

A personal wiki is an amazing place to store all of your notes, to-do lists, projects, and links. Traditional wikis are no easy task to set up and typically cost money for web hosting and software licensing. With TiddlyWiki and Dropbox you can set up your own wiki that is easy to use and available from anything with a web browser. Here is how to get started.

个人Wiki是存储所有笔记,任务列表,项目和链接的绝佳场所。 传统的Wiki设置起来并不容易,通常会花钱进行网络托管和软件许可。 借助TiddlyWiki和Dropbox,您可以设置易于使用的Wiki,并可以通过网络浏览器从任何内容中获取。 这是入门方法。

设置您的维基 (Set Up Your Wiki)

TiddlyWiki isn’t like a traditional MediaWiki or Confluence wiki which requires a database server and PHP in order to run. TiddlyWiki is a self contained .html file that you can use in any modern web browser even without internet access.

TiddlyWiki与传统的MediaWiki或Confluence Wiki不同,后者需要数据库服务器和PHP才能运行。 TiddlyWiki是一个自包含的.html文件,即使没有互联网访问,也可以在任何现代网络浏览器中使用。

To get started with TiddlyWiki head over to their website and download TiddlyWiki from their website.


Once the file downloads extract it to wherever you’d like.


When the file is extracted open it up to get started.


Note: You can rename the empty.html file to whatever you’d like. The TiddlySaver.jar file is a helper for certain browsers. If your browser needs TiddlySaver.jar, it will download automatically. Make sure to keep these files together, otherwise saving your wiki may not work.

注意:您可以将empty.html文件重命名为所需的名称。 TiddlySaver.jar文件是某些浏览器的帮助程序。 如果您的浏览器需要TiddlySaver.jar,它将自动下载。 确保将这些文件放在一起,否则保存Wiki可能无法正常进行。

When you open the .html file you will be greeted with the GettingStarted section that will walk you through the first few steps to set up your new wiki.


To change the title and subtitle simply click on the blue link for each item, and then double click on the heading of the new section that appears.


Put your desired text in the field provided and click done.


Your new title should show up automatically.


You can then update your settings for the main menu, on the left, and the default tiddlers.


Note: A tiddler is what TiddlyWiki calls each individual section. You can create as many as you want and each one can contain as much information as you want.

注意:TiddlyWiki称每个部分为小提琴手。 您可以创建任意数量的信息,每个信息可以包含所需的信息。

Once you have the basics set up you can play around with some of the settings on the right side such as autosave and regular expression searches.


If you want even more settings click on advanced options and you will have plenty of more settings to play with to customize things to your liking.


If you still want more options, click on backstage on the top right and you will be able to backup your TiddlyWiki as well as import plugins, upgrade, and more.


将Wiki与Dropbox同步 (Syncing Your Wiki with Dropbox)

Once your wiki is set up the way you want, you will want to be able to use your wiki wherever you are. To set that up you first need a Dropbox account and you will need to install the Dropbox client on your computer.

按照所需的方式设置Wiki后,无论您在哪里,都将希望能够使用Wiki。 要进行设置,您首先需要一个Dropbox帐户,并且需要在计算机上安装Dropbox客户端。

Once Dropbox is installed on your computer all you need to do is create a symbolic link to your empty.html file into your Dropbox folder. This will keep your wiki in sync on any computer you have Dropbox installed.

在计算机上安装了Dropbox之后,您所需要做的就是在您的Dropbox文件夹中创建一个指向 empty.html文件的符号链接 。 这将使您的Wiki在安装了Dropbox的任何计算机上保持同步。

Note: If you would like to be able to view your wiki from any computer put the the symbolic link in your Dropbox public folder.


If you put your TiddlyWiki file in your public dropbox folder then open up your browser and head over to Dropbox and sign in. Click on your public folder and then your wiki file. You now have a read only version of your wiki from any device, including mobile devices. To make the wiki just a little bit more friendly you may want to shorten your dropbox link to something you will remember.

如果将TiddlyWiki文件放在公共Dropbox文件夹中,则打开浏览器并转到Dropbox并登录。单击您的公共文件夹,然后单击Wiki文件。 现在,您可以从任何设备(包括移动设备)获得Wiki的只读版本。 为了使Wiki更加友好,您可能需要将保管箱链接缩短为您会记住的内容。

Note: Because the file is stored in a public viewable location it will be read only and you won’t be able to edit your wiki from the Dropbox public link.


安装插件 (Installing Plugins)

In TiddlyWiki you have the ability to extend the basic layout and options by installing tiddlers from other sources. These can be options that simply let you create RSS feeds and calendars, or they can be advanced options that let you upload documents and play minesweeper. To install a new tiddler you will first need to find the tiddler you want to use. Two great sites to check for tiddlers are TiddlyVault and TiddlyTools.

在TiddlyWiki中,您可以通过安装其他来源的提琴手来扩展基本布局和选项。 这些选项可以让您简单地创建RSS feed和日历,也可以是高级选项使您可以上载文档并播放排雷。 要安装新的提琴手,您首先需要找到要使用的提琴手。 TiddlyVault和TiddlyTools是两个检查小提琴机的好地方。

To import the tools just click on the backstage link and then import. Put in the server address for the tiddlers you want and click open.

要导入工具,只需单击后台链接,然后导入。 输入您想要的提琴手的服务器地址,然后单击“打开”。

Scroll down and select all of the tiddlers that you would like to use and then click import at the bottom.


Depending on what tiddler you just installed it will be used in different ways. To figure out how to use the plugin you may want to drop down the plugins menu and click on the plugin you just installed.

根据您刚安装的小提琴,它会以不同的方式使用。 要弄清楚如何使用插件,您可能需要下拉插件菜单,然后单击刚刚安装的插件。

Clicking on this link will open up the plugin twiddler and you should be able to see how to use the plugin in your wiki.


For the calendar plugin the basic usage is just to add <<calendar>> to any twiddler. The calendar will automatically be added to the wiki when the twiddler is saved.

对于日历插件,基本用法只是将<< calendar >>添加到任何twiddler。 保存旋转手势时,日历将自动添加到Wiki。

使用免费的托管TiddlyWiki (Using a Free Hosted TiddlyWiki)

If managing your wiki file isn’t your cup of tea then you can also check out TiddlySpot which allows you to set up your own fully hosted TiddlyWiki at no cost. You will have the ability to chose from a few different TiddlyWiki variations and even have the ability to download the file for offline use.

如果您不愿意管理Wiki文件,那么您也可以签出TiddlySpot,它使您可以免费建立自己的完全托管的TiddlyWiki。 您将可以从TiddlyWiki的几个不同版本中进行选择,甚至可以下载文件以供离线使用。

TiddlyWiki is extremely flexible and can accommodate many needs with some of the variations available. Before you pay for another note taking program, or if you are unhappy with the one you currently have, download TiddlyWiki for free and see how it can suit your needs.

TiddlyWiki非常灵活,可以通过一些可用的变体满足许多需求。 在您支付另一个记笔记程序的费用之前,或者如果您对当前拥有的记帐程序不满意,请免费下载TiddlyWiki,并查看它如何满足您的需求。

Tiddlywiki.com – Download the main files and get an introduction to the wiki here.

Tiddlywiki.com –下载主要文件,并在此处获得Wiki简介。

Tiddlywiki.org – In depth information about the wiki and creating your own tiddlers and how to take advantage of TiddlyWiki’s markup language

Tiddlywiki.org –有关Wiki和创建自己的小提琴手的深入信息,以及如何利用TiddlyWiki的标记语言

Dropbox – To keep your TiddlyWiki in sync across computers

Dropbox –使TiddlyWiki在计算机之间保持同步

TiddlyVault – Tiddlers resource site

TiddlyVault – Tiddlers资源站点

TiddlyTools – Tiddlers resource site

TiddlyTools – Tiddlers资源站点

Tiddlyspot – Fully hosted TiddlyWiki website

Tiddlyspot –完全托管的TiddlyWiki网站

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/26515/build-your-own-personal-wiki-accessible-from-any-pc/

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