相机内参 k_4K相机与智能手机中的4K视频相比如何

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With the addition of 4K video recording on smartphones like the iPhone 6s and Samsung Galaxy S6 this year, many consumers have been left wondering what all the fuss is about. What makes a 4K video so much better than 1080p, and how is the camera on the back of an iPhone any different from a 4K camcorder from Sony or Nikon?

随着今年在iPhone 6s和三星Galaxy S6等智能手机上添加4K视频录制,许多消费者开始怀疑到底有什么大惊小怪的。 是什么使4K视频比1080p更好,并且iPhone背面的相机与Sony或Nikon的4K摄像机有何不同?

As 4K televisions start to make their way off the show floor of CES and into our living rooms, here’s everything you’ll need to know to be sure your next home video looks and acts the part.


什么是“ 4K”? (What Is “4K” Anyway?)

To start, it helps to know what the difference is between 4K video and a standard 1080p recording, and why all 4K isn’t created the same.


The same way “HD” is thrown around to include everything from 720p to 1080p, the concept of what makes “4K” truly 4K can vary depending on the device you’re talking about, and the quality of the input/output format.

抛出“ HD”以包含从720p到1080p的所有内容的相同方法,使“ 4K”真正成为4K的概念可能会因您所谈论的设备以及输入/输出格式的质量而异。


Right now, there are two types of 4K recording formats: UHD 4K (Ultra High-Definition), and DCI 4K (Digital Cinema Initiatives). The first is defined as any recording that takes place at a resolution of 3840 x 2160 (exactly two times the width and height of 1920 x 1080, or 1080p) in the aspect ratio of 16:9, while the second packs in slightly more pixels at a resolution of 4096 x 2160, with an aspect ratio of 19:10.

目前,有两种类型的4K记录格式:UHD 4K(超高清)和DCI 4K(数字电影倡议)。 第一个定义为以16:9的长宽比以3840 x 2160(宽度和高度为1920 x 1080或1080p的宽度和高度的两倍)进行的任何记录,而第二个则以稍多的像素打包分辨率为4096 x 2160,长宽比为19:10。

Technically, DCI 4K is the only “true” 4K format, established by a consortium of the top movie studios as the standard in 4K recording and projection. But UHD 4K is primarily tailored to consumers, since it more accurately fits into the 16:9 aspect ratio that almost all televisions and computer monitors use. Digital projectors in a theater, however, are able to fit the DCI 4K 19:10 ratio on their screens without a problem.

从技术上讲,DCI 4K是唯一的“真正的” 4K格式,由顶级电影制片厂联合会建立,作为4K记录和放映的标准。 但是UHD 4K主要是为消费者量身定制的,因为它可以更准确地适应几乎所有电视和计算机显示器使用的16:9宽高比。 但是,影院中的数字投影仪可以在屏幕上安装DCI 4K 19:10比例。

For the sake of this article, you’ll only need to know that consumer camcorders and the cameras on newer smartphones record in the resolution of “UHD 4K”, while professional models are capable of recording at the full DCI 4K spec.

出于本文的目的,您只需要知道消费类便携式摄像机和较新的智能手机上的相机就以“ UHD 4K”的分辨率进行记录,而专业型号则能够以完整的DCI 4K规格进行记录。

4K相机:细分 (4K Cameras: A Breakdown)

The field gets muddied even further when you start diving into the different types of 4K cameras out there.


To make things a bit simpler, we’re going to divide the technology into three distinct categories: consumer, prosumer, and professional. The first is easily the most common of the lot, as these are the 4K cameras you’ll find on the back of recent smartphones like the iPhone 6s and Samsung Galaxy S6, as well as certain high-end GoPros. Most of these styles of camera actually record at the UHD specification rather than “true” 4K, mostly due to the fact that UHD is natively compatible with the aspect ratio of 1080p displays and consumer-grade 4K theater setups.

为了使事情更简单,我们将把技术分为三个不同的类别:消费者,生产者和专业人士。 首先是最常见的,因为它们是您可以在iPhone 6s和Samsung Galaxy S6等最新智能手机以及某些高端GoPro的背面找到的4K相机。 这些类型的相机中的大多数实际上是按照UHD规格而不是“真正的” 4K记录的,这主要是由于UHD与1080p显示器的宽高比和消费级4K影院设置本身兼容。


Next, there’s prosumer 4K camcorders, which on their own can cost anywhere from about $700 all the way up to $5,000, depending on the model you choose. These are personal, handheld camcorders that look almost identical to the same camcorders people have been using for years, albeit with huge sensor and lens upgrades. Many newer DSLRs with 4K video recording capabilities can also be folded into this category, though it’s important to note that most DSLRs are usually intended for still pictures first, with 4K recording capabilities being added on as an afterthought.

接下来是专业的4K便携式摄录机,根据您选择的型号,这些摄录机本身的价格从700美元到5,000美元不等。 这些是个人手持式便携式摄录机,尽管具有巨大的传感器和镜头升级功能,但外观几乎与人们使用多年的便携式摄录机相同。 许多重要的具有4K视频录制功能的数码单反相机也可以归为此类,但需要注意的是,大多数数码单反相机通常首先用于静态图片,然后再添加4K录制功能。

Last, there’s professional 4K cameras, best evidenced by units like anything in the RED lineup of shooters. These cameras are priced way out of a regular customer’s budget, costing at a minimum $15,000, all the way up to $250,000 for the deluxe models. These are the cameras that have come to dominate Hollywood since David Fincher’s The Social Network became the first movie to shoot entirely on 4K back in 2010, and are known primarily for their customization between hundreds of different additional lenses and professional lighting setups.

最后,还有专业的4K相机,最好的证明是像RED射手阵容中的任何单位一样 。 这些相机的价格超出了普通客户的预算,最低价格为15,000美元,而豪华型号的价格最高为250,000美元。 自从大卫·芬奇(David Fincher)的《社交网络》 ( The Social Network)成为2010年第一部完全以4K拍摄的电影以来,这些相机便在好莱坞大行其道,并且以在数百种其他附加镜头和专业照明设置之间进行定制而闻名。

But if they all shoot 4K video just the same as the next, why is there such a massive gap in price between each tier?


全部归结为配件 (It All Comes Down to Accessories)

To keep things brief: it’s about the add-ons.


Now, when we say “add-ons”, we aren’t talking specifically about accessories like a camera strap or a tripod, but more the different types of lenses, lights, and audio recording equipment that a camera is compatible with. The more compatible parts, the more versatile the camera is in different situations.

现在,当我们说“附加组件”时,我们并不是在专门谈论诸如相机带或三脚架之类的配件,而是更多与相机兼容的不同类型的镜头,灯光和录音设备。 兼容的零件越多,相机在不同情况下的用途就越多。

While prosumer cameras like the Sony A7Rii can support a wide array of lenses that can change an image drastically (a telephoto lens will produce something different than a wide-angle, for example), 4K smartphones are limited by their size and what types of recording equipment can actually plug into the devices to affect how a shot eventually turns out.

虽然像Sony A7Rii这样的专业相机可以支持各种各样的镜头,这些镜头可以极大地改变图像(例如,长焦镜头会产生与广角不同的东西),但是4K智能手机受尺寸和录制类型的限制设备实际上可以插入设备中以影响最终拍摄的结果。

In collections of various tests gathered from around the web, users have found that in purely stock shots with no added lenses, the iPhone was able to hold its own against prosumer cameras that were over three times the cost. The phone did struggle in lower lighting situations, however, where cameras like the A7Rii were still able to capture enough of the picture using customized settings. And with the ability to add more lenses, the A7Rii is clearly the more powerful camera. But for the average user, the 4K footage from the 6s was still miles beyond what you would expect out of such a small device.

在网上收集的各种测试的集合中 ,用户发现,在不添加镜头的情况下,纯库存拍摄的iPhone能够抵御成本超过三倍的专业相机。 然而,手机在光线不足的情况下确实很费劲,但是像A7Rii这样的相机仍然可以使用自定义设置捕获足够的照片。 加上增加更多镜头的能力,A7Rii显然是功能更强大的相机。 但是对于普通用户而言,6s到4k的镜头仍然远远超出您对如此小的设备的期望。

Discussing the difference between a 4K smartphone camera and a $15,000 RED is a whole different ball game. Even though both share similar specs like a 12-megapixel sensor that lets in the same amount of light and captures the same amount of color, the backend processing power of a RED allows the operator to shoot 4K video at a much higher framerate. So while the iPhone 6s is limited to only 30 frames per second (a smooth recording that can sometimes look jittery if you pay close enough attention), a top end RED will amp that number to upwards of 155fps, at least in the case of its latest “Dragon” sensor.

讨论4K智能手机相机和15,000美元的RED之间的区别是完全不同的球类游戏。 尽管两者都具有类似的规格,例如12兆像素传感器允许相同的光量并捕获相同的颜色,但是RED的后端处理能力使操作员可以以更高的帧率拍摄4K视频。 因此,尽管iPhone 6s仅限于每秒30帧(平滑记录,如果您足够注意的话有时会看起来有些抖动),但高端RED至少在该情况下会将其放大到155fps。最新的“ Dragon”传感器。

A higher framerate is necessary when shooting big-budget films, because the increased amount of data between each individual frame makes it easier to add in visual effects that match up with the source format. If you’re only using your phone to take some vacation videos though, the difference is generally negligible.

拍摄高预算电影时,需要更高的帧速率,因为每个单独帧之间的数据量增加,可以更轻松地添加与源格式匹配的视觉效果。 但是,如果您仅使用手机拍摄一些度假视频,则差异通常可以忽略不计。

Unless you’re really into the idea of getting the best possible lighting and sound for your child’s next dance recital, the 4K recording you get out of a smartphone will be just as good as what you’d achieve with a prosumer camcorder that’s three times the cost. And while neither could hold a candle to the framerates that professionals in Hollywood are using for the next Michael Bay blockbuster, they’re still plenty capable enough to handle everyday recording without a hitch.

除非您真的想为孩子的下一次舞蹈演奏会获得最佳的照明和声音,否则从智能手机中获得的4K录制效果将与使用普通摄像机的3倍一样好成本。 尽管没有人能像好莱坞专业人士正在为下一届迈克尔·贝大片使用的帧速率一样,但他们仍然有足够的能力来处理日常录制而毫不费力。

Image Credits: Apple, Sony, Wikimedia Foundation

图片来源: AppleSonyWikimedia Foundation

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/238760/how-4k-cameras-compare-to-4k-video-from-your-smartphone/

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