如何(以及为什么)开始使用Google Analytics(分析)

by Julia Bourbois

通过Julia·布尔博瓦(Julia Bourbois)

如何(以及为什么)开始使用Google Analytics(分析) (How (and Why) to Get Started with Google Analytics)

什么是Google Analytics(分析)? (What is Google Analytics?)

Essentially, Google Analytics is the go-to solution for monitoring website usage. Though it is frequently used in conjunction with Google Adwords, for e-commerce, and in improving website user experience, it is flexible and powerful enough to be used by any organization that has a website. Indeed, you do not need coding prowess to utilize Google Analytics.

本质上,Google Analytics(分析)是监视网站使用情况的首选解决方案。 尽管它经常与Google Adwords结合使用,但仍可用于电子商务和改善网站用户体验,但它具有足够的灵活性和强大功能,可被拥有网站的任何组织使用。 确实,您无需编码就可以利用Google Analytics(分析)。

So, this guide is directed principally to individuals who do not consider themselves or their principal professional responsibilities to be tech. It will touch only on the essential elements to get started with Google Analytics.

因此,本指南主要针对那些不认为自己或其主要专业职责是技术的个人。 它仅涉及基本要素以开始使用Google Analytics(分析)。

Google Analytics(分析)可以为我做什么? (What can Google Analytics do for me?)

Odds are your organization has a presence on the web. Google Analytics collects and renders a tremendous amount of data. Raw data is curated into a variety of reports depending on your needs. The data-driven insights that are applicable to your organization will depend on your goals for your site and your organization. Even if your goals are not yet defined there are areas of Google Analytics that are useful for most organizations.

可能是您的组织在网络上存在。 Google Analytics(分析)收集并呈现大量数据。 原始数据会根据您的需要整理成各种报告。 适用于您的组织的数据驱动的见解将取决于您针对站点和组织的目标。 即使您的目标尚未定义,Google Analytics(分析)的某些区域仍对大多数组织有用。

Google Analytics can also help you identify underlying issues with the site. For instance, if there are performance or usability issues for mobile users of your site.

Google Analytics(分析)还可以帮助您确定网站的根本问题。 例如,如果您的网站的移动用户存在性能或可用性问题。

采购概述 (Acquisition Overview)

Acquisition Overview answers questions like: How much traffic does the site receive? What is the origin or top traffic for your site? What is your goal conversation rate? What is the break down of new versus returning users?

数据获取概述可回答以下问题:该网站获得多少流量? 您网站的原始流量或热门流量是多少? 您的目标会话率是多少? 新用户和回访用户的细分情况是什么?

This is particularly useful when examining change over time. Comparing weeks or months will give you a better idea of site performance over time.

当检查随着时间的变化时,这特别有用。 比较几周或几个月,您将逐渐了解网站性能。

行为概述 (Behavior Overview)

Some pages will be more important to your organization than others. On the Behavior Overview page, individual page performance will help you identify which pages are bringing in the most traffic. It will also provide you with an overview of your site’s technical performance, such as the bounce rate.

有些页面对您的组织比其他页面更重要。 在“行为概述”页面上,单个页面的性能将帮助您确定哪些页面带来了最多的流量。 它还将为您提供站点技术性能的概述,例如跳出率。

If you are working in e-commerce, pages such as the home page, product pages, search results, the shopping cart, check out, and the thank you page, will be critical pages on your site to track.


However, if you’re a museum you may want to track pages for education, exhibition, and programming. You may also be interested in targeting geography to get a better idea of your target audience. Museums, as well as restaurants, diners, and cafes, will want to prioritize the local search optimization.

但是,如果您是博物馆,则可能需要跟踪教育,展览和节目编排的页面。 您可能还对定位地理位置感兴趣,以便更好地了解目标受众。 博物馆以及饭店,餐厅和咖啡厅将优先考虑本地搜索优化。

转换总览 (Conversion Overview)

For Business impact reports, it is necessary to configure goals or e-commerce transactions. Google Analytics will not automatically establish your goals for you. Goals can be established for your site in the Administration Panel under “View.” Goals are very broadly defined and can be e-commerce transactions, or lead captures from submissions or reservations.

对于业务影响报告,有必要配置目标或电子商务交易。 Google Analytics(分析)不会自动为您建立目标。 可以在“管理”面板的“视图”下为您的站点建立目标。 目标定义非常广泛,可以是电子商务交易,也可以是提交或预订中的潜在客户捕获。

Goals with a dollar value illustrate the strengths and weakness in the pages of the sites. The Conversion Overview will enable you to drill down in your goal conversions and well as learn more about your customer’s path.

具有美元价值的目标说明了网站页面上的优势和劣势。 转化概述可让您深入了解目标转化,并详细了解客户的发展路径。

方式-基础 (How — The Basics)

So how do you get started?


Create your account by logging on to Google Analytics. In the upper right corner, login or create an account if you don’t have one.

登录到Google Analytics(分析)来创建您的帐户。 如果您没有帐户,请在右上角登录或创建一个帐户。

Then select either website or mobile app. You will provide account name — typically the name of your business. Then set up the URL. Select either HTTP or HTTPS — start with HTTP if your site switches between HTTP and HTTPS.

然后选择网站或移动应用程序。 您将提供帐户名称-通常是您的公司名称。 然后设置URL。 选择HTTP或HTTPS-如果站点在HTTP和HTTPS之间切换,则以HTTP开头。

Then select an industry category. This is an important step as it enables Google to set benchmarks for your site and compare your site’s performance with others in the same industry.

然后选择一个行业类别。 这是重要的一步,因为它使Google可以为您的网站设置基准,并将您网站的效果与同行业的其他网站进行比较。

Then select the reporting country and time zone. While not a critical issue, consider the time zone you select to be permanent. Though it can be changed, it will not retroactively change the data. Leave everything checked as these resources can become invaluable. You can read the “ReadMore” to learn how Google uses your data.

然后选择报告的国家和时区。 虽然不是关键问题,但请考虑选择永久的时区。 尽管可以更改,但不会追溯更改数据。 保留所有检查状态,因为这些资源会变得非常宝贵。 您可以阅读“ ReadMore”以了解Google如何使用您的数据。

Next, select “Get Tracking ID”. Review terms and services, and select “I accept”.

接下来,选择“获取跟踪ID”。 查看条款和服务,然后选择“我接受”。

Now you will install your tracking tag. Select “Tracking Info” and then “Tracking Code”. The tracking code is a snippet of unique code that you will need to copy and paste to every page of your site that you want to be tracked by Google Analytics.

现在,您将安装跟踪标记。 选择“跟踪信息”,然后选择“跟踪代码”。 跟踪代码是一串独特的代码,您需要将这些代码复制并粘贴到要由Google Analytics(分析)跟踪的网站的每个页面上。

Copy your tracking code just below the <head> on your HTML page. Then go to “Google Tag Manager.” You can select the link to learn more about this. Click on “Status”. Here Google will let you know whether you are receiving data.

将您的跟踪代码复制到HTML页面上<he ad>下方。 然后转到“ Google跟踪代码管理器”。 您可以选择链接以了解更多信息。 点击“状态”。 Google会在这里让您知道您是否正在接收数据。

Note: Here’s how to install the Google Analytics tracking tag on your Wordpress pages.

注意:以下是在您的Wordpress页面上安装Google Analytics(分析)跟踪标记的方法

Here’s how to install the Google Analytics tracking code onto your HubSpot pages.

以下是将Google Analytics(分析)跟踪代码安装到HubSpot页面上的方法

创建一个视图 (Creating a View)

It is considered a best practice that the first “View” you create is a Master View. A Master View contains an unfiltered history of the analytics, sort of like a backup.

您创建的第一个“视图”是主视图被认为是最佳实践。 主视图包含未经过滤的分析历史记录,类似于备份。

创建一个过滤器 (Creating a Filter)

Google applies filters to your data before it presents it to you in your reports. The most important filter to start with is excluding yourself and your employees from appearing in your data. You do not want your data appearing along with that of your users.

Google将过滤器应用于您的数据,然后再将其显示在您的报告中。 首先,最重要的过滤器是将您自己和您的员工排除在数据之外。 您不希望数据与用户一起出现。

Create a filter that excludes the IP addresses for yourself. If you do not know you IP address, simply do a Google search for “what is my IP address?”. You will need to exclude the IP address for each computer used by yourself and your employees for work. These will need to be added individually.

创建一个过滤器,排除您自己的IP地址 。 如果您不知道自己的IP地址,只需在Google中搜索“我的IP地址是什么?”。 您将需要为自己和您的员工使用的每台计算机排除IP地址。 这些将需要单独添加。

From the Admin Panel, select the “Default View”. From the drop-down menu, select “Add Filter” and give it a name (such as Exclude Employees). Next, you have the option to select from a predefined filter or a custom filter.

在管理面板中,选择“默认视图”。 在下拉菜单中,选择“添加过滤器”并为其命名(例如,排除员工)。 接下来,您可以选择从预定义过滤器或自定义过滤器中进行选择。

A predefined filter acts as a template for what you’d like to do. Select “predefined” and choose from the drop-down menu. Select “Exclude or Include only”. In this case, you will select traffic from the IP addresses and then select the appropriate expression. Enter the data to exclude, such as an IP address. Then “Save.”

预定义的过滤器充当您想要做的事情的模板。 选择“预定义”,然后从下拉菜单中选择。 选择“仅排除或包括”。 在这种情况下,您将从IP地址中选择流量,然后选择适当的表达式。 输入要排除的数据,例如IP地址。 然后“保存”。

From this point moving forward, all of the data in the default view is going to exclude any data that is excluded by this filter, but it is not going to historically exclude data. It is very common to add multiple filters. However, filter order matters. Filter order affects the subsequent results. Filter order matters because the output of one becomes the input of the next. Explore the filters to see what is most relevant to your organization’s goals.

从这一点开始,默认视图中的所有数据将排除此过滤器排除的任何数据,但历史上不会排除数据。 添加多个过滤器是很常见的。 但是,过滤器顺序很重要。 筛选顺序会影响后续结果。 筛选顺序很重要,因为一个的输出变成了下一个的输入。 探索过滤器,以查看与您的组织目标最相关的内容。

Note: If you want to include/exclude two things, you are essentially creating an “or” Filter. Go to Filter Field, then filter pattern. Type the first term to exclude then the pipe symbol (|) and the second term.

注意 :如果要包括/排除两件事,则实际上是在创建“或”过滤器。 转到过滤器字段,然后过滤模式。 键入要排除的第一项,然后输入管道符号(|)和第二项。

输出量 (Output)

Google Analytics makes printing or sharing your analytics reports very easy. In the top right corner, you have the option of printing or sharing your report. It can also be saved and edited.

Google Analytics(分析)使打印或共享您的分析报告变得非常容易。 在右上角,您可以选择打印或共享报告。 也可以保存和编辑它。

向前进 (Moving Forward)

Google Analytics offers numerous reports, as well as data segmentation options, which are beyond the scope of this article. Find the reports that most closely align with your needs.

Google Analytics(分析)提供了许多报告以及数据细分选项,这些内容不在本文讨论范围之内。 查找最符合您需求的报告。

With the introduction of Google Analytics 360 Suite, formerly Google Analytics for premium users, Google’s analytics is only getting more advanced. Google Analytics 360 provides analytical data that companies can be used to track return on investment (ROI) and marketing indicators.

随着Google Analytics 360 Suite(以前是面向高级用户的Google Analytics(分析))的引入,Google的分析功能才变得更加先进。 Google Analytics(分析)360提供的分析数据可用于公司跟踪投资回报率(ROI)和市场营销指标。

进一步阅读 (Further Reading)

For a deep dive into Google Analytics, read Google Analytics for Web Designers and Developers.

要深入了解Google Analytics(分析),请阅读面向Web设计人员和开发人员的Google Analytics(分析)

For tutorials for beginners can be found on Google Analytics for Beginners.

有关初学者的教程,请参见Google Analytics(分析)初学者

If you are a novice to coding, I recommend Moms can: Code and CodeNewbie.


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翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-and-why-to-get-started-with-google-analytics-153dc35b7812/

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