

Today’s taxi market is crowded with ride-sharing apps like Uber, Ola, and Lyft. They are giving serious competition for upcoming ventures. These on-demand apps have initiated the radical shift in the taxi industry enabling the smooth transition from conventional taxi hailing to booking a cab through an app. Customers are opting for hailing taxis through the app because of its reliability to get a taxi and ensuring a much better cab booking experience. Thus, the taxi market is ripe for the taking, and this is the right time for entrepreneurs to make use of the opportunity.

当今的出租车市场上挤满了Uber,Ola和Lyft等乘车共享应用程序。 他们正在为即将到来的企业进行激烈的竞争。 这些按需应用程序已引发了出租车行业的根本转变,从而使应用程序可以从传统的出租车称呼过渡到通过出租车预订出租车。 客户选择通过该应用程序招呼出租车,因为该应用程序可确保出租车的可靠性并确保更好的出租车预订体验。 因此,出租车市场已经为时机成熟了,这是企业家利用机遇的正确时机。

出租车行业统计 (Statistics on the Taxi Industry)

The traditional taxi industry is still stuck with inefficient phone call bookings, competitors and they stand to lose at least $20 million on an everyday basis just because customers couldn’t find a cab. Another statistics survey tells us that almost 80% of the commuter prefer Ola and Uber over regular taxis and that Uber has completed nearly 2 billion rides since its inception. The profits soared over $20 Billion in the process. What made Uber and Ola successful ventures is the sound business strategy they employed. So if you are going to establish your venture then understanding the market is imperative.

传统的出租车行业仍然困在低效率的电话预订,竞争对手的竞争下,他们每天仅因客户找不到出租车而损失至少2000万美元。 另一项统计调查告诉我们,将近80%的通勤者比普通出租车更喜欢Ola和Uber,而且自成立以来,Uber已经完成了近20亿次乘车。 在此过程中,利润飙升了200亿美元。 使Uber和Ola成功创业的原因是他们采用的合理的商业策略。 因此,如果您要建立自己的企业,那么必须了解市场。

There are some key points to make your venture and Uber-like app to create a niche in the taxi industry,


实时位置跟踪 (Real-time Location Tracking)

One of the critical points to be included in your taxi app is real-time tracking. This feature allows both, passenger and driver to track each other, and also guide the driver to the correct location. This also shows the exact ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) for the passenger so that the cab picks them up at the proper time.

出租车应用程序中包含的关键点之一是实时跟踪。 此功能使乘客和驾驶员都可以互相跟踪,也可以将驾驶员引导到正确的位置。 这也显示了乘客的确切ETA(预计到达时间),以便出租车在适当的时间接他们。

As the admin for your business, you can track the location of the driver and keep an eye on the route that he/she is taking to pick up the passenger. If the driver slacks off or not picking up the customer near to them, you as the admin can relay the instruction to the driver about it.

作为您企业的管理员,您可以跟踪驾驶员的位置,并密切注意驾驶员去接乘客的路线。 如果驾驶员松懈或不接客,他们作为管理员可以将有关该指令的信息转发给驾驶员。

更高的利润 (Higher Profits)

Various taxi operators or drivers who have worked with reputed taxi apps have complained about levying large commissions and rapidly declining perks. Due to this, many drivers opt out of the aggregator services, and this can be eliminated by saving on the commission and have an omnichannel strategy for all the players connected in the app. Both the driver and admin can make their cut without any hassles.

与著名的出租车应用程序合作过的各种出租车操作员或驾驶员都抱怨要收取高额的佣金,而津贴却Swift下降。 因此,许多驱动程序选择退出聚合器服务,这可以通过节省佣金来消除,并为应用程序中连接的所有玩家提供了全渠道策略。 驾驶员和管理员均可轻松完成任务。

建立品牌 (Build the Brand )

Companies like Uber, Lyft have established their reputation and goodwill by creating a brand for themselves and thriving upon it. Having a good and well functional taxi app will make you build a brand for yourself given the competition is cutthroat.

像Uber,Lyft这样的公司通过为自己创建品牌并发扬光大来建立自己的声誉和商誉。 鉴于竞争激烈,拥有一款功能完善的出租车应用程序将使您自己打造品牌。

There are several ways to create brand value and retain it. You can build your brand through trust, credibility and unwavering service. If your app is customized to work flawlessly for a large number of users, then your app will stick on the market.

有几种方法可以创造品牌价值并保留它。 您可以通过信任,信誉和坚定的服务来建立自己的品牌。 如果将您的应用程序定制为可以完美地为大量用户使用,则您的应用程序将继续投放市场。

自动驾驶模式 (Auto-Pilot Mode)

The taxi business handles over a million requests, and if you are going to take the traditional way of operating, then you would have to lose customers at some point. However, the automation of the entire process allows the passenger to book the cab, receive details of the ride and payment details all in advance with the help of an app.

出租车业务处理了超过一百万个请求,如果您要采用传统的运营方式,那么您将不得不在某个时候失去客户。 但是,整个过程的自动化使乘客可以在应用程序的帮助下提前预订出租车,接收乘车细节和付款细节。

驾驶员和乘客的评论 (Review from both Driver and Passenger)

Taxi apps like Uber and Lyft have reviews section for both passenger and driver app to rate each other. This is done to improve customer and driver satisfaction in a linear way. In the form of ratings and reviews, the passenger or driver can rate the ride along with some notes that can be added. The ratings and reviews are taken very seriously. You can add this in your app to improve the experience of rides. Both passenger and driver can check for the ratings in the profile.

出租车应用程序(例如Uber和Lyft)在旅客和驾驶员应用程序的评论部分中互相评分。 这样做是为了以线性方式提高客户和驾驶员的满意度。 以评分和评论的形式,乘客或驾驶员可以对乘车进行评分,并添加一些注释。 评分和评论非常重视。 您可以将其添加到您的应用中,以改善乘车体验。 乘客和驾驶员都可以在配置文件中检查等级。

尝试现成的解决方案来开发出租车应用程序 (Try a ready-made solution to develop a taxi app)

As the taxi industry is still expanding and thriving with the heavy competition, you could too make a stand in the market with solutions like white label Uber clone app. These clone apps are skeletal frameworks that can be customized or integrated with a wide range of features. Create your own taxi app under a score of features and take your venture to the next level.

由于出租车行业仍在不断发展并在激烈的竞争中蓬勃发展,因此您也可以使用白标Uber clone app之类的解决方案在市场上站稳脚跟。 这些克隆应用程序是骨架框架,可以对其进行自定义或集成各种功能。 在众多功能下创建您自己的出租车应用程序,并将您的企业带入一个新的高度。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/447980/

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