


A wireless router on a table and a blurred young man using a tablet in the background.
Casezy idea/Shutterstock Casezy创意/快门

If your home Wi-Fi seems slow in some rooms, your router might not be in the best location. Wi-Fi doesn’t travel far—especially through metal and concrete. So, it’s important to determine the best place for your router.

如果某些房间的家庭Wi-Fi速度很慢,则路由器可能不在最佳位置。 Wi-Fi不会走很远,尤其是通过金属和混凝土。 因此,确定路由器的最佳位置很重要。

是的,路由器放置事宜 (Yes, Router Placement Matters)

It’s tempting to stick your Wi-Fi router wherever you have space, without giving it much thought, but that’s a mistake. A Wi-Fi signal only travels so far, and the more walls, bookcases, or other materials it encounters, the shorter that distance becomes. If the internet seems slow or spotty on your phone or tablet, check your Wi-Fi signal strength and check for channel interference.

在没有空间的情况下,将Wi-Fi路由器粘贴在任何有空间的地方都是很诱人的,但这是一个错误。 Wi-Fi信号仅传播那么远,并且遇到的墙壁,书柜或其他材料越多,该距离就越短。 如果您的手机或平板电脑上的互联网看似速度缓慢或参差不齐,请检查Wi-Fi信号强度并检查信道干扰

If you find you don’t have a stable signal in certain areas of your home—even on clear channels—it’s time to consider moving your Wi-Fi router. It might not be in the best place to reach all the corners of your home.

如果您发现房屋的某些区域(即使是在清晰的频道上)都没有稳定的信号,那么该考虑移动Wi-Fi路由器了。 它可能不是到达家中所有角落的最佳位置。

将路由器放置在中央位置(或不放置) (Place the Router in a Central Position (or Not))

A Netgear Nighthawk R7000P with all three antennas up.
We know it looks like an ugly spaceship, but it’s better to keep your router out in the open. Netgear
我们知道它看起来像是丑陋的太空飞船,但最好将路由器放在外面。 网具

You might have heard or read that the center of your home is the best place to put your Wi-Fi router, but that advice isn’t accurate for every home. For instance, if a living room, kitchen, and garage comprise most of your first floor, sticking your router in the center of that floor might provide more coverage in your garage rather than the areas you use most.

您可能已经听说过或读过家的中心是放置Wi-Fi路由器的最佳位置,但是并不是每个家都正确。 例如,如果客厅,厨房和车库构成了您第一层的大部分,那么将路由器放置在该层的中心可能会在车库中提供更多的覆盖范围,而不是您最常使用的区域。

If the closest room to the center of your home is the kitchen, following the “center of home” advice could also be detrimental, as some appliances (like microwaves) can interfere with Wi-Fi signals.

如果离家中心最近的房间是厨房,那么遵循“家中心”的建议也可能是有害的,因为某些设备( 例如微波炉 )会干扰Wi-Fi信号。

It’s helpful to consider not only what you tend to do in a given room, but also the devices that live there. While Wi-Fi in the garage might not be necessary for some people, if you have a smart bridge for the garage door, a stable connection is something you need. A Wi-Fi garage door opener might not need the fastest speed, but knowing a Wi-Fi device needs a stable signal can influence router positioning.

不仅要考虑您在给定房间中要做的事情,而且还要考虑居住在该房间中的设备,这很有帮助。 尽管某些人可能不需要车库中的Wi-Fi,但如果车库门有智能桥,则需要稳定的连接。 Wi-Fi车库门开启器可能不需要最快的速度,但是知道Wi-Fi设备需要稳定的信号会影响路由器的位置。

Ultimately, your router needs to go in or near the center of the most important area of your home. Wherever you want the fastest speeds, aim for the center of that location.

最终,路由器需要进入家庭最重要区域的中心或附近。 无论您想以最快的速度到达何处,都应瞄准该位置的中心。

在多层住宅中,考虑地板或天花板 (In a Multilevel Home, Consider the Floor or Ceiling)

If you have a home with multiple floors, you also want to consider which floors you frequent the most. If you imagine your Wi-Fi coverage as a sphere (like earth), then the router is the core. If you place your router on the ground in the basement, half the sphere of your Wi-Fi coverage sinks into your foundation.

如果您的房屋有多个楼层,则还需要考虑最常使用哪个楼层。 如果您将Wi-Fi覆盖范围想象成一个球体(例如地球),那么路由器就是核心。 如果将路由器放在地下室的地面上,则Wi-Fi覆盖范围的一半会落入基础中。

If you have two levels you use the most, the best placement to cover both stories is either the ceiling of the lower floor or the ground of the higher floor.


Most importantly, don’t hide your Wi-Fi router behind books or in a drawer. Your Wi-Fi signal already has to work hard enough to penetrate the walls and floors of your home without adding more barriers. The best location in the room is out in the open.

最重要的是,请勿将Wi-Fi路由器隐藏在书本后面或抽屉中。 您的Wi-Fi信号必须已经足够努力才能穿透房屋的墙壁和地板,而又不会增加障碍。 房间中最好的位置是露天的。

将路由器与调制解调器分开 (Separate Your Router From Your Modem)

An eero Wi-Fi router sitting on a table next to a plant.

Your router doesn’t have to be tied to your modem. Even if you have a combined router and modem unit, you can use a separate Wi-Fi router instead. If your ISP installed your modem (and Wi-Fi router) in an inconvenient location (like the basement), that’s all the more reason to use a dedicated Wi-Fi router. You can run a long ethernet cable from your modem to the best location in your home and connect your Wi-Fi router there.

您的路由器不必绑定到调制解调器。 即使您将路由器和调制解调器单元组合在一起,也可以使用单独的Wi-Fi路由器。 如果您的ISP将调制解调器(和Wi-Fi路由器)安装在不方便的位置(例如地下室),则更需要使用专用的Wi-Fi路由器。 您可以使用较长的以太网电缆将调制解调器连接到家中的最佳位置,然后在此处连接Wi-Fi路由器。

If your ISP supplied Wi-Fi router/modem only broadcasts on the 2.4 GHz spectrum, you should upgrade to a newer router that also offers 5 GHz. While 5 GHz doesn’t broadcast as far, you’ll run into fewer interference issues from your neighbors. You don’t necessarily have to spend a lot. While Netgear’s $160 router offers plenty of extra features and great coverage, you can likely get by with TP-Link’s $60 router if your home isn’t large.

如果您的ISP提供的Wi-Fi路由器/调制解调器仅在2.4 GHz频谱上广播,则应升级到也提供5 GHz的较新路由器。 虽然5 GHz的广播距离不是很远,但是您遇到的邻居干扰问题会更少。 您不必花很多钱。 虽然Netgear的$ 160路由器具有许多额外的功能和强大的覆盖范围,但是如果您的房屋不大,您也可以使用TP-Link的$ 60路由器

If your home is exceptionally large, and you need coverage everywhere, consider either Wi-Fi range extenders or, for a more seamless experience, a Mesh Wi-Fi system. Most homes probably don’t need Mesh, but it does come with benefits, like automatic updates and automated handoff.

如果您的房屋过大,并且需要在任何地方覆盖,请考虑使用Wi-Fi范围扩展器,或者要获得更无缝的体验,请使用Mesh Wi-Fi系统 。 大多数家庭可能不需要网格,但是它确实具有好处,例如自动更新和自动切换。

With a Mesh system, your Wi-Fi source automatically moves from one router to another as you move through your home. Range extenders often don’t handle the transition as gracefully.

使用网格系统,当您穿过家中时,您的Wi-Fi源会自动从一台路由器移动到另一台路由器。 范围扩展器通常不能很好地处理过渡。

检查您的Wi-Fi信号强度 (Check Your Wi-Fi Signal Strength)

Hands holding and tapping a phone with "No Wi-Fi" symbols floating over it.
TierneyMJ/Shutterstock 蒂尔尼(Tierney)MJ / Shutterstock

After (or even before) going through these tips, check your Wi-Fi signal strength to see how well you did (or what you need to do). Walk around your home and keep an eye on it to see how strong the signal is in different rooms.

在完成这些技巧之后(甚至之前), 请检查您的Wi-Fi信号强度,以查看您的表现(或需要做什么)。 在您的房屋中走来走去,观察一下不同房间的信号强度。

If you want to get even better coverage, try building a heatmap. Knowing, on average, how far your current router can broadcast a signal will help you determine where to put it because you’ll have a better sense of its out limits.

如果您想获得更好的覆盖率,请尝试构建热图 。 平均而言,知道当前路由器可以广播信号的距离将有助于您确定将信号放置在何处,因为您将更好地了解其超出范围。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/428216/where-to-place-your-router-for-the-best-wi-fi-speeds/






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