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翻译 训练模型以使用多普勒脉冲雷达进行目标分类

by Braden Riggs and George Williams (gwilliams@gsitechnology.com) Braden Riggs和George Williams(gwilliams@gsitechnology.com) In the world of data science the industry, academic, and government sectors...

2020-09-30 10:03:51 867

翻译 汇编指令lmm_动画视频角色的LMM神经网络

汇编指令lmmResearchers at Ubisoft have proposed an alternative to the Motion Matching algorithm for automated character animation. The Learned Motion Matching approach combines the advantages of the class...

2020-09-30 09:53:38 949

翻译 反向传播方法_quickprop反向传播的替代方法

反向传播方法Due to the slowly converging nature of the vanilla back-propagation algorithms of the ’80s/’90s, Scott Fahlman invented a learning algorithm dubbed Quickprop [1] that is roughly based on Newton’...

2020-09-30 09:43:33 629

翻译 使用Tand自动化您的机器学习工作流程

This is a post on TanD, a no-code framework to automate the machine learning workflow. Its purpose is to show how you can use it to automate your Machine Learning workflow tasks to spend your time on ...

2020-09-30 09:32:34 450

翻译 神经网络 医学图像分割_建立用于生物医学图像分割的网络架构

神经网络 医学图像分割The U-Net architecture is built using the Fully Convolutional Network and designed in a way that it gives better segmentation results in medical imaging. It was first designed by Olaf Ronne...

2020-09-17 05:10:39 814

翻译 解决物体检测中的小物体问题

To improve your model’s performance on small objects, we recommend the following techniques: 为了提高模型在小对象上的性能,我们建议以下技术: Increasing your image capture resolution 提高图像捕获分辨率 Increasing your model’s input ...

2020-09-17 05:00:41 1596

翻译 长短期记忆网络(lstm)_利用长期短期记忆lstm网络中的隐藏向量进行股票交易预测...

长短期记忆网络(lstm)On this article we explain the second of the three novel contributions behind the paper “High-performance stock index trading using neural networks and trees”, which achieves very strong ...

2020-09-17 04:50:00 1420

翻译 朴素贝叶斯高斯模型_从零开始实现高斯朴素贝叶斯独立贝叶斯模型

朴素贝叶斯高斯模型“Why is Google censuring me?!” Claire asked (true story). Sure, she’s always been a prolific emailer, but she is no scammer — and she assures me her days as a Nigerian prince are long since o...

2020-09-17 04:40:10 846

翻译 后端工程师需要机器学习_您的机器学习工程师不需要博士学位或硕士学位

后端工程师需要机器学习Asking Machine Learning/AI hires to have fancy degrees is outdated. Here’s why. 要求机器学习/ AI员工拥有高级学位已经过时了。 这就是为什么。 Should your machine learning hire have a PhD? Do you need a PhD to work in ...

2020-09-17 04:30:29 293

翻译 ai 数据工程师_为什么要成为一名成功的数据科学家AI或ml工程师,指导是必不可少的...

ai 数据工程师A mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you, than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.— Bob Proctor 导师是指那些比您自己看到的更多才能和能力的人,并能帮助您实现这一目标。 —鲍勃·普罗克特 Learning to ...

2020-09-17 04:19:36 290

翻译 纹个鸡儿天才小熊猫_这三个技巧将使熊猫的记忆效率更高

纹个鸡儿天才小熊猫Many Data Analysis tasks are still performed on a laptop. This speeds up the analysis as you have your familiar work environment prepared with all of the tools. But chances are your laptop is...

2020-09-09 14:14:38 159

翻译 浅层神经网络 深层神经网络_深层神经网络语言识别

浅层神经网络 深层神经网络Language identification can be an important step in a Natural Language Processing (NLP) problem. It involves trying to predict the natural language of a piece of text. It is important to ...

2020-09-09 14:05:02 412

翻译 nlp顶级期刊_2020年顶级NLP库

nlp顶级期刊 自然语言处理 (Natural Language Processing)Natural Language Processing has been one of the most researched fields in deep learning in 2020, mostly due to its rising popularity, future potential, and...

2020-09-09 13:54:17 1261

翻译 决策树模型 朴素贝叶斯模型_有关决策树模型的概述

决策树模型 朴素贝叶斯模型Decision Trees are one of the highly interpretable models and can perform both classification and regression tasks. As the name suggests Decision Trees are tree-like structure model which...

2020-09-09 13:43:53 1442

翻译 预训练 gpt2_用您自己的语言训练gpt 2

预训练 gpt2We all know modern day Natural Language Processing (NLP) has progressed by leaps and bounds in the past couple of years following the development of attention networks and transformers. It pav...

2020-09-09 13:33:55 2926

翻译 机器学习葡萄酒质量_通过数据和机器学习制作出更好的啤酒和葡萄酒

机器学习葡萄酒质量 带GPS的狗,电子鼻和可倾倒完美啤酒的机器人 (GPS-Wearing Dogs, an Electronic Nose, and a Robot That Pours the Perfect Beer)Bushfires in Australia are as commonplace as kangaroos and koalas. A hot, dry climate r...

2020-09-09 13:24:53 2319

翻译 open ai gpt_技术探讨开放AI GPT 3

open ai gptWe all heard a lot about GPT-3 recently all over from LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium about the use cases of GPT-3. But what is GPT-3 , Why is it so powerful is the question running in everyone’s...

2020-09-09 13:14:53 389

翻译 现代自然语言处理的兴起以及对可解释性的需求

At Embibe (AI platform for learning outcomes), we are leveraging modern NLP to solve problems like content ingestion, knowledge graph completion, smart meta tagging, question generation, question answ...

2020-09-09 13:05:37 791

翻译 每个项目经理应了解有关管理数据科学和AI项目的哪些知识

If you are a project manager, being assigned a data science or AI project may be a conflicting experience. 如果您是项目经理,则被分配数据科学或AI项目可能会带来冲突。 AI alone is slated to create up to $2.9 trillion (yes with a ...

2020-09-09 12:54:40 267

翻译 什么是pix2pix以及如何将其用于piximages的语义分割

1.简介 (1. Introduction)In the last three posts I have explained Generative Adversarial Network, its problems and an extension of the Generative Adversarial Network called Conditional Generative Adver...

2020-09-09 12:34:41 1080

翻译 keras 嵌入层_keras嵌入层和手套预训练嵌入的逐步编程实现

keras 嵌入层Keras Embedding layer is first of Input layer for the neural networks. After the conversion of our raw input data in the token and padded sequence, now its time to feed the prepared input to ...

2020-09-07 15:10:03 133

翻译 bert keras_带有bert变压器和keras的多标签多类文本分类

bert kerasThe internet is full of text classification articles, most of which are BoW-models combined with some kind of ML-model typically solving a binary text classification problem. With the rise o...

2020-09-07 15:00:31 553

翻译 使用深度学习Web项目的手写Marathi印地语字母书写和检测

For the sake of convenience and clarity, This article is divided into two parts as follows : 为了方便和清楚起见,本文分为以下两个部分: A. In the first part, we are gonna understand how to build a neural net on Kaggle (S...

2020-09-07 14:50:43 292

翻译 机器学习中的训练验证和测试集

If we think about what a Machine Learning model does, we can see how its main job is that of finding those rules governing the relationship between input and output. Once found those rules, the idea i...

2020-09-07 14:39:48 580

翻译 语音分析第1部分语音分析的基础

那么什么是声波? (So what is a sound wave ?)Speech signals are sound signals, defined as pressure variations travelling through the air. These variations in pressure can be described as waves and correspond...

2020-09-07 14:20:52 1853

翻译 建立统计回归模型的基本步骤_基本回归模型

建立统计回归模型的基本步骤Linear Regression and Regression Trees 线性回归和回归树 by Satoru Hayasaka and Rosaria Silipo, KNIME 由 悟早坂 和 罗萨丽娅Silipo, 尼米 When we talk about Machine Learning algorithms, we often think of c...

2020-09-07 14:11:35 2056

翻译 我如何通过深度学习构建大肠癌预测平台

深度学习 (Deep Learning)I believe that artificial intelligence can save the human race. 我相信人工智能可以拯救人类。 How ironic is it though that as any generic sci-fi portrays it, any advanced AI would suddenly con...

2020-09-07 14:01:07 641

翻译 如何构建强化学习项目第二部分

Hello, Hello! Welcome back to the second part of my series on How to structure RL projects ! 你好你好! 欢迎回到我的系列文章“ 如何构建RL项目”的第二部分! Start the Journey: Frame your Problem as an RL Problem 开始旅程:将您的问题定为RL问题 ...

2020-09-07 13:51:34 436

翻译 卷积神经网络用于图像分割_降维方法和神经网络的集成,用于图像分类

卷积神经网络用于图像分割Building a deep network using original digital images requires learning many parameters which may reduce the accuracy rates. The images can be compressed by using dimension reduction metho...

2020-09-07 13:41:27 1048

翻译 机器学习遗传算法路径优化_使用遗传算法优化机器学习模型

机器学习遗传算法路径优化In complex machine learning models, the performance usually depends on multiple input parameters. In order to get the optimal model, the parameters must be properly tuned. However, when th...

2020-09-05 10:57:03 2472

翻译 nlp自然语言处理_快nlp101

nlp自然语言处理Data is a chaos and perhaps in this chaos you would find the most wonderful patterns — venali sonone. 数据是一个混乱,也许在这种混乱中,您会发现最美妙的模式-venali sonone。 Data is a chaos and perhaps in this chaos you...

2020-09-05 10:38:01 365

翻译 文档相似算法_2020年最佳文档相似性算法入门指南

文档相似算法If you want to know the best algorithm on document similarity task in 2020, you’ve come to the right place. 如果您想知道2020年文档相似性任务的最佳算法,那么您来对地方了。 With 33,914 New York Times articles, I’ve tested 5 ...

2020-09-05 10:27:15 802

翻译 使用rllib进行动作屏蔽

RL algorithms learn via trial and error. The agent searches the state space early on and takes random actions to learn what leads to a good reward. Pretty straightforward. RL算法通过反复试验学习。 代理尽早搜索状态空间,并采取...

2020-09-05 10:17:43 1080

翻译 cnn分类学习率技巧_CNN转移学习的犬种分类

cnn分类学习率技巧Transfer learning make use of the knowledge gained while solving one problem and applying it to a different but related problem. They utilize knowledge acquired for one task to solve related...

2020-09-05 10:08:23 198

翻译 编码器如何编写它们以及如何使用它们

从头开始 (From Scratch)In a perfect world, all programmers, scientists, data-engineers, analysts, and machine-learning engineers alike dream that all data could arrive at their doorstep in the cleanest ...

2020-09-05 09:57:52 2549

翻译 机器学习深度学习加强学习_加强强化学习背后的科学

机器学习深度学习加强学习 机器学习 ,强化学习 (Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning)You’re getting bore stuck in lockdown, you decided to play computer games to pass your time. 您因锁定而感到无聊,决定玩电脑游戏来度过您的时间。 You launched ...

2020-09-05 09:48:32 466

翻译 机器学习与分布式机器学习_机器学习对自闭症做了什么

机器学习与分布式机器学习Machine learning (ML) has spread into many different fields and disciplines. Dipping your toes into a new field is the best way to grow and learn new things. The following is a summary of ...

2020-09-05 09:29:17 571

翻译 在哪里找到很棒的机器学习数据集

Good machine learning research starts with an exceptional dataset. There is no need to spend your evening crafting your own set of data in MySQL or, god forbid, Excel. Basically, anything from COVID-1...

2020-09-05 08:52:15 1104

翻译 让我们用sql估算缺失值

Missing values are a huge problem in machine learning. In a day and age when machine learning can be done directly in the database, one wonders how to perform adequate data preparation with SQL, witho...

2020-09-05 08:41:17 1012

翻译 使用spark nlp kafka和vegas可视化对聚会活动进行大数据分析

We started out as a working group from bigdata.ro. The team was comprised of Valentina Crisan, Ovidiu Podariu, Maria Catana, Cristian Stanciulescu, Edwin Brinza and me, Andrei Deusteanu. Our main purp...

2020-09-05 08:31:11 392



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