

No communication channel is quite as fluid as social media. It is always evolving, continually influenced by its billions of users, and still learning the errors of its ways. It does, however, present businesses with the potential to reach out and engage with vast audiences. To take full advantage, it is always important to keep a close eye on the trends and developments that reshape the social media landscape. With this in mind, this post will look at the main trends predicted for 2020.

没有沟通渠道像社交媒体那样流畅。 它一直在发展,不断受到其数十亿用户的影响,并且仍在学习其方式的错误。 但是,它确实为企业提供了与更多受众接触并与之互动的潜力。 为了充分利用优势,密切关注重塑社交媒体格局的趋势和发展始终很重要。 考虑到这一点,本文将探讨2020年的主要趋势。

1. 视频成为用户的首选格式 (1. Video becomes users’ first choice format)

If you are not already posting videos on your social media accounts, now might be the time to reconsider. Video is by far the most popular form of social media content and its highly engaging format makes it ideal for reaching out to large numbers of users. It is also on a rising trend that businesses shouldn’t ignore.

如果您尚未在自己的社交媒体帐户上发布视频,那么现在可能是重新考虑的时候了。 视频是迄今为止最流行的社交媒体内容形式,其高度吸引人的格式使其非常适合吸引大量用户。 企业也不应忽略这一上升趋势。

Indeed, video has become so popular that YouTube now ranks second amongst the search engines, only outperformed by its owner, Google. Add this to the fact that, by next year, the format will account for three quarters of all mobile traffic and it’s obvious just how crucial it is for brands which use social media to start making their own – even if it is only short, in-house productions filmed and edited on a smartphone.  

确实,视频已经变得如此流行,以至于YouTube现在在搜索引擎中排名第二,仅次于其所有者Google。 加上这一事实,即到明年,该格式将占所有移动流量的四分之三,而且对于使用社交媒体开始制作自己的品牌的品牌来说,至关重要的是显而易见的,即使这种格式很短。在智能手机上拍摄和编辑的内部作品。

2. 视频共享平台的兴起 (2. The rise of video-sharing platforms)

It’s not just video as a format that’s trending, but also video-sharing apps. While YouTube has been the dominant video-sharing platform for many years and looks likely to remain there, other video apps and networks are becoming increasingly popular and offer plenty of rewards for companies which find value in using them.

不仅视频是一种趋势,而且是视频共享应用程序。 尽管YouTube多年来一直是主要的视频共享平台,并且看起来很可能会保留在那里,但其他视频应用程序和网络正变得越来越流行,并为在使用它们方面具有价值的公司提供了丰厚的回报。

Instagram, which started out primarily as a photo-sharing app has now become increasingly video orientated, even ranking videos higher than other forms of content. This shift in emphasis has led to a huge rise in the platform’s popularity. According to influencermarketinghub.com, it is now the 2nd biggest global social media channel and has over a billion monthly active users.

Instagram,最初主要是作为照片共享应用程序开始的,如今已变得越来越以视频为导向,甚至使视频的排名高于其他形式的内容。 重点的转移已导致该平台的知名度大大提高。 根据Impactrmarketinghub.com的数据 ,它现在是全球第二大社交媒体渠道,每月活跃用户超过十亿。

There is also a growing number of highly popular niche video channels that offer marketing potential. TikTok, for example, is an app used for creating and sharing short videos, with three quarters of a billion monthly active users, most of them millennials and younger. Vimeo is another very popular video network with a similar demographic.

也有越来越多的极具吸引力的利基视频渠道提供营销潜力。 例如,TikTok是一款用于创建和共享短视频的应用程序,每月活跃用户中有四分之三的活跃用户占其中的四分之三,其中大多数是千禧一代和年轻人。 Vimeo是另一个非常流行的视频网络,具有类似的受众特征。

3. 更贴心的社交媒体 (3. A more caring social media )

Social media can have its downsides and these come in the form of internet addiction, trolling and online bullying. The mental health issues and even suicides that result has led to increasing concern about the subject. In response, many users are spending less time on social networks; some, including a few well known public figures, have even abandoned it completely.

社交媒体可能有其不利之处,这些不利因素表现为网络成瘾,巨魔和在线欺凌。 精神健康问题甚至自杀导致人们对该主题的关注日益增加。 作为回应,许多用户在社交网络上花费的时间更少了。 一些人,包括一些知名的公众人物,甚至完全放弃了它。

In 2020, any brand that posts on social media needs to be more accountable for its impact. Some companies are already making significant changes, posting less frequently and with content that is less likely to spark unhealthy disagreements between commenters. Instead of encouraging audiences to do more things online, they are, instead, trying to get them to participate more in real life – as was done by ITV’s Get Britain Talking campaign.

2020年,任何在社交媒体上发布的品牌都必须对其影响负责。 一些公司已经在进行重大更改,发布的频率越来越低,并且发布的内容不太可能引发评论者之间的不健康分歧。 他们不鼓励观众在网上做更多的事情,而是设法使他们更多地参与现实生活–正如ITV的“ Get UK Talking”活动所做的那样。

4. 喜欢的可能会继续 (4. Liking is likely to go )

The liking of posts is another area that has come under scrutiny for its impact on mental health. This is because when posts stop being liked, it can lead to low self-esteem and all the problems that go with it.

职位的喜好是另一个对心理健康产生影响的领域。 这是因为当帖子不再受欢迎时,它可能导致自尊心下降以及随之而来的所有问题。

In order to tackle this issue, Instagram is testing the removal of its liking features and its owner, Facebook is trialling the removal too. If likes disappear, they can no longer be used as a ranking criterion, and other forms of social engagement will take precedence, such as how many commenters and comments a post gets and how many times it gets shared. In 2020, the trend will be to produce more sharable and comment-worthy content (another reason to use video) and to find ways to encourage users to comment and share – something YouTube vloggers have been doing explicitly for years.

为了解决这个问题,Instagram正在测试其喜欢功能的删除,而所有者正在测试,Facebook也正在尝试删除该功能。 如果喜欢消失,则不能再将其用作排名标准,其他形式的社交参与将优先考虑,例如帖子获得多少评论者和评论,以及分享多少次。 2020年,趋势将是制作更多可共享且值得评论的内容(使用视频的另一个原因),并找到鼓励用户评论和分享的方法-YouTube视频记录器多年来一直在明确地这样做。

5. 社交媒体为客户服务 (5. Social media for customer service)

Chatbots have been a common feature of business websites for a few years now but in 2020, we’ll see their increasing use on social media. These clever AI programs are designed to engage automatically when messages are received, giving users the confidence that your company is dealing immediately with their query.

聊天机器人已经成为商业网站的常见功能已有几年了,但是在2020年,我们将看到聊天机器人在社交媒体上的使用越来越多。 这些巧妙的AI程序旨在在收到消息时自动启动,使用户确信您的公司将立即处理其查询。

Using machine learning, they respond to the keywords within questions to give the most appropriate responses and, as a result, help companies communicate with more customers, more efficiently, than they can with a human-only team. Next year, as chatbots are set to become the primary solution for customer service communication, expect to see even more companies using social media as the place to carry this out.

通过使用机器学习,他们可以对问题中的关键字进行响应,以给出最适当的答案,因此,与仅由人工组成的团队相比,它们可以帮助公司与更多的客户进行更有效的沟通。 明年,随着聊天机器人将成为客户服务通信的主要解决方案,希望看到更多的公司将社交媒体用作实现此目的的平台。

结论 (Conclusion )

2020 promises to be a busy and exciting year in social media. We will see more video content, with businesses seeking out the growing number of niche video sharing networks. Demands for a more responsible internet will change how companies interact with their audiences, while the need for comments and sharing will push them to find better ways to engage. Finally, expect to see more brands using social media as the place to carry out customer service, relying heavily on chatbots to undertake many of the interactions.

2020年将是社交媒体繁忙而激动人心的一年。 随着企业寻找越来越多的利基视频共享网络,我们将看到更多的视频内容。 对更负责任的互联网的需求将改变公司与受众互动的方式,而评论和共享的需求将促使他们寻找更好的互动方式。 最后,期望看到更多的品牌使用社交媒体作为进行客户服务的场所,并严重依赖聊天机器人来进行许多交互。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/5-social-media-trends-to-watch-out-for-in-2020/


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