
If you are going to build a website, chances are you’ll opt for a content management system (CMS). However, if you have never used one before, it can be difficult to pick the right one for your site. To give you an informed choice, this post will compare three of most popular CMS platforms currently available: WordPress, Drupal and Joomla.

如果您要建立网站,则很可能会选择内容管理系统(CMS)。 但是,如果您以前从未使用过,可能很难为您的网站选择合适的。 为了给您一个明智的选择,本文将比较三个当前可用的最受欢迎的CMS平台:WordPress,Drupal和Joomla。


1. WordPress,Drupal和Joomla:概述 (1. WordPress, Drupal and Joomla: an overview)

In this section, we’ll give a brief introduction to each of the platforms.



WordPress的 (WordPress)

WordPress is the world’s most popular platform, currently used to build 27% of all websites. It’s completely free to use and is relatively easy to set up. Originally designed to create blogs, it has been extensively developed over the years and can be used to create all kinds of websites including e-Commerce stores, online media platforms and private membership sites.

WordPress是世界上最受欢迎的平台,目前用于构建所有网站的27%。 它是完全免费的,并且相对容易设置。 它最初旨在创建博客,但经过多年的广泛发展,可用于创建各种网站,包括电子商务商店,在线媒体平台和私人会员网站。

One of its biggest advantages is that it comes with thousands of free plugins (over 49,000) which give it unparalleled functionality. It also comes with thousands of free themes, which enables users to create unique websites designed around their own brand.

它的最大优势之一是它附带了数千个免费插件(超过49,000个),这些插件为其提供了无与伦比的功能。 它还带有数千个免费主题,使用户能够创建围绕自己品牌设计的独特网站。


Drupal (Drupal)

Used by just over 2% of the world’s websites, Drupal is not only a powerful, free to use CMS but also a very secure platform. It’s ideal for those who take and store highly sensitive information about their users.

全球仅2%以上的网站都在使用Drupal,它不仅是功能强大,免费的CMS,还是非常安全的平台。 对于那些获取并存储有关其用户的高度敏感信息的人来说,它是理想的选择。

Like WordPress, it is highly versatile, and though it doesn’t have anywhere near as many add-ons available, it can be used to create websites that require specific functions.


Drupal can be more complicated to set up and manage than WordPress, so perhaps it’s not the number one choice for complete beginners.



Joomla (Joomla)

Joomla is a free, highly powerful CMS, that is ideal for building media-rich websites. It is great at handling digital content such as images, videos, widgets and social media applications. Like Drupal, it’s more complex to use than WordPress, so if you are building the site yourself and have never worked with CMS before, there may be a steep learning curve. It is, however, a popular choice for web developers and is used on almost 3% of the world’s websites.

Joomla是一个免费的,功能强大的CMS,非常适合构建媒体丰富的网站。 它非常适合处理数字内容,例如图像,视频,小部件和社交媒体应用程序。 像Drupal一样,它的使用比WordPress更复杂,因此,如果您自己构建站点并且以前从未使用过CMS,则学习曲线可能会比较陡峭。 但是,它是Web开发人员的流行选择,并且在全球近3%的网站上使用。

The platform is ideal for bigger websites, such as membership sites, large businesses or colleges.



2.哪个是最安全的平台? (2. Which is the most secure platform?)

Security is an important factor that all website owners need to consider. When examining the security of these platforms, you need to look at three different areas: the core code, the third-party extensions (plugins, modules, extensions, etc.) and the ease of managing software updates.

安全性是所有网站所有者都需要考虑的重要因素。 在检查这些平台的安全性时,您需要查看三个不同的领域:核心代码,第三方扩展(插件,模块,扩展等)以及易于管理软件更新。


WordPress安全 (WordPress Security)

WordPress does a great job at maintaining and updating its core code and updates are done automatically. Although there are occasional vulnerabilities, these are usually dealt with swiftly. Plugins available from the WordPress repository are also very secure and can also be automatically updated through the use of the Jetpack plugin.

WordPress在维护和更新其核心代码方面表现出色,并且更新是自动完成的。 尽管偶尔会出现漏洞,但通常会Swift对其进行处理。 WordPress存储库中可用的插件也非常安全,也可以通过使用Jetpack插件自动更新。

Although most premium plugins are secure, these cannot always be automatically updated and there is no guarantee of security if they are not available directly from your WordPress dashboard.


Because WordPress is so popular, it is a target for hackers. They will use bots to search the net for WordPress sites with vulnerabilities (i.e. ones which haven’t updated their software to the newest versions) and attempt to gain access or infect them. If you opt for WordPress, you should always keep your site up to date to prevent intrusion.

由于WordPress非常流行,因此它是黑客的目标。 他们将使用漫游器在网上搜索存在漏洞的WordPress网站(即尚未将其软件更新到最新版本的网站),并尝试获取访问权限或感染它们。 如果您选择WordPress,则应始终保持网站最新,以防止入侵。

There are a number of very powerful WordPress plugins which can be used to prevent hackers from attacking your site. We recommend you use these, together with any security measures your web host provides.

有许多功能非常强大的WordPress插件,可用来防止黑客攻击您的网站。 我们建议您将其与Web主机提供的任何安全措施一起使用。


Drupal安全 (Drupal Security)

Drupal is the most securely coded platform of the three and there are very stringent practices put in place by the software’s security team for both the core code and the add-on modules. When vulnerabilities are found, security updates are provided quickly.

Drupal是这三个平台中最安全的编码平台,软件的安全团队针对核心代码和附加模块采取了非常严格的做法。 找到漏洞后,将快速提供安全更新。

If you decide to edit or make additions to some of the Drupal coding for websites you are developing, you may create loopholes of your own. The Drupal team do offer guidance on how to minimise any security problems this may cause but you should be wary of tampering with the code if you do not know what you are doing.

如果您决定为正在开发的网站编辑某些Drupal编码或对其进行添加,则可能会造成自己的漏洞。 Drupal团队确实提供了有关如何最大程度地减少可能引起的安全问题的指导,但是如果您不知道自己在做什么,则应该警惕篡改代码。


Joomla安全 (Joomla Security)

Like WordPress, Joomla has a firm grasp of its core code security and is quick to respond to loopholes and bugs. However, as anyone can create a Joomla extension, there is always the potential for vulnerabilities with third-party software. It is highly recommended that you only opt for those available from the Joomla Extension Directory.

像WordPress一样,Joomla对其核心代码安全性有着牢牢的把握,并且可以快速响应漏洞和错误。 但是,由于任何人都可以创建Joomla扩展,因此第三方软件始终存在潜在的漏洞。 强烈建议您仅选择Joomla Extension Directory中可用的那些。

Result: Drupal is best for Security



3.哪个是SEO的最佳平台? (3. Which is the best platform for SEO?)

The way a website is designed can have a big impact on its ability to rank in search engine results. Ranking factors such as site speed, mobile-friendliness and ease of navigation can all be affected by how the code is written.

网站的设计方式可能会对其在搜索引擎结果中排名的能力产生重大影响。 诸如网站速度,移动友好性和导航便利性等排名因素都可能受到代码编写方式的影响。


WordPress SEO (WordPress SEO)

According to Google’s Matt Cutts, “WordPress automatically solves a ton of SEO issues.” In the short video below, you’ll see him show you that it takes care of 80-90% of the mechanics of SEO. There’ll still be SEO work to do, such as optimising the keywords in your content but if you’re looking for a search engine friendly platform, WordPress is one of the best available.

根据Google的Matt Cutts的说法,“ WordPress自动解决了大量SEO问题。” 在下面的简短视频中,您将看到他向您展示了它可以解决SEO的80-90%的问题。 仍然有SEO工作要做,例如优化内容中的关键字,但是如果您正在寻找对搜索引擎友好的平台,则WordPress是最适合的平台之一。

There is also a host of great WordPress SEO plugins you can use to enhance the ability of your website to rank even higher.

还有很多很棒的WordPress SEO插件,您可以使用它们来增强网站排名的能力。

Here’s what Matt Cutts has to say.

这是马特·卡茨(Matt Cutts)所说的。


Drupal SEO (Drupal SEO)

Whilst the Drupal core architecture is not as SEO friendly as WordPress, it is not too difficult to get it more search engine friendly. It does have a selection of SEO modules available that can be used to make it easier for search engines to index the site and which make it simpler for you to optimise your content.

尽管Drupal核心体系结构不像WordPress那样对SEO友好,但要使其对搜索引擎更友好也不难。 它的确提供了一系列SEO模块,可用于使搜索引擎更轻松地为网站建立索引,并使您更轻松地优化内容。

It is interesting to note that Yoast, which is the number one SEO plugin for WordPress has now launched a version for Drupal. That’s good news for Drupal users.

有趣的是,Yoast是WordPress的第一SEO插件,现已推出了Drupal的版本。 对于Drupal用户而言,这是个好消息。


Joomla SEO (Joomla SEO)

Joomla is very similar to Drupal in terms of SEO. Whilst it has some search engine friendly features, it’s not geared up in the same way as WordPress. Once again, there are a number of SEO extensions in its directory which you can use to improve optimisation of your site and the content.

在SEO方面,Joomla与Drupal非常相似。 尽管它具有一些搜索引擎友好的功能,但其功能与WordPress不同。 再次, 在其目录中有许多SEO扩展名 ,您可以使用它们来改进网站和内容的优化。

Result: WordPress is best for SEO



4.哪个平台表现最好? (4. Which is the best performing platform?)

The performance of your website can have a big impact on its success. Not only does it need to load quickly, customers want it to carry out its functions quickly too. So, if you run different processes on your website, these need to be coded in a way which makes them take place faster.

您网站的性能可能会对其成功产生重大影响。 它不仅需要快速加载,而且客户也希望它快速执行其功能。 因此,如果您在网站上运行不同的流程,则需要以更快的速度进行编码。

Do note, however, that performance is not entirely due to the way a website is created. The speed of the server you are hosted on and the computing resources at your disposal can all have an impact – as can the volume of traffic your website is experiencing. That said, a well-designed site can significantly speed up performance.

请注意,但是,性能并不完全取决于网站的创建方式。 您托管的服务器的速度和可支配的计算资源都会产生影响-网站所经历的流量也会如此。 也就是说,精心设计的网站可以显着提高性能。


WordPress的性能 (WordPress Performance)

If there is a price to pay for the vast range of plugins that WordPress offers, it is that they can slow the website down. Each plugin you install will require processing time and if it is something which needs to be sent to the user’s computer will slow down the loading time. For this reason, WordPress users should avoid the temptation to install too many unnecessary plugins.

如果要为WordPress提供的各种插件付出代价,那就是它们可以使网站速度变慢。 您安装的每个插件都需要处理时间,如果需要将其发送到用户计算机,则会减慢加载时间。 因此,WordPress用户应避免安装过多不必要的插件的诱惑。

Luckily, there are ways around this. It is possible to use compression, caching and content delivery networks to speed up the transfer of data and you can also take steps to optimise images so that they are smaller in size. Plugins such as JS Minify and W3 Total Cache are very popular tools for doing this. Some hosts also provide tools in the cPanel which carry out performance enhancing measures.

幸运的是,有一些解决方法。 可以使用压缩,缓存和内容交付网络来加快数据的传输,还可以采取一些步骤来优化图像,以使其尺寸更小。 诸如JS Minify和W3 Total Cache之类的插件是非常受欢迎的工具。 一些主机还提供了cPanel中执行性能增强措施的工具。


Drupal性能 (Drupal Performance)

If WordPress offers the best out of the box SEO solution, Drupal does the same for performance. It’s exceptionally well coded and highly agile, enabling it to run applications swiftly and efficiently. However, if you add a lot of content or there is a high volume of traffic, this can slow it down. As with WordPress, to overcome this, you need to enhance its performance by disabling unused modules and using caching.

如果WordPress提供了最佳的即用型SEO解决方案,Drupal的性能也可以做到这一点。 它具有出色的编码和高度敏捷性,使其能够快速,高效地运行应用程序。 但是,如果您添加了很多内容或通信量很大,这可能会减慢它的速度。 与WordPress一样,要克服此问题,您需要通过禁用未使用的模块并使用缓存来提高其性能。


Joomla表演 (Joomla Performance)

The good news for Joomla users is that improvements in performance are still a key focus for developers and each new version sees a positive move forward. There is also a good selection of performance improving extensions available.

对于Joomla用户而言,好消息是,性能改进仍然是开发人员关注的重点,并且每个新版本都朝着积极的方向发展。 也有许多性能改进扩展可供选择。

Once again, image optimisation, caching, and compression are all helpful ways to reduce the load on the server and speed up the delivery and operation of your website. You should also make sure that you keep your software updated so the newer, more agile versions are in place.

再次,图像优化,缓存和压缩都是减少服务器负载并加快网站交付和运营速度的有用方法。 您还应该确保保持软件更新,以便有更新的,更敏捷的版本。

Result: Drupal is best for performance



结论:WordPress总体上最好 (Conclusion: WordPress is best overall)

When it comes to security and performance, Drupal is the clear winner when you look at the three platforms straight out of the box. For SEO and ease of use, WordPress has the advantage.

在安全性和性能方面,当您直接查看三个平台时,Drupal无疑是赢家。 对于SEO和易用性,WordPress具有优势。

Overall, WordPress probably takes the top spot simply because the number of plugins available gives it far more functionality and versatility than the other two. Indeed, with the right plugins installed, WordPress can perform just as well as Drupal and be as secure.

总体而言,WordPress可能会位居榜首只是因为可用的插件数量为其提供了比其他两个插件更多的功能和多功能性。 的确,安装正确的插件后,WordPress的性能就可以与Drupal一样好,并且非常安全。

If you are looking for secure, high performance hosting for your website, check out our business plans and dedicated WordPress hosting packages. Alternatively, if you think the platforms mentioned in this post may be too challenging to work with, take a look at our easy to use Amazing.Website website builder.

如果您正在寻找安全,高性能的网站托管服务,请查看我们的业务计划和专用的WordPress托管程序包。 另外,如果您认为本文中提到的平台可能难以使用 ,请查看我们易于使用的Amazing.Website网站构建器。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/which-is-the-best-platform-wordpress-drupal-or-joomla/

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