

Nowadays, the SPAM coming into your mailbox is disguised forms of any type of trying to look like a legitimate email and inviting us to follow their instructions. In this article, you will see some useful tips on how to detect SPAM in your email and avoid problems on your computer, especially if its a personal computer.

如今,进入您邮箱的垃圾邮件是各种形式的伪装形式,试图看起来像合法的电子邮件,并邀请我们按照其指示进行操作。 在本文中,您将看到一些有关如何检测电子邮件中的垃圾邮件并避免计算机上出现问题的有用提示,尤其是在个人计算机上。

根据以下参考,在打开,阅读,回复或打开任何附件之前,请先检查您的电子邮件。 (Based on the following references review your email before Open, Read, Reply or open any of the attachments.)
  • Post in another language: Most spam comes in English, so if one does not usually have such communication is a sign.

  • E-misbranded: Much of the spam does not reach its name, but if the name of user name mail account. For example: If your name is Jason, and his email account is Jasonpj @ Mail can arrive as “Greetings JASONPJ” Rest assured that it is false. Against him, if your username is Jason @ match and appear to be directed at you.

    电子标签错误:大部分垃圾邮件未达到其名称,但以用户名命名为邮件帐户。 例如:如果您的名字是Jason,并且他的电子邮件帐户是Jasonpj,@ Mail会以“ Greetings JASONPJ”的形式到达。请放心,它是错误的。 针对他,如果您的用户名是Jason @ match,并且似乎是针对您的。
  • Social networks, banks and service password change request: No, under no circumstances change or modify prompted for a password if you have not requested. Much less opening and running a file included in the mail. Reminders can be reached, but should never access the site by links in the mail.

    社交网络,银行和服务密码更改请求:否,如果您没有要求,在任何情况下都不会更改或修改提示输入密码的提示。 打开和运行邮件中包含的文件要少得多。 可以达到提醒的目的,但是永远不要通过邮件中的链接访问该网站。
  • Post from yourself or the same domain (own domain): It’s easy to pretend to be another sender, so it should not rely on emails apparently sent by itself. If they sent you, then it is yours.

    来自您自己或同一个域(自己的域)的帖子:容易装作另一个发件人,因此它不应依赖显然由其自身发送的电子邮件。 如果他们寄给您,那是您的。
  • Known mails asking to download files with generic messages: You can e-mail from someone they know, but the key is in writing and asking you to do. Do not trust generic newsrooms do not even mention your name, technically could be directed to anyone.

    已知邮件要求下载带有通用消息的文件:您可以从他们认识的人那里发送电子邮件,但是关键是要书面要求您这样做。 不要相信通用新闻编辑室甚至不会提及您的名字,从技术上讲,它可以直接指向任何人。
  • Post that give things and money: Nobody gives away computers, money, free service suspended, or donate money to anyone if you forward or mail to your contacts. Any email that asks to be forwarded to your contacts, It is false!. No matter how attractive, seeming to be true or depressing, that’s exactly what they are trying to achieve.

    发布能赚钱的东西:如果您转发或邮寄给联系人,则不会有人放弃计算机,金钱,暂停的免费服务或向任何人捐款。 任何要求转发给您的联系人的电子邮件,这都是错误的! 无论多么吸引人,看似真实还是令人沮丧,这正是他们正在努力实现的目标。

These are just some of the most common places where it still falls on deception.


为什么怀疑电子邮件并访问这些功能如此重要? (Why is it so important to be suspicious of emails and access these features ?)

If you trust any of these emails and falls into the trap, one of the following things may happen.


  • Your computer may get infected.

  • It could be confirming that your account is active and then be receiving more spam.

  • If you forward emails incorrectly, will be giving away the accounts of all the recipients to be receiving more spam.

  • Could carry out a fraud and stealing their social network account, email or worse access your bank account, etc… that you have. Even with all the security mechanism implemented banks, it is still possible, has happened and unfortunately continues to happen.

    可能会进行欺诈并窃取他们的社交网络帐户,电子邮件,或者更糟地访问您拥有的银行帐户等。 即使银行实施了所有安全机制,仍然有可能,已经发生并且不幸地继续发生。

Many negative things can happen for those who fall into such trap and be fooled. Remember that just what all SPAM trying to achieve is to appear legitimate, real or accurate. We at web host uk always advise our customers with any questions or concerns that may arise with suspicious e-mail.

陷入这种陷阱并被愚弄的人会发生许多负面的事情。 请记住,SPAM试图实现的所有目的都是显得合法,真实或准确。 网页托管服务商英国办事处始终对可疑电子邮件可能引起的任何问题或疑虑提供建议。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-detect-spam-in-your-email/






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