
Since its completion more than 675 years ago, the medieval cathedral of Notre-Dame has captivated millions of people with its incomparable beauty. From its legendary stained glass rose window to its towering spire, it’s widely regarded as one of the most stunning examples of medieval architecture in history.

自675年前完工以来,巴黎圣母院的中世纪大教堂以其无与伦比的美丽吸引着数百万人。 从其传奇的彩色玻璃玫瑰窗到高耸的尖顶,它被公认为是历史上最令人叹为观止的中世纪建筑之一。

A staple of the Parisian skyline and a global icon, the recent tragedy which saw the cathedral engulfed in flames shook Parisians and onlookers around the world. While thankfully no one was hurt, the iconic spire, oak frame and lead roof were lost.

巴黎惨案是巴黎天际线和全球标志性建筑的主要内容,最近的悲剧使大教堂被火焰吞没,震惊了全世界的巴黎人和围观者。 值得庆幸的是,没有人受伤,但标志性的尖塔,橡木框架和铅屋顶却丢失了。

The reconstruction and repair of the damage is a top priority, calling for the work to be completed within five years. One factor which could greatly aid in this process, is the vast amount of data, surveys and documentation that exist on Notre-Dame – information that has been recorded and collected by numerous parties over decades.

损坏的重建和修复是当务之急,要求在五年内完成工作。 可以在此过程中提供极大帮助的一个因素是,巴黎圣母院上存在着大量的数据,调查和文件记录-数十年来,许多方面都记录和收集了这些信息。

Microsoft and Iconem – an innovative startup that specialises in the recreation of endangered cultural heritage sites in 3D – have announced the Open Notre-Dame initiative. Together, they combine their skills to contribute to the restoration of Notre Dame through an open data project.

微软和Iconem是一家创新的初创公司,专门从事3D濒危文化遗产的娱乐活动,并宣布了“开放圣母院”计划。 他们共同努力,通过开放数据项目为恢复巴黎圣母院做出了贡献。

“Open Notre Dame” is a visual data provision in open source, designed to better understand and analyze the building in its history. This initiative will not only help gather and analyze as many existing documents as possible on the monument but also produce 3D models to make them available to everyone. Through this project, Iconem and Microsoft intend to contribute to preserve and spread the French heritage.

“开放圣母院”是开放源代码中的可视数据提供,旨在更好地了解和分析建筑物的历史。 该计划不仅将帮助在纪念碑上收集和分析尽可能多的现有文档,还将生成3D模型以使每个人都可以使用。 通过该项目,Iconem和Microsoft打算为保存和传播法国遗产做出贡献。

Having already created detailed 3D models of other French heritage sites such as Mont-Saint-Michel, Iconem’s access to data from third parties such as archival plans and photos can provide a historical evolution of the cathedral before the fire – improving the accuracy of the model and roof structure.


The temporal models of the Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral will be made available on GitHub, the world’s leading software development platform. The opening and the sharing of all these data via GitHub will come directly to feed different initiatives and competences: the EPFL of Lausanne (which creates dynamic models of cities), and Inria, the consortium Humanun (CNRS and Archeovision) – and will allow feeding all the scientific studies around the building. Many partners already contribute to the project thanks to their surveys, images, and plans that will serve as a basis for these open source models: aerial images (Yann Arthus-Bertrand, TSVP), very high-resolution images (Cornis company and first readings by Iconem), and thousands of pieces of documentation collected by Ubisoft.

巴黎圣母院大教堂的时间模型将在全球领先的软件开发平台GitHub上提供。 通过GitHub公开和共享所有这些数据将直接满足不同的计划和能力:洛桑的EPFL(创建城市的动态模型)和Inria,Humanun财团(CNRS和Archeovision)–并将允许建筑物周围的所有科学研究。 许多合作伙伴已经通过其调查,图像和计划为这些开源模型奠定了基础,为该项目做出了贡献:航空图像(Yann Arthus-Bertrand,TSVP),超高分辨率图像(Cornis公司和一读)由Iconem)和Ubisoft收集的数千份文档。

If we continue to work together and sharing our knowledge, the great cathedral of Notre-Dame will be restored to its former glory once again.


翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/microsoft/blog/453568/





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