如何为WordPress设置Google Analytics(分析)以及为什么需要它

If you haven’t come across Google Analytics before, then this article could have a real impact on how you manage your website in the future. Google Analytics is a valuable and free service that provides website owners with highly detailed statistical information about how visitors use their site. By analysing this data, owners can quickly understand the strengths and weaknesses of their website and make improvements that lead to better outcomes.

如果您以前从未接触过Google Analytics(分析),那么本文可能会对您将来管理网站的方式产生真正的影响。 Google Analytics(分析)是一项有价值的免费服务,可为网站所有者提供有关访问者如何使用其网站的高度详细的统计信息。 通过分析这些数据,所有者可以快速了解其网站的优缺点,并进行改进以带来更好的结果。

In this article, we’ll explain what Google Analytics does and show you how to install it on your website.

在本文中,我们将解释Google Analytics(分析)的作用,并向您展示如何在您的网站上安装它。

Google Analytics(分析)可以告诉您什么 (What Google Analytics can tell you )

Google Analytics has an expansive range of functions, so many, in fact, that it would be impossible to write about them all in a single blog post. Some functions, however, are quite technical, so for this article, we’ll concentrate on the less technical aspects that beginners can benefit from straight away.

Google Analytics(分析)具有广泛的功能,事实上,有这么多的功能,不可能在一个博客文章中将所有功能都写出来。 但是,有些功能是非常技术性的,因此,对于本文,我们将集中于初学者可以直接从中受益的技术性较低的方面。

网站访问者 (Visitors to your website)

Google Analytics gives you lots of information about the visitors to your website. It tells you how many visitors you have and this can be analysed to see if there are particular parts of the year, month, week or even day when your site is most popular. Knowing the most popular day and hour can help you with timing the publication of new content, making sure it’s live before you have a surge in traffic and, therefore, ensuring more people get to see it.

Google Analytics(分析)为您提供了有关网站访问者的大量信息。 它可以告诉您您有多少访问者,可以对其进行分析,以查看网站中最受欢迎的年份,月份,星期甚至一天的某些部分。 了解最流行的日期和时间可以帮助您安排新内容的发布时间,确保它在流量激增之前就已经存在,并确保有更多的人看到它。

Importantly, by monitoring visits, you can see if your strategies to increase traffic are succeeding. You can even do a comparative analysis, comparing visits over two different periods.

重要的是,通过监控访问次数,您可以了解增加流量的策略是否成功。 您甚至可以进行比较分析,比较两个不同时期的访问。

In addition, you can find the geographical locations where visitors come from so you know which countries you are most popular in. You can even drill down and look at which cities send you the most traffic.


访客技术 (Visitor Technology)

Google analytics is able to inform you about the technology people use to visit your site. This will give you an understanding whether your visitors are searching on computers or mobile devices and which browser they are using. Knowing this can help you optimise your site for better performance on these technologies.

Google Analytics(分析)可以向您告知人们访问网站所使用的技术。 这将使您了解访问者是在计算机上还是在移动设备上进行搜索以及他们正在使用哪种浏览器。 知道这一点可以帮助您优化站点,以在这些技术上获得更好的性能。

访客追踪 (Visitor tracking)

Some parts of your website will perform better than others and Google Analytics can help you find out what works best – and what doesn’t. You can easily discover which are your most popular pages and can drill down to find the most popular landing pages and exit pages too.

网站的某些部分会比其他部分表现更好,而Google Analytics(分析)可以帮助您找出最有效的部分-哪些无效。 您可以轻松发现哪些页面是最受欢迎的页面,也可以进行深入分析以找到最受欢迎的登录页面和退出页面。

You can also track visitors as they pass through your website. This can be enormously important if you are trying to push visitors through a funnel towards the checkout page, as you can see which pages are most successful and which have the biggest fall off rates. This can help you improve content to reduce that fall off.

当访问者通过您的网站时,您也可以对其进行跟踪。 如果您尝试将访问者推向收银台的渠道中,则这可能非常重要,因为您可以看到哪些页面最成功,哪些页面的失败率最高。 这可以帮助您改善内容以减少下降。

Google Analytics can help you understand when to Improve content by analysing the amount of time visitors spend on a page or from its bounce rate. If you have a landing page that has a high bounce rate and short time-on-page figures, then it is clear that the content is not working – visitors are turning away. Knowing this tells you that you need to improve the content and you can measure the impact of your changes by comparing the data over time.

Google Analytics(分析)可以通过分析访问者在网页上的停留时间或跳出率来帮助您了解何时改善内容。 如果您的目标网页的跳出率很高且页面停留时间较短,那么很显然该内容无法正常工作-访问者正在转身离开。 知道这一点可以告诉您需要改进内容,并且可以通过比较一段时间内的数据来衡量更改的影响。

流量来源 (Traffic Sources )

It is always important to know where your website traffic is coming from. If you have tried to improve your SEO, you will want to see an increase in organic traffic from Google, Bing and other search engines. If you have been guest posting, you will want to see referrals from other websites, if you have been operating an email marketing campaign, you will want to see direct traffic and if you have been busy with Facebook and Twitter you will be looking for social media traffic.

知道您的网站流量来自哪里总是很重要的。 如果您尝试改善您的SEO,您将希望看到来自Google,Bing和其他搜索引擎的自然流量增加。 如果您一直在发帖,您将希望看到其他网站的推荐,如果您正在开展电子邮件营销活动,那么您将希望看到直接访问量,如果您一直在忙于Facebook和Twitter,则将寻找社交网站。媒体流量。

Google Analytics shows you how much of your traffic comes from these sources and can break it down to give information on specific sources. This can help you understand how well you are ranking on search engines and how effective your other marketing strategies are working.

Google Analytics(分析)会显示您有多少流量来自这些来源,并且可以对其进行细分以提供有关特定来源的信息。 这可以帮助您了解您在搜索引擎上的排名情况以及其他营销策略的效果。

搜索词 (Search Terms)

One of the most valuable functions of Google Analytics is the ability to analyse search queries – this tells you what search terms visitors used to find you. This can throw up surprising results about the use of keywords on your website. It can show you whether the keywords you wanted to rank for are successful and can sometimes indicate where terms you weren’t even aware of are helping drive traffic.

Google Analytics(分析)最有价值的功能之一就是能够分析搜索查询-告诉您访问者用来找到您的搜索字词。 这可能会给您在网站上使用关键字带来令人惊讶的结果。 它可以显示您要排名的关键字是否成功,有时还可以表明您甚至不知道的字词在帮助您吸引流量方面。

冰山一角 (Tip of the iceberg)

The features mentioned above are just some of the basic things that Google Analytics can do. There is much more to it than we have gone into here, but even the functions we have mentioned can be exceptionally useful in helping you improve your website.

上面提到的功能只是Google Analytics(分析)可以完成的一些基本操作。 它所具有的功能远不止于此,但即使是我们提到的功能也可以在帮助您改善网站方面格外有用。

注册并安装Google Analytics(分析) (Signing up to and installing Google Analytics)

If you wish to use Google Analytics on your website, then follow the instructions below.

如果您希望在网站上使用Google Analytics(分析),请按照以下说明进行操作。

  1. Before you use Google Analytics, you will need to create a Gmail account.

    在使用Google Analytics(分析)之前,您需要创建一个Gmail帐户

  2. Once you have a Gmail account, you can sign up for a free Google Analytics account by visiting the Google Analytics Sign Up Page. Once there, sign in with your Gmail account.

    拥有Gmail帐户后,您可以访问Google Analytics(分析)注册页面来注册免费的Google Analytics(分析)帐户。 在那里,使用您的Gmail帐户登录。

  3. Once you have signed in, you will find the sign-up button below on the right-hand side of the page (see image below). Click on it.


    登录后,您将在页面右侧的下面找到“注册”按钮(请参见下图)。 点击它。

  4. The next screen asks you whether you would like to track a website or mobile app – you will need to choose the website option.

  5. Complete the form underneath. You can use any name you want for the account. The rest of the form is straightforward.

    完成下面的表格。 您可以使用该帐户的任何名称。 表格的其余部分很简单。
  6. Once the form is completed, click on the Get Tracking ID



  7. At this point, you will be asked to agree to Google Analytics’ terms of service which you need to do to be able to use the service.

    此时,系统会要求您同意Google Analytics(分析)的服务条款,您需要这样做才能使用该服务。
  8. The next stage is to install Google Analytics tracking code on your website. You will see the code on the page shown below.


    下一步是在您的网站上安装Google Analytics(分析)跟踪代码。 您将在下面显示的页面上看到代码。

    There are several ways to install Google Analytics on your WordPress site, but the easiest and safest method is to use a Google Analytics plugin. There is a selection of plugins you can use to do this, one of the most popular being

    有几种方法可以在WordPress网站上安装Google Analytics(分析),但是最简单,最安全的方法是使用Google Analytics(分析)插件。 您可以使用多种插件来执行此操作,其中最受欢迎的插件之一是

    Google Analytics by Yoast.

    Yoast的Google Analytics(分析)

    The advantage of using a plugin over the other methods is that all you need to do is copy and paste the Tracking ID from your Google Account into the form field on the plugin. The tracking ID is the string of letters and numbers at the top of the page above, beginning with UA.

    与其他方法相比,使用插件的优势在于,您只需将Google帐户中的跟踪ID复制并粘贴到插件的表单字段中即可。 跟踪ID是位于上方页面顶部的字母和数字字符串,以UA开头。

    Other methods involve manually adding the Google’s website tracking code to your theme’s files and this can cause problems if not done correctly.


  9. Once you have added the tracking ID to your chosen plugin and saved your changes, Google Analytics will start collecting data from your website. You will need to give it a few days before it has gathered enough data to start to give you a realistic picture of how your website is working.

    将跟踪ID添加到所选插件并保存更改后,Google Analytics(分析)将开始从您的网站收集数据。 您需要在收集足够的数据前几天给出它,以开始向您提供有关网站运行情况的逼真图像。

结论 (Conclusion)

From reading this article, you should now have a better understanding of why you need Google Analytics installed on your website and the valuable insights it can give you into how your site is performing. You should also be able to sign up to and install Google Analytics easily on your site.

通过阅读本文,您现在应该更好地了解为什么需要在网站上安装Google Analytics(分析),以及可以为您提供有关网站运行情况的宝贵见解。 您还应该能够注册并轻松在您的网站上安装Google Analytics(分析)。

If you are looking for dedicated WordPress hosting, check out our WordPress Hosting page. Our range of affordable packages are packed with helpful features and backed up with expert WordPress support and first-class security.

如果您正在寻找专用的WordPress托管,请查看我们的WordPress 托管页面。 我们提供的一系列价格合理的软件包都包含有用的功能,并得到专家WordPress支持和一流的安全性的支持。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-setup-google-analytics-for-wordpress-and-why-you-need-it/

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