如何在hdfs上将文件下载_如何在Windows 10上将文件复制到USB闪存驱动器



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If you’d like to copy files to a USB flash drive on Windows 10—perhaps to back them up or transfer them to another computer—it’s easy to do using File Explorer. Here’s how.

如果您想将文件复制到Windows 10上的USB闪存驱动器上(可能是将其备份或转移到另一台计算机上),则使用文件资源管理器很容易。 这是如何做。

首先,在您的PC上找到USB驱动器 (First, Locate the USB Drive on Your PC)

Before we can copy any files, we need to make sure the flash drive is connected and ready to receive data. First, plug your USB flash drive into a USB port on your Windows 10 PC. Give your PC a minute to recognize the drive and automatically install any needed drivers for it. (These instructions will work for other external storage devices, too, including SD cards and USB hard drives.)

在复制任何文件之前,我们需要确保已连接闪存驱动器并准备接收数据。 首先,将USB闪存驱动器插入Windows 10 PC上的USB端口。 给您的PC一分钟的时间来识别驱动器并自动为其安装所需的驱动程序。 (这些说明也适用于其他外部存储设备,包括SD卡和USB硬盘驱动器。)

Then open the Start menu, type “This PC,” and hit Enter. This is a direct shortcut to a list of drives attached to your PC in File Explorer.

然后打开“开始”菜单,键入“ This PC”,然后按Enter。 这是在文件资源管理器中连接到PC的驱动器列表的直接快捷方式。

Open the Start menu in Windows 10 and type "This PC" and hit Enter.

In the window that pops up, locate the section called “Devices And Drives.” If necessary, click the small carat-shaped arrow to the left of the section header to reveal a list of the drives.

在弹出的窗口中,找到“设备和驱动器”部分。 如有必要,请单击部分标题左侧的克拉形小箭头以显示驱动器列表。

In This PC, locate the "Devices and drives" section in Windows 10 File Explorer.

If your USB drive has been recognized correctly and is ready to receive files, it will appear in this location with a name and a drive letter assigned to it, such as “D:”, “E:”, or “F:”, or another letter. Note that the “C:” drive is almost always the main drive on your PC, unless you go very out of your way to change it.

如果您的USB驱动器已被正确识别并准备接收文件,它将显示在此位置,并带有名称和分配给它的驱动器号,例如“ D:”,“ E:”或“ F:”,或另一个字母。 请注意,“ C:”驱动器几乎始终是PC上的主驱动器,除非您不厌其烦地进行更改。

Depending on how File Explorer is configured (see the “Layout” options under the “View” menu), the style of the icons within this window may appear different on your machine. But the drive should still be there.

根据文件资源管理器的配置方式(请参见“查看”菜单下的“布局”选项),此窗口内图标的样式在您的计算机上可能会有所不同。 但是驱动器应该仍然在那里。

In This PC, locate your thumb drive in Windows 10 File Explorer.

If the USB drive doesn’t show up in your “Devices And Drives” list, you’ll have to perform some in-depth sleuthing to figure out what it going on.


查找您要复制的文件 (Find the Files You Want to Copy)

While keeping the USB drive window open, press Ctrl+N to open a new File Explorer window. Use the new window to locate the files you would like to copy.

在保持USB驱动器窗口打开的同时,按Ctrl + N打开新的“文件资源管理器”窗口。 在新窗口中找到要复制的文件。

After you’ve located the files, return to the “This PC” window and double-click the USB drive icon to open it. You should now have two windows open side by side.

找到文件后,返回“此PC”窗口,然后双击USB驱动器图标将其打开。 您现在应该同时打开两个窗口。

Two File Explorer windows open side-by-side in Windows 10.

What happens next depends on how you’d like to copy the files. There are several ways to do it, but here are the two most common methods.

接下来会发生什么取决于您如何复制文件。 有几种方法可以做到这一点,但这是两种最常用的方法。

如何通过拖放来复制文件 (How to Copy Files by Dragging and Dropping)

Using your mouse cursor, select the file (or files) you would like to copy, then click and hold the mouse button to drag the files to the USB thumb drive window.


Click and drag the files from one window into the USB flash drive window in Windows 10 File Explorer.

When an icon representing the file or files appears over the destination window, release the mouse button, and the files will be copied to that location.


The files have been copied to the USB flash drive in Windows 10.

In the future, you can also drag files directly onto the USB flash drive icon in “This PC” to copy them to that location.


如何使用复制和粘贴复制文件 (How to Copy Files Using Copy and Paste)

You can also copy files in Windows using the Clipboard. Using your mouse cursor, select the file (or files) you would like to copy, then right-click on the selection. In the menu that pops up, select “Copy.”

您也可以使用剪贴板在Windows中复制文件。 使用鼠标光标,选择要复制的文件,然后右键单击所选内容。 在弹出的菜单中,选择“复制”。

In the source window, right-click the file selection and select "Copy" from the pop-up menu in Windows 10.

Place your mouse cursor over a section of blank space within the USB thumb drive window and right-click again. In the menu that pops up, select “Paste.”

将鼠标光标放在USB拇指驱动器窗口内的空白区域上,然后再次单击鼠标右键。 在弹出的菜单中,选择“粘贴”。

In the destination window, right-click and select "Paste" from the pop-up menu in Windows 10.

The files you “copied” to the Clipboard earlier will be copied onto the USB flash drive.


The files have been copied to the USB flash drive in Windows 10.

Congratulations: Your files are now on the USB drive. You can unplug it if you’d like. It’s a good idea to “Safely Remove” (or eject) the drive before you do.

恭喜:您的文件现在位于USB驱动器上。 您可以根据需要拔出插头。 在执行此操作之前,“安全卸下”(或弹出)驱动器是个好主意

如果闪存驱动器空间不足该怎么办 (What to Do If You Run out of Space on the Flash Drive)

If you’re copying files to your USB flash drive and you receive a message such as “There is not enough space” or “There is insufficient disk space to complete the operation,” then you’ve run out of free space on your flash drive.


An insufficient space message in Windows 10.

There are three basic solutions. The first is to explore the contents of your USB flash drive and see if it already contains data that you can delete to free up space. Be careful that you don’t delete anything that you haven’t already backed up somewhere else.

有三种基本解决方案。 第一种是浏览USB闪存驱动器的内容,并查看它是否已包含可以删除以释放空间的数据。 请注意,不要删除尚未备份的任何内容。

The second solution is to purchase a larger USB flash drive. They are available on online shopping sites like Amazon.com and even at many pharmacy and grocery stores. USB drives with higher capacity usually cost more, but they can be a good investment if you need to transfer or back up a large amount of data.

第二种解决方案是购买更大的USB闪存驱动器。 它们可以在Amazon.com等在线购物网站上使用,甚至在许多药房和杂货店中也可以使用。 容量更大的USB驱动器通常会花费更多,但如果您需要传输或备份大量数据,它们可能是一项不错的投资。

And if you are transferring files to another machine, the third solution is to break the transfer job into chunks. First, copy a few files to the drive, then copy them off to the new machine. After that, delete the previously copied files from the thumb drive and repeat with the next batch of files until you’re finished. Good luck!

如果要将文件传输到另一台计算机,第三个解决方案是将传输作业分成多个块。 首先,将一些文件复制到驱动器,然后将其复制到新计算机上。 之后,从拇指驱动器中删除以前复制的文件,并重复下一批文件,直到完成。 祝好运!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/685516/how-to-copy-files-to-a-usb-flash-drive-on-windows-10/






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