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But what prevents 80% of companies from trying out a CRM tool? If prices is the matter, we are offering a free CRM system integrated with the phone system and free PBX.
但是,是什么阻止了80%的公司尝试使用CRM工具呢? 如果价格问题,我们将提供与电话系统和免费PBX集成的免费CRM系统。
To anticipate questions about installation difficulty, CRM setup and contact import doesn’t take more than 5 minutes.

什么是CRM系统? (What is a CRM system?)
If you have more than one client, you need to keep track of their data. If there is more than one employee, client information needs to be transferred. CRM (Client Relations Management) systems were created just for that. CRM tools store your client base and the whole history of interactions with them.
如果您有多个客户端,则需要跟踪其数据。 如果雇员不止一个,则需要传输客户信息。 为此创建了CRM(客户关系管理)系统。 CRM工具存储您的客户群以及与之互动的整个历史。
So, if your business interacts with clients over the phone, CRM integration with telephony might be vital; this way you always know who calls (or make calls in one click). Creating leads during calls is also preferable, but we’ll discuss that in the feature list.
因此,如果您的企业通过电话与客户互动,则CRM与电话的集成可能至关重要。 这样,您就始终知道谁打来电话(或一键打出电话)。 在通话中创建销售线索也是可取的,但是我们将在功能列表中进行讨论。
We suggest trying out free Zadarma CRM fully integrated with a VoIP system.
我们建议尝试完全与VoIP系统集成的免费Zadarma CRM 。

免费的主要CRM功能: (Main free CRM features:)
- All contacts and interaction history in client’s card 客户卡中的所有联系人和互动历史记录
- Convenient task management, Kanban, list and calendar display 方便的任务管理,看板,列表和日历显示
- Supports 50+ employees 支持50多名员工
- Full integration with voice communication 与语音通讯完全集成
ZCRM的其他重要功能: (Other important ZCRM features:)
- Easy client and lead database import and export in .csv format 轻松客户端和Lead数据库以.csv格式导入和导出
- Tag creation 标签创建
- Filters, sorting, tags and search for fast client location 筛选,排序,标记和搜索快速的客户位置
- Tasks can be viewed in a list, Kanban or calendar; managers see all employees’ tasks in their calendar. 可以在列表,看板或日历中查看任务; 经理在日历中查看所有员工的任务。
- Agent who answered a call from an unknown number will receive a new lead with call recording at the end of the conversation. When lead is processed, its status is changed, it turns into a client or is marked as not matching (deleted). The unassigned lead pool consists of all leads that are not assigned to any agent. 应答了来自未知号码的呼叫的业务代表将在对话结束时收到一条带有通话记录的新线索。 处理销售线索后,其状态将更改,变为客户或被标记为不匹配(已删除)。 未分配的潜在客户池包括未分配给任何业务代表的所有潜在客户。
- You can create user groups with different ZCRM features access 您可以创建具有不同ZCRM功能访问权限的用户组

ZCRM与PBX功能的集成 (ZCRM integration with PBX features)
- Calls from ZCRM in one click, through a browser (WebRTC) or any application. 一键式通过浏览器(WebRTC)或任何应用程序从ZCRM发出的呼叫。
- Popup client card during incoming and outgoing calls. 来电和去电时弹出客户卡。
- Call statistics and recording available from ZCRM. 呼叫统计信息和记录可从ZCRM获得。
- Automatic call routing to the responsible manager (who leads communication with this client). 自动将呼叫路由至负责的经理(由其负责与此客户的通信)。
- Integration with free CallBack widget from Zadarma (call back task creation). 与Zadarma的免费CallBack小部件集成(创建回叫任务)。
- New lead creation during a call from unknown numbers. 通话中来自未知号码的新潜在客户创建。
为什么免费? (Why free?)
We operate at a freemium model, which means most of our features are provided for free. To enjoy all of our services, users only need to cover outgoing calls and virtual numbers (but even they are frequently discounted). Zadarma has several other services free of charge besides ZCRM:
我们以免费增值模式运作,这意味着我们的大多数功能都是免费提供的。 要享受我们的所有服务,用户只需要提供拨出电话和虚拟号码(但即使打折也是如此)。 Zadarma除了ZCRM之外还免费提供其他几项服务:
- Callback widget 回调小部件
- WebRTC widget for calls from the browser WebRTC小部件,用于来自浏览器的呼叫
If so many features are free, the other must be really expensive? Not at all, you can check and compare to other operators – our rates are very competitive. We also offer packages for different countries and continents.
如果有那么多免费功能,那么其他功能真的必须昂贵吗? 完全没有,您可以检查并与其他运营商进行比较–我们的价格非常具有竞争力。 我们还提供针对不同国家和大洲的套餐。
Moreover, you are not required to use Zadarma CRM or other Zadarma services. Our free PBX can be integrated simultaneously with ZCRM and with another CRM system (for example, HubSpot, Salesforce, Zoho and more).
此外,您无需使用Zadarma CRM或其他Zadarma服务。 我们的免费PBX可以与ZCRM和另一个CRM系统 (例如HubSpot,Salesforce,Zoho等)同时集成。
Free ZCRM is active as long as your free Zadarma PBX is enabled. For Cloud PBX to stay for free you need to top up your account balance at least once in three months (funds can be spent on virtual numbers and outgoing calls, which is essential for client communication).
只要启用了免费的Zadarma PBX,免费的ZCRM就会处于活动状态。 为了免费使用Cloud PBX,您需要至少三个月补充一次帐户余额(资金可以用于虚拟号码和去电,这对于客户沟通至关重要)。
我该如何尝试? (How can I try?)
For CRM creation it would be most convenient to register straight from ZCRM page.
After registration, you will be directed to PBX and CRM setup wizards (they’re set up together to avoid double entry). First, enter the number of employees, and create voice greetings if needed.
注册后,您将被定向到PBX和CRM设置向导(它们被一起设置以避免重复输入)。 首先,输入员工人数,并在需要时创建语音问候。

Then the system will ask for employees’ email addresses to send them invitations to the system. And that’s pretty much it.
然后,系统将询问员工的电子邮件地址,以将邀请发送给他们。 就是这样。
Most importantly, you don’t need to enter client information again, you can import the database from .csv files or excel.
For registered users with an active Zadarma PBX, ZCRM can be activated in your personal account Settings – API and integrations. (If an account doesn’t have PBX enabled, you only need to click on Enable PBX and check a box next to ZCRM)
对于具有活跃Zadarma PBX的注册用户,可以在您的个人帐户“设置-API和集成”中激活ZCRM。 (如果帐户未启用PBX,则只需单击“启用PBX”并选中ZCRM旁边的复选框 )
聚苯乙烯 (P.S.)
ZCRM functionality is constantly extended. We appreciate all suggestions in the comments.
ZCRM功能不断扩展。 我们感谢评论中的所有建议。
sip pbx