


Focus Mode lock in an app on an Android phone.
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Spending way too much time on your Android device? Use a digital wellbeing app to track your app usage and set app limits. Want some peace of mind? Block specific apps for a bit with Focus mode.

在您的Android设备上花费太多时间吗? 使用数字健康应用来跟踪您的应用使用情况并设置应用限制。 想要省心吗? 使用“焦点”模式稍微阻止特定的应用程序。

如何在Android 9及更高版本中设置应用计时器 (How to Set An App Timer in Android 9 and Higher)

Digital Wellbeing is Google’s screen time management feature. It’s available on Google Pixel phones, Android One devices (that run Android 9 Pie and higher), and a limited number of other phones. After you download the Digital Wellbeing app on your device, it shows up as a Settings item.

Digital Wellbeing是Google的屏幕时间管理功能。 它可以在Google Pixel手机 ,运行Android 9 Pie及更高版本的Android One设备以及数量有限的其他手机上使用。 在设备上下载Digital Wellbeing应用程序后,它会显示为“设置”项。

The Digital Wellbeing app monitors how much time you spend on your phone. It tells you how many times you’ve picked up your phone, how much time you’ve spent in a specific app, and how many notifications you’ve received today.

Digital Wellbeing应用程序可监控您在手机上花费的时间。 它告诉您拿起手机的次数,在特定应用中花费的时间以及今天收到的通知数量。

You can use this information to make decisions about how much time you spend on your smartphone. The app also gives you tools, like App Timer, to curb your usage.

您可以使用此信息来决定您在智能手机上花费的时间。 该应用程序还为您提供了诸如App Timer之类的工具来限制您的使用。

With App Timer, you can restrict how much time you can spend in an app. For example, you can set it up so you only use YouTube 30 minutes per day.

借助App Timer,您可以限制可以在一个应用中花费多少时间。 例如,您可以进行设置,以便每天仅使用YouTube 30分钟。

To do this, either swipe down on the notification shade, and then tap the gear icon to open Settings (or open it from the app drawer). Next, tap “Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls.”

为此,请向下滑动通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标以打开“设置”(或从应用程序抽屉中将其打开)。 接下来,点击“数字健康和家长控制”。

Tap "Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls" in Settings.

In the Dashboard, scroll down to the YouTube app and tap the hourglass icon next to it.


Tap the hourglass icon next to the app.

In the popup, set the time limit, and then tap “OK.”


Tap "OK" in the "Set App Timer" popup.

When your usage time is up, the app will pause. Its icon on the home screen will be grayed out, and you won’t receive any notifications from it. The next day, the timer resets, and the app unlocks again.

使用时间到时,应用程序将暂停。 它在主屏幕上的图标将变灰,并且您将不会收到任何通知。 第二天,计时器重置,应用再次解锁。

Of course, you can always go back to the Digital Wellbeing app and extend or disable the timer whenever you like.

当然,您随时可以随时返回Digital Wellbeing应用并延长或禁用计时器。

如何在Android 10上使用对焦模式 (How to Use Focus Mode on Android 10)

Android 10 comes with a built-in Focus mode. As app blocking features go, this one is still quite basic. All you can do is select a bunch of distracting apps to pause when you enable Focus mode.

Android 10带有内置的Focus模式。 随着应用程序阻止功能的发展,这一功能还是非常基础的。 您所能做的就是选择一堆分散注意力的应用程序,以在启用“对焦”模式时暂停。

It acts as a manual switch to block multiple apps simultaneously. At this writing, you can’t schedule apps to pause automatically at a certain time of day; however, this is possible with some third-party apps we cover below.

它充当手动开关,以同时阻止多个应用程序。 在撰写本文时,您无法安排应用在一天中的特定时间自动暂停; 但是,以下我们将介绍一些第三方应用程序。

If you just need a quick switch to block apps, Focus mode will be helpful for you.


Open the Settings app and tap “Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls.”


Tap "Digital Wellbeing and Parental Controls" in Settings.

Tap “Show Your Data.”


Tap "Show Your Data."

Here, tap “Focus Mode.”


Tap "Focus Mode."

Select the apps you want to pause when you enable Focus mode. Tap “Turn On Now” to enable Focus mode (you tap the same button to turn it off).

选择启用焦点模式时要暂停的应用程序。 点击“立即打开”以启用聚焦模式(您单击同一按钮将其关闭)。

Tap "Turn On Now" in the "Focus Mode" menu.

You can add a “Focus Mode” tile to the notification panel if you don’t want to go to the Settings app each time. To do so, open the notification panel and tap the Edit button (the one that looks like a pencil).

如果不想每次都转到“设置”应用程序,则可以在通知面板中添加“焦点模式”图块。 为此,请打开通知面板,然后点击“编辑”按钮(看起来像铅笔的按钮)。

Tap the Edit button in the notification shade.

Drag the “Focus Mode” tile to the active tiles section.


Drag the "Focus Mode" tile to the top of the list.

Now, you can just tap the “Focus Mode” tile to enable or disable this feature.


Tap "Focus Mode" to turn it on.

其他Android手机的替代品 (Alternatives for Other Android Phones)

As we’ve mentioned above, the Digital Wellbeing features are only available on a handful of Google Pixel, Android One, and other devices. Even on these, Focus mode in Android 10 is quite limited.

如上所述,Digital Wellbeing功能仅在少数Google Pixel, Android One和其他设备上可用。 即使在这些方面,Android 10中的“聚焦”模式也非常有限。

What if you want to use these features on other Android phones? Or what if you want to schedule Focus mode to block apps automatically at certain times? You can do both with third-party apps.

如果要在其他Android手机上使用这些功能怎么办? 或者,如果您要安排“聚焦”模式以在特定时间自动阻止应用程序怎么办? 您可以同时使用第三方应用程序。

保持专注 (Stay Focused)

Screens of Stay Focused app

Stay Focused is a screen time management app that shows you how you use your device. It helps you limit your usage in multiple ways. You can set a daily or hourly usage limit, and either block apps for specific time intervals or based on the number of launches.

保持专注是一个屏幕时间管理应用程序,向您显示如何使用设备。 它可以帮助您以多种方式限制使用。 您可以设置每日或每小时使用量限制,并在特定时间间隔或基于启动次数来阻止应用程序。

After you open the app, it asks you to grant Usage Access permission. Tap “Click to Grant” if you want to do this.

打开应用程序后,它会要求您授予“使用权限”权限。 如果要执行此操作,请点击“单击授予”。

Tap "Click to Grant."

On this screen, tap “Stay Focused.”


Tap "Stay Focused."

Next, toggle-On “Permit Usage Access.”


Tap the toggle next to "Permit Usage Access" to turn it on.

You end up back in the app. Find the distracting app, and then tap the Padlock icon next to it.

您最终回到了应用程序中。 找到分散注意力的应用程序,然后点击它旁边的挂锁图标。

Tap the Padlock icon next to the distracting app in Stay Focused.

You see all the available options here. Tap “Daily Usage Limit.”

您在这里看到所有可用的选项。 点击“每日使用限制”。

Tap "Daily Usage Limit."

In this screen, select the days of the week on which you’d like to enforce the limit, set the time limit, and then tap “Save.”


Configure your daily usage limits.

You return to the apps list screen. Select an app and, in the configuration screen, tap “Specific Time Intervals.”

您将返回到应用程序列表屏幕。 选择一个应用,然后在配置屏幕中,点击“特定时间间隔”。

Tap "Specific Time Intervals."

From here, you can block an app during a specific time. Select the days of the week on which you’d like to enforce the limit, and then tap the plus sign (+) next to “In Intervals.”

在这里,您可以在特定时间阻止应用程序。 选择您要在一周中的哪几天执行限制,然后点击“间隔”旁边的加号(+)。

Tap the plus sign.

In the popup, select the “From” and “To” times, and then tap “OK.”


Set the To and From times, and then tap "OK."

Tap “Save.” Now, if you try to open the managed app outside the times you specified, the Stay Focused app throws up a splash screen that says you can’t access it.

点击“保存”。 现在,如果您尝试在指定的时间之外打开托管应用程序,则“专注于”应用程序将显示一个初始屏幕,提示您无法访问它。

You can use the “Specific Time Intervals” feature to create multiple schedules for the same app. For example, you can have one schedule for Monday through Friday, and another for the weekend. Tap “Add Schedule” from the configurations screen to add another schedule.

您可以使用“特定时间间隔”功能为同一应用创建多个时间表。 例如,您可以为星期一至星期五设置一个时间表,而为周末设置另一个时间表。 在配置屏幕中点击“添加时间表”以添加另一个时间表。

Stay Focused is a free, ad-supported app. You see banner and full-screen ads occasionally. If you upgrade to the Pro version, it disables ads and unlocks all features.

保持专注是一个免费的,受广告支持的应用。 您偶尔会看到横幅广告和全屏广告。 如果您升级到专业版,它将禁用广告并解锁所有功能。

动作短跑 (ActionDash)

The time interval, Gallery, and Focus Mode menus in the ActionDash app.

ActionDash is primarily a dashboard on which you can view your device’s screen time. It’s a good replacement for Google’s Digital Wellbeing app. If you unlock the Pro version for $7.99, you can access app limits and app blocker features.

ActionDash主要是一个仪表板,您可以在其上查看设备的屏幕时间。 它是Google Digital Wellbeing应用程序的理想替代品。 如果您以$ 7.99美元的价格解锁专业版,则可以访问应用程序限制和应用程序阻止程序功能。

ActionDash integrates with ActionLauncher and offers a better user experience when it comes to viewing and managing device usage. The app has a cleaner interface that’s similar to Google’s Digital Wellbeing feature.

ActionDash与ActionLauncher集成在一起,在查看和管理设备使用情况时可提供更好的用户体验。 该应用程序的界面更简洁,类似于Google的数字健康功能。

After you install the ActionDash app and grant the app usage access permission, you end up on the app’s home screen. Tap “Get Plus” to unlock all the features.

安装ActionDash应用并授予应用使用访问权限后,您将最终进入该应用的主屏幕。 点击“获取加号”以解锁所有功能。

Tap "Get Plus."

When you have the Pro version of ActionDash, select an app from the device usage list, and then tap “App Usage Limits.”

当您拥有ActionDash Pro版本时,请从设备使用情况列表中选择一个应用程序,然后点击“应用程序使用限制”。

Tap "App Usage Limits."

Set the app limit, and then tap “OK.”


Tap "OK."

Go back to the ActionDash dashboard and tap “Focus Mode.”


Tap "Focus Mode."

From here, select the apps you want to add to the focus mode, and then tap “Turn On Now” to enable it.


You can also schedule Focus mode. Tap the Menu button (the three vertical dots) on the Focus mode screen.

您还可以安排聚焦模式。 在聚焦模式屏幕上,点击菜单按钮(三个垂直点)。

Tap the Menu button.

Select “Focus Mode Schedules.”


Tap "Focus Mode Schedules."

You see multiple presets that are ready to go.


Tap any toggle to enable a preset schedule for Focus mode.

If none of the presets offer what you want, tap “Add Schedule” to create a new one.


Tap "Add Schedule."

Select the days, and start and end times. Tap “Back” to return to the “Schedules” screen.

选择日期以及开始和结束时间。 点击“返回”返回“时间表”屏幕。

Configure the start and end times.

You can now enable multiple schedules for Focus mode. You can also disable any schedule, although you have to wait 20 seconds to deactivate one you’ve just set.

现在,您可以为“焦点”模式启用多个时间表。 您也可以禁用任何计划,尽管您必须等待20秒才能停用刚刚设置的计划。

ActionDash will block the app you selected automatically at the configured time, and whenever you exceed the app timer limit.


We can also help if you’d like to use similar features on your iPhone or iPad.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/443322/how-to-set-app-time-limits-and-block-apps-on-android/






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