

The year 2019 is nearing its end, so there are plenty of posts digging into 2020 trends in multiple industries. Healthcare is not an exception here. However, in this piece, I'd like to discuss the most significant innovations in healthcare that are happening right now (all with real-life examples). Let's go!

2019年已接近尾声,因此有多个职位深入探讨了多个行业的2020年趋势。 这里的医疗保健也不例外。 但是,在这篇文章中,我想讨论一下目前正在发生的最重要的医疗保健创新(所有实例都是真实的例子)。 我们走吧!

3D建模有助于培训外科医生 (3D Modelling that helps to train surgeons)

Surgery operations can be very long and complicated. Also, the longer the patient remains on the surgery table, the more significant risks are. Any tool that allows shrinking the time of the operation increases the odds of overall success.

手术操作可能非常漫长且复杂。 而且,患者在手术台上停留的时间越长,风险就越大。 任何可以缩短手术时间的工具都会增加成功的几率。

So, there are hospitals, like Boston Children's Hospital, which use 3D operating models to prepare surgeons for the particular case they will be taking care of before stepping into the operating room. 3D printing technology is used to create models of a specific patient's organs. This allows running the pre-surgery training and provides the room for experiments with new surgery methods with no risks.

因此,有一些医院,例如波士顿儿童医院, 使用 3D手术模型为外科医生在进入手术室之前要照顾的特定病例做准备。 3D打印技术用于创建特定患者器官的模型。 这样可以进行手术前培训,并为使用新手术方法进行实验提供了空间,而没有任何风险。

移动技术将父母与新生儿联系起来 (Mobile tech to connect parents with their newborns)

Sometimes, babies and newborns can't go home with their parents right away. Tons of medical conditions require a baby staying in a NICU (Neonatal intensive care unit) for some time, while their parents leave the hospital. This is very stressful for parents, so some hospitals are working towards minimizing this adverse effect.

有时,婴儿和新生儿无法立即与父母一起回家。 大量的医疗条件要求婴儿在其父母离开医院时要在新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)中停留一段时间。 这对父母来说压力很大,因此一些医院正在努力将这种不利影响降到最低。

For example, best hospitals in Chicago, including the University of Chicago and the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago have implemented the specialized PreeMe+You app that allows parents to be in contact with their child in NICU.

例如, 芝加哥最好的医院 ,包括芝加哥大学和芝加哥安·罗伯特·H·卢里儿童医院,已经实施了专门的PreeMe + You应用程序,该应用程序允许父母与重症监护病房的孩子联系。

The app displays all essential parameters, track the baby's progress, so parents can know for sure that everything is okay.


虚拟现实帮助患者进行手术 (Virtual reality helps the patients go through a surgery)

Having a scheduled surgery, childbirth, or other similar situations can be psychologically tough for patients. Happily, there is a technology developed by a VRHealth startup that allows using virtual reality to bring relief during medical procedures (its partner is Oculus).

对患者而言,安排好手术,分娩或其他类似情况可能会给他们带来心理上的困难。 令人高兴的是,VRHealth初创公司开发了一项技术,该技术允许在医疗过程中使用虚拟现实带来缓解(其合作伙伴是Oculus)。

The patient gets VR glasses to wear during medical procedures that can be psychologically hard or painful. This allows minimizing the stress. When the patient is more relaxed, it is easier for healthcare providers to safely perform the needed procedure.

在医疗过程中,患者会戴上VR眼镜,这在心理上可能会很痛苦或很痛苦。 这允许最小化压力。 当患者放松时,医疗保健提供者更容易安全地执行所需的程序。

预测分析以优化手术室使用 (Predictive analytics for optimized operating rooms usage)

Operating rooms management is a huge problem for hospitals. There is always a lot of patients who need to be treated, so any slowdown in the surgery process can both be dangerous and increase delays. As a result, fewer operations can be made in a given time frame.

手术室管理对医院来说是一个巨大的问题。 总是有很多患者需要治疗,因此手术过程中的任何减速都可能既危险又会增加延迟。 结果,在给定的时间范围内可以进行较少的操作。

There is a lot of research and experiments aimed at solving these tasks. For example, The University of Chicago Medical Center, uses predictive analytics that allows streamlining and optimize the operating rooms' usage.

为了解决这些任务,有很多研究和实验。 例如,芝加哥大学医学中心使用预测分析来简化和优化手术室的使用。

The real-time data and AI-powered algorithms allow improving business processes and communication to more effectively moving supplies and managing the schedule. As a result, the hospital can decrease the turnover by 20% and save up to $600,000 yearly. Of course, patients and doctors like when there are no bottlenecks, and the healthcare service becomes faster.

实时数据和基于AI的算法可改善业务流程和沟通,从而更有效地移动物资和管理计划。 结果,该医院可以将营业额减少20%,每年节省高达$ 600,000。 当然,患者和医生喜欢没有瓶颈的情况,并且医疗服务变得更快。

What other important tech innovations that are in real use right now do you know? Share in the comments!

您知道目前还有哪些其他重要的实际技术创新? 分享评论!

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/481320/






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