我们对Internet Explorer 9平台预览的了解

Have you been hearing all about Microsoft’s work on Internet Explorer 9 and are curious about it? If you are wanting a taste of the upcoming release then join us as we take a look at the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview.

您是否听说过Microsoft在Internet Explorer 9上的全部工作,并对此感到好奇? 如果您想了解即将发布的版本,请加入我们,了解一下Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview。

Note: Windows Vista and Server 2008 users may need to install a Platform Update (see link at bottom for more information).

注意:Windows Vista和Server 2008用户可能需要安装平台更新(有关更多信息,请参阅底部的链接)。

Getting Started


If you are curious about the systems that the platform preview will operate on here is an excerpt from the FAQ page (link provided below). There are two important points of interest here:

如果您对平台预览将在此处运行的系统感到好奇,请从FAQ页面(以下提供的链接)中摘录。 这里有两个重要的兴趣点:

  • The platform preview does not replace your regular Internet Explorer installation

    平台预览不会取代您的常规Internet Explorer安装
  • The platform preview (and the final version of Internet Explorer 9) will not work on Windows XP

    平台预览版(以及Internet Explorer 9的最终版本)在Windows XP上不起作用

There really is not a lot to the install process…basically all that you will have to deal with is the “EULA Window” and the “Install Finished Window”.

安装过程实际上并没有很多……基本上,您只需要处理“ EULA窗口”和“安装完成的窗口”即可。

Note: The platform preview will install to a “Program Files Folder” named “Internet Explorer Platform Preview”.

注意:平台预览将安装到名为“ Internet Explorer平台预览”的“程序文件文件夹”。


Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview in Action

运行中的Internet Explorer 9平台预览

When you start the platform preview up for the first time you will be presented with the Internet Explorer 9 Test Drive homepage. Do not be surprised that there is not a lot to the UI at this time…but you can get a good idea of how Internet Explorer will act.

首次启动平台预览时,将显示Internet Explorer 9 Test Drive主页。 不用担心,此时的UI并不多...但是您可以很好地了解Internet Explorer的工作方式。

Note: You will not be able to alter the “Homepage” for the platform preview.



Of the four menus available there are two that will be of interest to most people…the “Page & Debug Menus”. If you go to navigate to a new webpage you will need to go through the “Page Menu” unless you have installed the Address Bar Mini-Tool (shown below).

在可用的四个菜单中,大多数人都会感兴趣的两个是“页面和调试菜单”。 如果您要导航到新网页,则除非安装了地址栏迷你工具(如下所示),否则您将需要通过“页面菜单”。


Want to see what a webpage will look like in an older version of Internet Explorer? Then choose your version in the “Debug Menu”. We did find it humorous that IE6 was excluded from the choices offered.

是否想查看旧版本的Internet Explorer中的网页外观? 然后在“调试菜单”中选择您的版本。 我们确实很幽默,IE6被排除在所提供的选择之外。


Here is what the URL entry window looks like if you are using the “Page Menu” to navigate between websites.



Here is the main page of the site here displayed in “IE9 Mode”…looking good.

这是网站的主页,此处以“ IE9模式”显示...看起来不错。


Here is the main page viewed in “Forced IE5 Document Mode”. There were some minor differences (colors, sidebar, etc.) in how the main page displayed in comparison to “IE9 Mode”. Being able to switch between modes makes for an interesting experience…

这是在“强制IE5文档模式”下查看的主页。 与“ IE9模式”相比,主页的显示方式略有不同(颜色,侧栏等)。 能够在各种模式之间切换,从而带来有趣的体验……


As you can see there is not much to the “Context Menu” at the moment. Notice the slightly altered icon for the platform preview…

如您所见,“上下文菜单”目前没有太多内容。 注意平台预览的图标略有更改。


“Add” an Address Bar of Sorts


If you would like to use a “make-shift” Address Bar with the platform preview you can set up the portable file (IE9browser.exe) for the Internet Explorer 9 Test Platform Addressbar Mini-Tool. Just place it in an appropriate folder, create a shortcut for it, and it will be ready to go.

如果要在平台预览中使用“临时”地址栏,则可以为Internet Explorer 9测试平台地址栏迷你工具设置可移植文件(IE9browser.exe)。 只需将其放置在适当的文件夹中,为其创建快捷方式,即可开始使用。

Here is a close look at the left side of the Address Bar Mini-Tool. You can try to access “IE Favorites” but may have sporadic results like those we experienced during our tests.

下面是地址栏迷你工具左侧的详细信息。 您可以尝试访问“ IE收藏夹”,但可能会出现零星的结果,就像我们在测试中遇到的那样。

Note: The Address Bar Mini-Tool will not line up perfectly with the platform preview but still makes a nice addition.



And a close look at the right side of the Address Bar Mini-Tool. In order to completely shut down the Address Bar Mini-Tool you will need to click on “Close”.

仔细看看地址栏迷你工具的右侧。 为了完全关闭地址栏迷你工具,您需要单击“关闭”。


Each time that you enter an address into the Address Bar Mini-Tool it will open a new window/instance of the platform preview.


Note: During our tests we noticed that clicking on “Home” in the “Page Menu” opened the previously viewed website but once we closed and restarted the platform preview the test drive website was the starting/home page again.



Even if the platform preview is not running the Address Bar Mini-Tool can still run as shown here.

即使平台预览未运行,Address Bar Mini-Tool仍可以按如下所示运行。

Note: You will not be able to move the Address Bar Mini-Tool from its’ locked-in position at the top of the screen.



Now for some fun. With just the Address Bar Mini-Tool open you can enter an address and cause the platform preview to open.

现在找点乐子。 仅打开地址栏迷你工具,您就可以输入地址并打开平台预览。


Here is our example from above now open in the platform preview…good to go.





During our tests we did experience the occasional crash but overall we were pleased with the platform preview’s performance. The platform preview handled rather well and definitely seemed much quicker than Internet Explorer 8 on our test system (a definite bonus!). If you are an early adopter then this could certainly get you in the mood for the upcoming beta releases!

在我们的测试中,我们确实偶然遇到了崩溃,但是总体而言,我们对平台预览版的性能感到满意。 在我们的测试系统上,平台预览的处理效果很好,并且绝对比Internet Explorer 8快得多(这是绝对的荣幸! )。 如果您是早期采用者,那么无疑可以使您对即将发布的Beta版本充满信心!



Download the Internet Explorer 9 Preview Platform

下载Internet Explorer 9预览平台

Download the Internet Explorer 9 Test Platform Addressbar Mini-Tool

下载Internet Explorer 9测试平台地址栏迷你工具

Information about Platform Update for Windows Vista & Server 2008

有关Windows Vista和Server 2008平台更新的信​​息

View the Internet Explorer 9 Platform Preview FAQ

查看Internet Explorer 9平台预览常见问题解答

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14313/our-look-at-the-internet-explorer-9-platform-preview/





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