, you need to wait for a response with the access data to implement the NetVisor API.

接下来,您需要等待访问数据的响应以实现NetVisor API。

决定保存所有订单。 NetVisor或凭单报告中的销售发票 (The decision to save all orders. Sales invoices in NetVisor or Voucher Reports)

As a rule, the entire payment process has its sequence. It is usually the creation of an order, transfer it to invoices, paid invoices, pending payment, and vouchers. NetVisor provides an opportunity to build a clear and transparent report based on specific data for a specified period. Each accountant makes an individual decision about accounting. He can update the data from the order to the voucher in the current mode or make monthly only information about vouchers. To receive reports daily or for a specified period, in NetVizor you can do everything optional.

通常,整个付款过程都有其顺序。 通常是创建订单,将其转移到发票,已付发票,待处理付款和凭证。 NetVisor提供了一个机会,可以在指定时期内根据特定数据构建清晰透明的报告。 每个会计师都会对会计做出一个单独的决定。 他可以在当前模式下将订单中的数据更新到凭证,或仅每月获取有关凭证的信息。 要每天或在指定期间接收报告,在NetVizor中,您可以执行所有可选操作。

Shopify嵌入式应用程序创建 (Shopify embedded application creation)

We can create customized apps to have constant user experience with Shopify Polaris. The SDK for embedded applications allows you to create embedded GUI functions.

我们可以创建自定义的应用程序,以在Shopify Polaris上具有恒定的用户体验。 用于嵌入式应用程序的SDK允许您创建嵌入式GUI功能。

Quickly create the best experience for Shopify sellers. Each component contains information that will help to implement them, such as:

快速为Shopify卖家创造最佳体验。 每个组件都包含有助于实现它们的信息,例如:

  • An explanation of the merchant's problems that she solves in the interface

  • Interactive examples so you can see the component in action

  • Best practices and recommendations for proper use of the component


There are two options for installing and implementing components: React or CSS.


  • Reactive components (recommended). You can use React components, especially if you are creating an interactive interface. This can be done with or without an assembly system.

    React性组件(推荐)。 您可以使用React组件,尤其是在创建交互式界面时。 可以在有或没有装配系统的情况下完成。
  • CSS components. You can use CSS components if the build system for the project is not needed.

    CSS组件。 如果不需要项目的构建系统,则可以使用CSS组件。

嵌入式应用程序设置,用于接收新订单 (Embedded app settings for receiving new orders)

It is possible to use the embedded application Settings for receiving new orders. This is useful for Shopify merchants who receive orders through external channels, and provides a wide range of use cases, including the following:

可以使用嵌入式应用程序设置来接收新订单。 这对于通过外部渠道接收订单的Shopify商家很有用,并提供了广泛的用例,其中包括:

  • Create new sales orders made by phone, in person, via live chat or other means. Credit card payments for these orders can be subsequently entered into the Shopify administrator.

    通过电话,面对面聊天或其他方式创建新的销售订单。 这些订单的信用卡付款可以随后输入Shopify管理员。
  • Send invoices to customers for payment using a secure payment link.

  • Use custom items to represent additional costs or products that are not displayed in the store inventory.

  • Re-create erroneous orders.

  • Sale of goods at a discount or at wholesale prices.

  • Reception of pre-orders.


NetVisor同步 (NetVisor synchronization)

Custom development and integration ensure a smooth way to communicate software services with each other. Setup is very simple because after activating the interface, a new part of the Netvisor menu will appear in the admin panel.

定制开发和集成确保了彼此之间交流软件服务的流畅方式。 设置非常简单,因为在激活界面后,Netvisor菜单的新部分将出现在管理面板中。

To start the transfer, the user must enter the Netvisor client ID, client key and organization ID, and that's it! The first gear will begin at the end of the same day.

要开始传输,用户必须输入Netvisor客户端ID,客户端密钥和组织ID,仅此而已! 第一档将在同一天结束。

Netvisor对Shopify集成的好处 (Benefits of Netvisor to Shopify Integration)

automation in accounting finance and auditing

更详细的客户跟踪 (More detailed customer tracking)

When it comes to clients in a physical place, it is difficult to understand exactly what they are doing. By selling online, you can collect information based on their purchases and the frequency of visits in order to better tailor the sales experience to them. Automatically transfer all collected information to the Netvisor system, as a result, receive autocompletion and timely reports.

当涉及到物理上的客户时,很难准确地了解他们在做什么。 通过在线销售,您可以根据他们的购买和访问频率来收集信息,以便更好地为他们量身定制销售体验。 自动将所有收集的信息传输到Netvisor系统,从而接收自动完成功能并及时报告。

大面积销售机会 (Large area for sales opportunities)

If your store is located in Europe, it is unlikely that customers come from America to make a purchase. Thanks to the location, in the online store you can control the volume of sales. Boxes with fixed rates are usually offered so shipping costs can be quickly and easily calculated. Connecting the system to the platform NetVisor Shopify, it is possible to automatically adjust the filling and sending bills, the arrival of money and the automatic sending of goods to the buyer. Due to the large coverage of e-commerce and integration with accounting systems, products from anywhere in the world can quickly become a national phenomenon!

如果您的商店位于欧洲,则不太可能来自美国的客户进行购买。 由于地理位置优越,您可以在在线商店中控制销售量。 通常提供固定费率的包装箱,因此可以快速轻松地计算运输成本。 将系统连接到NetVisor Shopify平台后,可以自动调整填充和发送账单,资金到账以及自动将货物发送给买方。 由于电子商务的广泛覆盖以及与会计系统的集成,世界各地的产品都可以Swift成为一种全国性现象!

销售不限于营业时间 (Sales are not limited to shop hours)

The best feature of online shopping is that the doors are always open. This is one of the greatest amenities that can be provided to the customer. The presence of an online store means that they can shop at a convenient time and in any place. If a client wants to stay at home in his pajamas on a lazy Sunday, he can still view the virtual shelves of your business from the comfort of his own home. And he can make purchases on a 24/7 basis, provided that e-shop has intercommunication with accounting systems. Round-the-clock service is the best that can be offered to the buyer, and in the online store, they do not even need to go to the store.

在线购物的最大特点是门永远是敞开的。 这是可以提供给客户的最大便利设施之一。 在线商店的存在意味着他们可以在方便的时候在任何地方购物。 如果客户希望在一个Sunday懒的星期天穿着睡衣呆在家里,他仍然可以在自己舒适的家中查看您公司的虚拟货架。 并且他可以24/7全天候购物,前提是电子商店可以与会计系统进行交互。 全天候服务是可以提供给买家的最佳服务,在在线商店中,他们甚至不需要去商店。

摘要 (Summary)

Nowadays, most online stores are built on third-party software platforms like Shopify. Such companies are responsible for the technology underlying the website as an experience of placing an order, the layout of the user interface. But with Amoniaс, you are not limited to just one e-commerce option. Using our integration and embedding options, you can create your own connector for almost any e-commerce platform you choose.

如今,大多数在线商店都建立在Shopify等第三方软件平台上。 此类公司负责网站底层的技术,作为下订单的经验,用户界面的布局。 但是,使用Amonia®,您不仅会局限于一个电子商务选项。 使用我们的集成和嵌入选项,您可以为几乎所有选择的电子商务平台创建自己的连接器。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/504424/

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