

Did you know that 72.1% of Internet users prefer to dwell on websites translated in their native language? That’s a lot of people.

您是否知道72.1%的互联网用户喜欢住在以其母语翻译的网站上? 有很多人。

But that’s fine. You see, with today’s technologies you can translate your text into any language you choose. “Okay, so what?” — well, people who browse products described in their native tongue tend to trust those seller companies more.

但这很好。 您会看到,利用当今的技术,您可以将文本翻译成您选择的任何语言。 “好吧,那又怎样?” —好吧,浏览使用母语描述的产品的人们往往更信任那些卖方公司。

So, by localizing your content, you can tremendously increase the number of your clients, sales, and, of course, grow your business. And the truth is that the localization industry is also evolving along with other digital businesses.

因此,通过本地化内容,可以极大地增加客户数量,销售量,当然也可以发展业务。 事实是,本地化行业也在与其他数字业务一起发展。

To prove it, we at Alconost have researched and listed the top 5 localization trends you can take advantage of in 2020. Let’s dive in!


1.电子学习与培训翻译 (1. E-Learning & Training Translation)

Webinars and training videos have grown significantly in the past years and tend to do the same in the future. And the necessity of localizing video education materials grows even further. Adding subtitles to your digital stuff is not enough nowadays. Some other vital features include graphics, navigation buttons, audio, video, and formatting.

网络研讨会和培训视频在过去几年中取得了显着增长,并且在未来趋向于如此。 本地化视频教学资料的必要性甚至进一步增加。 如今,在数字内容中添加字幕还远远不够。 其他一些重要功能包括图形,导航按钮,音频,视频和格式。

“A lot of work…” that’s what you are probably thinking. Frankly, localizing e-learning materials has never been an easy task… and whatever you do, you need to put some effort into making your e-learning stand out for the natives.

您可能在想“很多工作……”。 坦白说,对电子学习资料进行本地化从来都不是一件容易的事……而且,无论您做什么,您都需要付出一些努力,才能使电子学习在当地人中脱颖而出。

However, with a translation management system (TMS), you can automate a vast amount of tedious tasks and merely make your life easier. Using features such as workflow management, translation memory management, and glossary make the process feel like a breeze. We at Alconost work with almost every high-level TMS that ensures you get great value for your money. You can head to our website, check out TMSs we work with to pick the one that better suits your needs.

但是,借助翻译管理系统(TMS),您可以使大量繁琐的任务自动化,并且只会使您的生活更轻松。 使用工作流管理,翻译记忆库管理和词汇表之类的功能,使过程感觉轻而易举。 Alconost的几乎所有高级TMS都与我们合作,可确保您物有所值。 您可以访问我们的网站 ,查看与我们合作的TMS,以选择最适合您需求的TMS。

2.视频翻译 (2. Video Translation)

A recent study shows that 85% of Facebook videos are watched muted. What does this mean? Subtitles play a vital role here, that’s what it means. And this translation method will undoubtedly grow tremendously in 2020.

最近的一项研究表明,有85%的Facebook视频被静音。 这是什么意思? 字幕在这里起着至关重要的作用。 毫无疑问,这种翻译方法将在2020年得到极大的发展。

So how to easily add subtitles to your fantastic video? As we mentioned above, you can usually do the job quite well uploading the video files to TMS, where they get translated. It helps you to automate most of the processes, making the translation hassle-free, even enjoyable.

那么,如何轻松地将字幕添加到精彩的视频中呢? 如上所述,通常,您可以很好地完成将视频文件上传到TMS的工作,然后将其翻译。 它可以帮助您自动执行大多数流程,使翻译轻松自如,甚至愉快。

Besides the subtitles, you can also go for a voice-over translation. Of course, this would require both time and money investment. But once completed, the video quality will jump over the roof.

除了字幕外,您还可以进行配音翻译。 当然,这将需要时间和金钱上的投资。 但是一旦完成,视频质量将跃升至顶峰。

3.客户服务和音频翻译 (3. Customer Service And Audio Translation)

Did you know that by retaining only 5% of your customer base, you have a chance of potentially increasing your monthly revenue somewhere between 25% and 95%? Fascinating, right? And what’s an easy way to achieve that? — by providing exceptional and outstanding customer service.

您是否知道,仅保留5%的客户群,就有可能将您的每月收入提高25%至95%之间? 着迷吧? 实现这一目标的简单方法是什么? —通过提供卓越而出色的客户服务。

Many companies start to realize that the easiest way to make money is not by searching for new clients but by diving into their current customer base. So one of the most effective ways to handle your help requests professionally, thus retaining your customers for life, is to help them in their local language. And customers’ service translation is crucial for that.

许多公司开始认识到,最简单的赚钱方法不是通过寻找新客户,而是通过进入其现有客户群。 因此,以专业的方式处理您的帮助请求(从而挽留您的客户生命)的最有效方法之一就是以当地语言为他们提供帮助。 客户服务翻译对此至关重要。

4.众包 (4. Crowdsourcing)

If you are looking for a cost-effective and accurate localization method, that engages with active users and invites them to help you deliver translations for your website and apps…


…crowdsourcing does the job fantastic. And there is speculation that this trend will significantly grow in 2020.

…众包做得很棒。 有人猜测这种趋势将在2020年显着增长。

However, keep in mind that using crowdsourcing may not deliver the quality you are seeking. Also, managing the aggregate of your community can be really time-consuming. Though it’s a very cost-efficient localization technique, and you are barely sensing the drainage out of your pocket, the text quality might be very low and sentences might sound awkward if the community members aren’t on the same page.

但是,请记住,使用众包可能无法提供您想要的质量。 同样,管理整个社区可能非常耗时。 尽管这是一种非常经济高效的本地化技术,并且您几乎感觉不到口袋里的排水,但如果社区成员不在同一页面上,文本质量可能会很低,句子听起来可能会很尴尬。

Therefore, we do not recommend using Crowdsourcing for professional tasks that actually make a difference in your business. Instead of helping you to grow your business into local markets, the crowdsourced translation might actually make your brand look bad and lose you the trust of your potential clients.

因此,我们不建议将众包用于实际对您的业务有所帮助的专业任务。 众包翻译不但不帮助您将业务扩展到本地市场,反而实际上会使您的品牌形象变差,并使您失去潜在客户的信任。

We had some crowdsourced translation experience with GitLocalize, a platform for continuous localization of GitHub projects. However, soon after its acquisition, we’ve switched from the crowdsourced to professional human translation, making GitLocalize free at the same time. And it was the right step, in our opinion, since GitLocalize gained more credibility and got noticed by enterprise clients, too.

我们在GitLocalize (一个用于GitHub项目的持续本地化的平台)上有一些众包翻译经验。 但是,在收购之后不久,我们已经从众包转换为专业人工翻译,从而使GitLocalize同时免费。 在我们看来,这是正确的一步,因为GitLocalize获得了更高的信誉并受到了企业客户的关注。

All in all, in our experience, the value you get for a real and a professional translator is simply unmatched. But if you’d like to engage with your community more often than not, then crowdsourcing is suitable for plain texts.

总而言之,根据我们的经验,您为真正的和专业的翻译人员所能获得的价值是无与伦比的。 但是,如果您想更多地与社区互动,那么众包适合纯文本。

5.机器翻译和后期编辑 (5. Machine Translation & Post Editing)

Another popular localization trend is machine translation, along with post-editing. This method is perfect when you need to get the job done quickly. It’s mostly suitable for basic website pages, product reviews, and articles.

另一个流行的本地化趋势是机器翻译以及后期编辑。 当您需要快速完成工作时,此方法非常理想。 它最适合基本的网站页面,产品评论和文章。

How does the process work? Machine translation handles your entire text. However, machine localization most times is lacking accuracy in words and phrases. So it might produce some awkward sentences and words in the native language.

整个进程如何运作? 机器翻译可以处理您的整个文本。 但是,大多数情况下,机器本地化在单词和短语方面缺乏准确性。 因此,它可能会以母语生成一些尴尬的句子和单词。

To avoid that, you have to hire a real translator. The difference here is that the translator only edits the text, which is done 40% quicker than if you had to hire a translator to re-write the whole text and then edit it solely.

为了避免这种情况,您必须聘请真正的翻译。 此处的区别在于,翻译者仅编辑文本,比您不得不雇用翻译者重写整个文本然后单独进行编辑的速度快40%。

Though this localization trend is speculated to grow tremendously in 2020, keep in mind that it’s suitable only for basic texts. We don’t recommend going for machine translation if you have some important content to be translated. For instance, we have a quick alternative to machine translation — the Nitro translation platform. It’s a professional human online translation service, where all the orders get completed within 2 to 24 hours.

尽管预计这种本地化趋势将在2020年急剧增长,但请记住,它仅适用于基础文本。 如果您需要翻译一些重要内容,我们不建议您进行机器翻译。 例如,我们提供了一种机器翻译的快速替代方案-Nitro翻译平台 。 这是一个专业的人工在线翻译服务,所有订单均在2到24小时内完成。

Well, these are currently the five growing localization trends we’ve spotted at Alconost on our localization projects. Some of them might work for you, while others might also not.

好吧,这是目前在Alconost本地化项目中发现的五个本地化趋势。 他们中的某些人可能为您工作,而其他人则可能没有。

We hope our considerations were helpful for your future projects. Stick with localization, and you will inevitably make your global users happier.

希望我们的考虑对您将来的项目有所帮助。 坚持本地化,您将不可避免地使您的全球用户更加满意。

您可能还会发现有用: (You might also find useful:)

How to Localize an App or Game? Top Ten Free E-learning Sources App Localization in Ten Steps — Tutorial

如何本地化应用或游戏? 十个步骤中 排名前十位的免费电子学习资源 应用程序本地化—教程

关于作者 (About the author)

This article has been written by Alconost, a global provider of localization services for apps, games, videos, and websites into 70+ languages. We offer translations by native-speaking linguists, linguistic testing, cloud-based workflow, continuous localization, project management 24/7, and work with any format of string resources. We also make advertising and educational videos and images, teasers, explainers, and trailers for Google Play and the App Store.

本文由Alconost (全球应用程序,游戏 ,视频和网站本地化服务提供商)编写, 支持 70多种语言。 我们提供由母语为母语的语言学家,语言测试,基于云的工作流,连续本地化,24/7项目管理以及任何格式的字符串资源提供的翻译。 我们还为Google Play和App Store制作广告和教育视频和图像,预告片,解释器和预告片。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/alconost/blog/485986/






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