nest 模拟器_多个Nest Protect烟雾报警器如何协同工作

nest 模拟器

nest 模拟器

Having just one smoke alarm in your home isn’t enough, so if you want to go all-in with the Nest Protect, you’ll need more than one unit. Here’s how multiple Protect units work together.

仅在家中只有一个烟雾报警器是不够的,因此,如果您想全神贯注地使用Nest Protect ,则需要多个单元。 以下是多个保护单元如何协同工作的方法。

The latest edition of the NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code says you need to install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside every sleeping area (like a hallway), and on every level of the home, including the basement. Depending on the size of your dwelling, this might mean you need a lot of smoke alarms.

最新版本的NFPA 72国家火灾报警和信号守则说,您需要在每个卧室,每个睡眠区域(如走廊)之外以及房屋的每个楼层(包括地下室)安装烟雾报警器。 根据房屋的大小,这可能意味着您需要大量的烟雾报警器。

So if you do decide to use Nest Protects as your smoke alarms, you’ll need more than one. Here’s what you need to know about how they interact with each other both during downtime and during an actual alarm.

因此,如果您决定将Nest Protects用作烟雾报警器,则将需要多个。 这是您需要了解的有关它们在停机时间和实际警报期间如何相互影响的信息。

快速简便地设置其他Nest Protect (Setting Up Additional Nest Protects Is Quick and Easy)

Setting up your first Nest Protect isn’t too time-consuming at all, but Nest makes it even easier to add additional units. The Nest app automatically applies the settings from your first Nest Protect to any additional units you set up.

设置您的第一个Nest Protect 根本不是很耗时 ,但是Nest使添加其他单元更加容易。 Nest应用会自动将您的第一个Nest Protect中的设置应用到您设置的其他任何单位。

However, this does mean that you’ll need a Wi-Fi connection and the Nest app to set up multiple units and connect them to each other. That’s not too big a problem, though. You’re probably not buying Nest Protects if you don’t have Wi-Fi, but it’s something to at least keep in mind. The good news is that once they’re set up, the Nest Protect units don’t necessarily need an active Wi-Fi connection to communicate with one another, as talked about in the next section.

但是,这确实意味着您需要Wi-Fi连接和Nest应用才能设置多个设备并将它们彼此连接。 不过,这不是一个太大的问题。 如果您没有Wi-Fi,则可能不购买Nest Protects,但这是至少要牢记的一点。 好消息是,Nest Protect设备设置好后,并不一定需要有效的Wi-Fi连接就可以相互通信,如下一节所述。

他们都互相无线交谈 (They All Talk to Each Other Wirelessly)

A great feature of the Nest Protect is that they can link together when you install additional units around your house, which is not only convenient but can be a real lifesaver.

Nest Protect的一个很棒的功能是,当您在房屋中安装其他设备时,它们可以链接在一起,这不仅方便,而且可以成为真正的救生员。

Once all of your Nest Protects are up and running, they create their own wireless network that lets them interconnect. Whenever one unit detects smoke and trips the alarm, the rest of the units in your home will go off as well.

当所有的巢的保护是建立和运行,他们建立自己的无线网络, 让他们的互连。 每当一台设备检测到烟雾并触发警报时,您家中的其他设备也将关闭。

And since they create their own wireless network, the Nest Protect units won’t disconnect from each other if your home’s Wi-Fi network ever goes down—they’ll still be linked together and will still go off if any of them detects smoke. You can even connect the 1st-gen and 2nd-gen Nest Protect units together as well.

而且由于它们创建了自己的无线网络,即使您家的Wi-Fi网络出现故障,Nest Protect装置也不会彼此断开连接-它们仍将连接在一起,并且如果它们中的任何一个检测到烟雾,它们仍将熄灭。 您甚至还可以将第一代和第二代Nest Protect装置连接在一起。

One thing to keep in mind about that, though, is that even if you get the wired version of the Nest Protect, they will still interconnect wirelessly with each other. So there’s no huge benefit to the wired models other than not having to change the batteries so often.

不过,要记住的一件事是,即使您获得了有线版本的Nest Protect,它们仍将彼此无线互连。 因此,除了不必如此频繁地更换电池之外,有线型号没有什么其他好处。


nest 模拟器





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