chunky monkey_如何使用Chunky渲染3D Glory中的Minecraft作品

chunky monkey

chunky monkey


If you’re looking for a way to 3D render and preserve your favorite Minecraft creations, big or small, as beautiful images then look no further than Chunky. Whether you want to immortalize a whole city or a tiny cottage, it’s the right tool for the job.

如果您正在寻找一种3D渲染并将您喜欢的Minecraft作品(无论大小)保存为精美图像的方法,那么Chunky就是您的最佳选择。 无论您是要使整个城市永生不朽,还是要使小木屋永生不朽,它都是完成这项工作的正确工具。

什么是矮胖的? (What is Chunky?)

In a previous Minecraft tutorial we showed you how to render your entire world map into a Google Earth-style interactive map with Mapcrafter. If you’re interested in a more up-close and personal render than MapCrafter can provide, however, you need Chunky.

在之前的Minecraft教程中,我们向您展示了如何使用Mapcrafter将整个世界地图渲染为Google Earth风格的交互式地图 。 如果您对MapCrafter无法提供的近距离渲染和个人渲染感兴趣,则需要Chunky。

Where MapCraft renders your Minecraft world in totality across all available chunks, Chunky renders a tiny portion of your Minecraft world in very high detail, so it’s a great tool for really showing off a build you’re proud of.


Further, you can really dig in with Chunky and set a wide variety of options unavailable in Mapcrafter: you can use custom texture packs, set the time of day and angle of the light, adjust the light sources, and otherwise tweak the render options and appearance of your rendered chunks to achieve a perfect look.


安装和配置块状 (Installing and Configuring Chunky)

Visit the Chunky website and grab the most current cross-platform binary bundle. There is a Windows installer but the binary bundle is a universal Java installer and just as easy to use. Extract to a well labeled folder and run the chunky.jar file.

访问Chunky网站并获取最新的跨平台二进制包 。 有Windows安装程序,但二进制捆绑包是通用的Java安装程序,并且易于使用。 提取到标记正确的文件夹,然后运行chunky.jar文件。

The installer will prompt you to pick a location:


After selecting a directory, the Chunky launcher will load. Now is the time to select the directory that contains the map file you wish to work with (the launcher defaults to the default Minecraft data directory for your OS but you can point it wherever you want). After selecting the folder, adjust the amount of memory allocated to Chunky. While it can run on a smaller amount of memory, if you have a bunch to spare you might as well speed your render up by allocating it to Chunky.

选择目录后,将加载Chunky启动器。 现在是时候选择包含要使用的地图文件的目录了(启动程序默认为操作系统的默认Minecraft数据目录,但您可以将其指向任意位置)。 选择文件夹后,调整分配给Chunky的内存量。 虽然它可以在较小的内存上运行,但是如果有很多空闲空间,则可以通过将其分配给Chunky来加快渲染速度。

Click launch and the app will run and present the world selection screen.


Once you select a world (either from the list or using the “Browse for Specific World” option), the world will load in a top-down view.


Here’s an aerial view of the same Survival Mode castle-in-progress we used for our Mapcrafter tutorial.


Let’s say we want to render that partially finished lighthouse we’ve been working on. All we need to do is select the chunks the lighthouse is sitting on by clicking on them.

假设我们要渲染我们一直在研究的部分完成的灯塔。 我们需要做的就是通过单击选择灯塔所坐的部分。

Then we simply click “New Scene” to start the rendering process. Chunky will ask us where we want the scene stored. By default, it stores your renders in /scenes/ off the main directory. Confirm where you want the new scene placed and click “OK.”

然后,我们只需单击“新场景”即可开始渲染过程。 矮矮胖胖的会问我们我们要将场景存储在哪里。 默认情况下,它将渲染保存在主目录下的/ scenes /中。 确认要放置新场景的位置,然后单击“确定”。

The next stop is the Render Controls panel which is paired with the Preview panel. The settings here are a bit overwhelming. We’d suggest only messing with a few of them to start with (those of you that like to dive right in would be well served to read the detailed breakdown of all the Chunky render settings here).

下一站是“渲染控件”面板,该面板与“预览”面板配对。 此处的设置有些繁琐。 我们建议您一开始就不要弄乱其中的一些(想深入了解其中的人非常适合在这里阅读所有Chunky渲染设置详细分类 )。

The first thing you want to change is the camera projection under the “Camera” tab. If you want to be able to zoom in and out like you’re viewing the game as an actual player, switch the Projection type to “Parallel.”  Now you can move around freely to position your subject.

您要更改的第一件事是“摄像机”选项卡下的摄像机投影。 如果您希望像实际观看游戏一样放大和缩小游戏,请将“投影”类型切换为“平行”。 现在,您可以自由移动以定位主题。

The second order of business is changing the canvas size. You can select from the drop-down menus on the “General” tab, or you can specify the size you want. To start with, we recommend doing small renders. Big renders take a lot of time and until you get the look you want, there’s no reason to waste three hours of render time on a huge poster-size print you won’t even like.

第二项工作是更改画布大小。 您可以从“常规”标签上的下拉菜单中进行选择,也可以指定所需的大小。 首先,我们建议进行较小的渲染。 大型渲染需要花费大量时间,直到获得所需的外观之前,没有理由将三小时的渲染时间浪费在您甚至不喜欢的巨大海报尺寸打印上。

When you click the “START” button to begin the render, don’t worry if things get real weird looking for a moment. Chunky is doing frame-by-frame rendering of your scene and it looks a bit strange while it’s in progress.

当您单击“开始”按钮开始渲染时,请不要担心片刻之后情况会变得很奇怪。 Chunky正在对场景进行逐帧渲染,在进行过程中看起来有些奇怪。

When the process is complete, you’ll have a little 3D render of Minecraft creation like so.


Don’t think our simple little 3×3 chunk render here is all there is to Chunky, though. You can render as big or as small as you want. Let’s zoom out to see our whole castle complex and mix things up a little by adding in a texture pack (the same photo-realistic 256x texture pack we showed off in the beginning of our guide to Minecraft resource packs).

但是,不要认为我们这里简单的3×3小块渲染就是Chunky的全部了。 您可以根据需要渲染大小。 让我们放大以查看整个城堡建筑,并通过添加纹理包(在我们的《 我的世界》资源包指南开头展示的相同的逼真的256x纹理 )将其混合一些。

It took ten minutes to render the original tower just by itself but this render of the entire complex took a solid hour-and-a-half. The increased render time is a result of both the increased size of the area (18×18 chunks instead of our original 3×3) but also the overhead of rendering lighting conditions for so many additional surfaces and light sources.

仅用十分钟就可以完成原始塔的渲染,但是整个建筑群的渲染耗时一个半小时。 渲染时间增加的原因是面积增加(18×18块而不是我们原来的3×3),而且是渲染如此多的其他表面和光源的光照条件的开销。

Our examples are just a sliver of what you can do with Chunk. Courtesy of the Chunk sample gallery, here’s two fantastic renders that show you the kind of neat stuff you can do with it.

我们的示例只是您可以用Chunk做的一小部分。 由Chunk示例画廊提供,这是两个出色的渲染,向您展示了您可以使用它进行的整洁的工作。

The first, by Chunky user 04hockey, is an up-close and atmospheric rendering that shows the inside of a medieval style church.


The second is a long-distance rendering of Broville, a massive undertaking by Minecraft creative team Oldshoes, which really showcases how great a render with a shallow depth of field looks.


Whether you zoom in close or pan wide with your Chunky renders, the tool offers a unique and really eye catching way to turn the creations you’ve worked so hard on in Minecraft into image files suitable for desktop wallpaper or even framing.



chunky monkey





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