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Slack can be chaotic. There’s a good chance you often need to remember and take action on messages in channels, replies to threads, and direct messages. Take advantage of these Slack features to avoid forgetting those important messages.

松弛会很混乱。 您经常需要记住一个好机会,并对频道中的消息,对线程的回复和直接消息采取行动。 利用这些Slack功能来避免忘记那些重要的消息。

This is particularly convenient when you want to shift between devices—for example, if you read an important message on your phone and want to take action when you get to a computer. It’s also useful when you want to set aside a message for now and revisit it in the future.

当您想在设备之间切换时,这特别方便,例如,如果您在手机上阅读了一条重要消息,并且想在进入计算机时采取措施。 当您想暂时保留一条消息并在将来重新访问它时,它也很有用。

使用Slack的提醒 (Use Slack’s Reminders)

When you want to get reminded about a message later, set a reminder. To do this, hover over a message in Slack with your mouse, click the “More Actions” button that looks like three dots, point to “Remind me about this,” and select a time.

当您想在以后收到有关消息的提醒时 ,请设置提醒 。 为此,请用鼠标悬停在Slack中的消息上,单击看起来像三个点的“更多操作”按钮,指向“提醒我”,然后选择一个时间。

In the Slack app for iPhone, iPad, and Android, long-press a message and tap “Remind Me” in the list to select a time.


For example, if you want to revisit a message tomorrow morning, select “Tomorrow.” If you know you’ll have time to deal with it in an hour, select “In 1 Hour.”

例如,如果您想在明天早上重访一条消息,请选择“明天”。 如果您知道一个小时后有时间处理,请选择“在1小时内”。

Creating a reminder in Slack for Windows, Mac, or the web.

When the time arrives, Slackbot will send you a direct message with your reminder and you’ll get a notification. If you don’t want to deal with the reminder immediately, you can use the “Snooze” box to reschedule your reminder for later. Slackbot will send you another direct message with the reminder at your scheduled time.

时间到了,Slackbot将向您发送直接消息并附带提醒,您将收到通知。 如果您不想立即处理提醒,可以使用“延后”框重新安排提醒以备后用。 Slackbot会在您计划的时间向您发送另一条带有提示的直接消息。

A reminder about a message from Slackbot.

保存重要消息 (Save Important Messages)

Want to review important messages later? Rather than setting reminders, “save” them. To do this, hover over a message in Slack and click the “Save” icon. In the Slack mobile app, long-press a message and tap “Save.”

是否想稍后查看重要消息? 与其设置提醒,不如保存它们。 为此,将鼠标悬停在Slack中的消息上,然后单击“保存”图标。 在Slack移动应用中,长按一条消息,然后点按“保存”。

Saving a message for later in Slack.

To access saved items later, click “Saved items” near the top-left corner of the Slack window. You may have to click “Show more” to see it. In the Slack mobile app, tap the “You” icon at the bottom of the screen and then tap “Saved items.”

要稍后访问已保存的项目,请单击“松弛”窗口左上角附近的“已保存的项目”。 您可能必须单击“显示更多”才能看到它。 在Slack移动应用中,点击屏幕底部的“您”图标,然后点击“已保存的项目”。

Viewing Saved Items in Slack for desktop.

Saved items are easier to review later than items you’ve set reminders for. However, Slack won’t automatically remind you about your saved items—you’ll have to remember to manually review them.

已保存的项目比您为其设置提醒的项目更易于查看。 但是,Slack不会自动提醒您有关已保存项目的信息-您必须记住要手动查看它们。

检查您的提及和话题 (Check Your Mentions and Threads)

To avoid losing track of important messages you were mentioned in, check your mentions in Slack. Click “Mentions and reactions” at the top-left corner of the Slack window to see messages you were mentioned in. If you missed any of these, you can review them.

为避免丢失对您在其中提到的重要消息的跟踪,请在Slack中检查您的提及。 单击“松弛”窗口左上角的“提及和React”,以查看提及您的消息。如果您错过了其中任何一个,则可以进行查看。

In the Slack mobile app, tap “Mentions” at the bottom of the screen to view them.


Slack also shows messages other people reacted to—for example, If you sent a message to someone and they responded with a thumbs-up emoji, you’ll see that here.


Viewing mentions and reactions in Slack.

If you use threads in Slack, you can also quickly check for new messages in your threads by clicking “Threads” at the top-left corner of the Slack window.


In the Slack mobile app, tap the “Home” icon at the bottom of the screen and tap “Threads” near the top of the screen.


The Threads option in Slack for iPhone.

发送消息到Trello之类的应用 (Send Messages to Apps Like Trello)

You can set up shortcuts in Slack to easily send messages to other applications. For example, you could send a message to a project-management tool like Trello or create a calendar event based on a message in an app like Google Calendar.

您可以在Slack中设置快捷方式,以轻松地将消息发送到其他应用程序。 例如,您可以将消息发送到Trello等项目管理工具,或基于Google日历等应用中的消息创建日历事件。

In Slack, hover over a message, click the “More Options” (…) button, and look for shortcut actions at the bottom of the list. Click “Get More Shortcuts” to install shortcuts for your favorite applications.

在“松弛”中,将鼠标悬停在消息上,单击“更多选项”(…)按钮,然后在列表底部查找快捷方式操作。 单击“获取更多快捷方式”为您喜欢的应用程序安装快捷方式。

In the mobile app, long-press a message and scroll to the bottom of your list to see shortcuts you’ve installed.


The "More message shortcuts" option in Slack's message context menu.

使用Slack的Reacji Channeler (Use Slack’s Reacji Channeler)

Slack created an official tool called Reacji Channeler that makes it easy to send messages to another channel. When you add an emoji reaction (a “reacji”) to a message, Slack can automatically send messages with specific emoji to specific channels.

Slack创建了一个称为Reacji Channeler的官方工具 ,该工具可以轻松地将消息发送到另一个渠道。 当您向消息添加表情符号React(“ reacji”)时,Slack可以自动将带有特定表情符号的消息发送到特定频道。

For example, let’s say you often need to send emails based on certain messages. You could set up Slack so that, when you react with the 📧 emoji, Slack will send the message to a “#to-email” channel. You can then review those messages later.

例如,假设您经常需要根据某些消息发送电子邮件。 您可以设置Slack,以便在使用📧表情符号做出React时,Slack将消息发送到“#to-email”频道。 然后,您可以稍后查看这些消息。

You can set up multiple emoji to send messages to different channels. Maybe you just want to keep track of positive feedback, funny jokes, or good ideas and gather them in one place to share them with your team.

您可以设置多个表情符号以将消息发送到不同的频道。 也许您只是想跟踪正面的反馈,有趣的笑话或好主意,然后将它们收集在一个地方以便与您的团队分享。

Want something a bit different? You can even add your own custom emoji to Slack and use those!

想要一些不同的东西吗? 您甚至可以将自己的自定义表情符号添加到Slack并使用它们!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/681376/how-to-not-forget-important-messages-in-slack/





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