


In general, the productivity of coding superheroes is measured by the number of lines of code and the quality of the code they write. It means, when the developer churns out the output compared to input, they are declared as productive. Presently, every company wants a productive programmer to accelerate time-to-market and enrich mobile app user’s experience that helps them stand ahead of the competitors.

通常,编码超级英雄的生产率由代码行数和它们编写的代码质量来衡量。 这意味着,当开发人员将输出与输入进行比较时,它们被宣布为生产性的。 当前,每个公司都希望有一个高效的程序员来加快产品上市时间,并丰富移动应用程序用户的体验,从而帮助他们在竞争者中脱颖而出。

Alas! All the developers are not productive. Most of them, pull their hairs when the deadline is around the corner, when finding the source of bugs seems a hard nut to crack in, or when the client is complaining about the features not meeting the business needs. The reason behind for not performing to the peak efficiency is they work hard, but not smartly.

唉! 所有开发人员都没有生产力。 他们中的大多数人在截止日期临近时,发现错误来源似乎很难破解时,或者在客户抱怨功能无法满足业务需求时发力。 无法达到最高效率的原因是他们努力工作,但并不聪明。

The developer’s productivity can be augmented when they work prudently, make the most out of the time, and incorporate the best practices.


来自移动应用程序开发公司的编码工程师,项目经理和决策者,以高生产率和高效率而著称,遵循以下9个指标来专注于开发移动应用程序: (The coding engineers, project managers and decision-makers from the mobile app development companies that are known for high productivity and efficiency, follow these 9 pointers to focus on developing a mobile application:)

通信。 通信。 通信 (Communicate. Communicate. Communicate)

The regular meetings keep the information flow smooth, but it cannot be considered as the sole way to keep the complete team on the same page. The reason is the unavailability of a common platform for central communication keeps the team fragmented.

例行会议可以保持信息畅通,但是不能将其作为使整个团队保持同一页面的唯一方法。 原因是无法使用通用的中央沟通平台,使团队支离破碎。

The developers when work individually is unaware of what other developer is working on the same part of the application, and then conflicts are certain and getting any information effectively is impossible. The productivity can be improved by keeping central communication platforms like- Slack, Jira, and Trello in the place where the developers can share all the relevant information.

当开发人员单独工作时,他们不知道其他开发人员在应用程序的同一部分上进行什么工作,因此肯定会发生冲突,并且不可能有效地获取任何信息。 通过将中央通信平台(如Slack,Jira和Trello)保留在开发人员可以共享所有相关信息的地方,可以提高生产率。

以MVP方式构建应用 (Build the app the MVP way )

Directly started working on the complex parts of the app is not a good decision for the developers because in this process they end up building the app where the basic functionalities won’t perform to the notch and contain design ambiguities as well.


It’s better for the developers to start building the app with minimum functionalities where the essential features and basic designs are engineered, and later, the app is enhanced on the grounds of user’s feedback and market response gained through analytics platforms like- Appsee. The analytics tools can be integrated with a single line of code and detect user behavior against several elements of the app in advance.

对于开发人员来说,最好是在设计基本功能和基本设计时开始使用功能最少的应用程序构建应用程序,然后根据用户的反馈和通过Appsee等分析平台获得的市场响应来增强应用程序。 可以将分析工具与单行代码集成,并提前针对应用程序的多个元素检测用户行为

In this manner, the app can be developed quickly, launched swiftly, and deliver the unprecedented user experience.


线框将增进理解 (The wireframe will enhance the understanding )

The detailed documentation and client meetings are optimum to make the developers understand the business project needs accurately. The information is inadequate in the absence of rough blueprint which gives a complete understanding of the future app like- which feature to place on which page, how the functionalities will be connected, what’s the app flow, the user interaction points, and so on.

详细的文档和客户会议是使开发人员准确了解业务项目需求的最佳选择。 在缺少粗略的蓝图的情况下,信息不足,无法全面了解未来的应用程序,例如将哪个功能放置在哪个页面上,如何连接功能,什么是应用程序流程,用户交互点等等。

The developers should create a wireframe before heading to the coding, which can be created in a couple of minutes and get approved from the client so that they won’t lose the track at any stage. Also, it helps in better comprehending the exact purpose and functionalities of the app.

开发人员应在进行编码之前先创建线框,该线框可以在几分钟内创建并获得客户的批准,以使他们在任何阶段都不会迷失方向。 此外,它有助于更​​好地理解应用程序的确切用途和功能。

偏好现代语言 (Prefer modern languages)

The programming languages are constantly updating for years to make the code easy to write, read and maintain, and write the functionalities in minimum lines of code. Making a switch to modern programming languages is a smarter choice.

多年来,编程语言一直在不断更新,以使代码易于编写,读取和维护,并以最少的代码行编写功能。 切换到现代编程语言是一个更明智的选择。

For instance, Swift has replaced age-old Objective C in the iOS landscape, and Kotlin is regarded as a great alternative to Java for Android app development. The mobile app developer productivity can be boosted when the developers prefer writing clean, clear and concise code by opting for modern languages.

例如,Swift在iOS领域取代了古老的Objective C,而Kotlin被认为是Java在Android应用程序开发中的绝佳替代品。 当开发人员喜欢通过选择现代语言来编写简洁,清晰,简洁的代码时,可以提高移动应用程序开发人员的生产率。

利用最新的工具包 (Leverage latest toolkits)

Just like coding language modernization, the tech giants also update the existing tools and provide new toolkits to accelerate app development. The set of new tools enables the developers to build advanced apps easily and quickly so that the time can be invested in important things.

就像编码语言现代化一样,技术巨头也更新了现有工具并提供了新的工具包来加速应用程序开发。 这套新工具使开发人员可以轻松快速地构建高级应用程序,从而可以将时间投入到重要的事情上。

For instance, ARCore toolkits are released by Apple and Google respectively for allowing the programmers to build the augmented reality apps at speed. SRKit API is released by Apple for the easier integration of voice functionality in a diverse range of apps.

例如,Apple和Google分别发布了ARCore工具包,使程序员可以快速构建增强现实应用程序。 Apple发行了SRKit API,以便在各种应用程序中更轻松地集成语音功能。

Building and updating the apps according to the latest toolkits releases help the developers accelerate the development and stay sync with the emerging trends.


可用的第三方工具 (Avail third-party tools)

It’s no brainer to write code from the scratch for creating a functionality when it’s already available to integrate at trivial cost and time investment. Also, there is no guarantee that the precious time you have put into building the functionality will definitely pay off. The chances of errors exist.

如果已经可以以很小的成本和时间投入进行集成,那么从头开始编写用于创建功能的代码就可以了。 同样,不能保证您在构建功能上花费的宝贵时间一定会有所回报。 存在错误的机会。

Instead of reinventing the wheel, it’s better to make the most use of the existing libraries, tools, and plugins. Be it for payment functionality, in-app search functionality, push notification functionality, social sharing functionality, and so forth, they can be implemented in the app in a few steps.

与其重新发明轮子,不如充分利用现有的库,工具和插件。 无论是用于支付功能,应用内搜索功能,推送通知功能,社交共享功能等等,它们都可以通过几个步骤在应用中实现。

Besides, there are many cross-platform development tools such as Unity 3D, Xamarin, and PhoneGap which enable the developers to write the code once and then port the code to other platforms for building the native-like application for multiple platforms. It eliminates the waste of time, efforts, and dollars to build the app individually for every platform.

此外,还有许多跨平台开发工具,例如Unity 3D,Xamarin和PhoneGap,它们使开发人员可以编写一次代码,然后将代码移植到其他平台上,从而为多个平台构建类似本机的应用程序。 它消除了为每个平台单独构建应用程序的时间,精力和金钱的浪费。

自动化一切 (Automate the things possible)

The repetitive tasks in the app development process are not just tiresome and monotonous while hurting productivity as well. Using the available tools and resources, there is a slew of tasks that can be automated such as using Perl for text manipulation and log mining, Eclipse for code refactoring, Bash profile for the command line, and Appium for automated testing.

应用程序开发过程中的重复任务不仅繁琐而单调,而且还会损害生产力。 使用可用的工具和资源,有大量的任务可以自动化,例如使用Perl进行文本操作和日志挖掘,使用Eclipse进行代码重构,使用Bash概要文件进行命令行以及使用Appium进行自动化测试。

With automation tools, a lot of time can be saved on unproductive tasks which boost up the developer’s productivity. For instance, with continuous integration, the developers can check the bug when the source code is moving into a source code repository, in addition to the detailed view of all the tests and bugs. It alleviates the need to spend a lot of time in finding why the build fails and chasing the bugs post-development in order to fix them.

使用自动化工具,可以在非生产性任务上节省大量时间,从而提高了开发人员的生产率。 例如,通过持续集成,开发人员可以在将源代码移入源代码存储库时检查错误,以及所有测试和错误的详细视图。 它减少了花费大量时间查找构建失败的原因并在开发后追踪错误以修复错误的需要。

The automated testing tools are largely used by the developers to scan the code and identify the possible flaws and issues in a matter of seconds. The early and continuous testing of the app save the developers from putting extra efforts at the end of the app development to find and repair the defects.

开发人员主要使用自动化测试工具来扫描代码,并在几秒钟内识别出可能的缺陷和问题。 对应用程序进行早期和连续的测试可避免开发人员在应用程序开发结束时付出额外的努力来查找和修复缺陷。

持续重构 (Continuous refactoring)

The most often overlooked element of the app development is code refactoring because the process of simplifying the existing code without changing its external behavior doesn’t contribute to productivity. However, it’s the biggest myth with which the developers live in.

应用程序开发中最常被忽略的元素是代码重构,因为在不更改其外部行为的情况下简化现有代码的过程不会提高生产力。 但是,这是开发人员赖以生存的最大神话。

The code refactoring won’t add any new feature or functionality during development, but it’s a boon when the app is developed in agile environments. From iteration to iteration, it becomes tough to maintain and extend the code without code refactoring because un-refactored code tends to rot, which results in duplicate code, the corrupt dependency between classes and create other confusion. So, don’t ignore it.

代码重构不会在开发过程中添加任何新功能,但是当在敏捷环境中开发应用程序时,它是一个福音。 从迭代到迭代,不进行代码重构就难以维护和扩展代码,因为未重构的代码容易腐烂,从而导致重复的代码,类之间的依赖关系损坏以及其他混乱。 因此,不要忽略它。

知识库是救助者 (The knowledge bank is a rescuer)

When the developers stuck somewhere and unable to resolve the problem, then spending weeks on the same issue is not a wise decision. The developers can look for portals like- Stack Overflow, or Github (The open-source websites) to get the solution to the problems.

当开发人员卡在某个地方而无法解决问题时,那么花数周时间在同一问题上并不是明智的决定。 开发人员可以寻找诸如Stack Overflow或Github(开源网站)之类的门户网站来解决问题。

On Stack Overflow, the developers can post any type of app development related questions after creating a developer account to get the answer and increase the knowledge. Github is a good repository to view the logic and functionalities build by the other developers and overcome the development challenge.

在Stack Overflow上,开发人员可以在创建开发人员帐户后发布任何类型的与应用程序开发相关的问题,以获得答案并增加知识。 Github是一个很好的存储库,可以查看其他开发人员构建的逻辑和功能并克服开发挑战。

结论 (Conclusion)

Productivity gains have become the pre-requisite of every mobile app development company, but saddeningly, it’s challenging to make every developer stay productive. Also, pushing the developers too hard won’t work. The nine proven productivity hacks have an answer to the problem.

生产力的提高已成为每个移动应用程序开发公司的前提,但令人遗憾的是,要使每个开发人员保持生产力仍然是一项挑战。 同样,过分推力开发人员也行不通。 九种经过实践证明的生产力技巧可以解决该问题。

Before executing the app development strategy, the developers should implement all the tips to get the most out of the working hours and reach their goals. By just using the tools, third-party integrations, or automation, the equation of productivity will never get completed. So, productivity is about making certain decisions, and if you want to be genuinely productive, then follow all the aforementioned tips.

在执行应用程序开发策略之前,开发人员应实施所有提示,以充分利用工作时间并实现其目标。 仅使用工具,第三方集成或自动化,生产率方程式就永远无法完成。 因此,生产力就是做出某些决定,如果您想真正提高生产力,请遵循上述所有技巧。



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