



If you have an eBook reader it’s likely you already have a collection of eBooks you sync to your reader from your home computer. What if you’re away from home or not sitting at your computer? Learn how to download books from your personal collection anywhere in the world (or just from your backyard).

如果您有电子书阅读器,则可能已经有一系列电子书从您的家用计算机同步到阅读器。 如果您不在家或不在电脑旁怎么办? 了解如何从世界各地(或仅从后院)的个人收藏中下载书籍。

You have an eBook reader, you have an eBook collection, and when you remember to sync your books to the collection on your computer everything is rosy. What about when you forget or when the syncing process for your device is a bit of a hassle? (We’re looking at you, iPad.) Today we’re going to show you how to download eBooks to your eBook reader from anywhere in the world using a cross-platform solution.

您有一个电子书阅读器,您有一个电子书集,并且当您记得将书同步到计算机上的电子书集时,一切就变得很美好。 如果您忘记了密码或设备的同步过程有些麻烦,该怎么办? (我们正在为您,iPad。)今天,我们将向您展示如何使用跨平台解决方案将电子书从世界各地下载到电子书阅读器。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)


You’ll need a couple things to make this books-at-a-distance trick work. Make sure you have:

您需要做一些事情,才能使这本远距离书籍的技巧发挥作用。 确保您具有:

  • A Windows, Mac, or Linux PC with access to your eBook library.

    可以访问您的电子书库的Windows,Mac或Linux PC。
  • An always on internet connection

  • An eBook reader or eBook application on a portable device that can access the web or remote collection—such as the Kindle, iPad/iPhone, rooted Nook, or Android device.

    便携式设备上的eBook阅读器或eBook应用程序,可以访问Web或远程集合,例如Kindle,iPad / iPhone,植根的Nook或Android设备。
  • A copy of  open-source and cross-platform eBook management tool Calibre.


If you’ve never used Calibre before you’re missing out. It’s one of the most robust eBook management tools around and it syncs with dozens of eBook readers and applications. We’re not going to dig into the installation and setup in this tutorial (we assure you it’s simple), but we will point you in the direction of their introductory video and the Calibre User Manual. While you’re at it check out our guides using Calibre to convert PDF eBooks to ePub and Word documents to ePub.

如果您从未错过过Calibre的话。 它是周围最强大的电子书管理工具之一,可与数十个电子书阅读器和应用程序同步。 我们不会在本教程中深入研究安装和设置(我们向您保证很简单),但是我们将向您介绍他们的入门视频Caliber User Manual 。 在查看时,请查看我们的使用Caliber将PDF电子书转换为ePub以及将Word文档 转换 为ePub的指南

设置网络共享口径 (Setting Up Calibre for Network Sharing)


At this point we’re assuming you’ve installed Calibre and added a few books to it either manually or by pointing it at your eBook directory. Calibre is a great tool for direct syncing when you’re right in front of the computer with your eBook reader but we’re going to make things wireless for anywhere-you-want access to your Library.

至此,我们假设您已经安装了Calibre,并手动或通过将其指向您的eBook目录向其中添加了几本书。 口径是当您正好在电脑前与电子书阅读器直接同步时的绝佳工具,但我们将使一切变得无线,以便您可以随时随地访问图书馆。

It’s worth noting that this isn’t a synchronization hack. When you’re done you’ll be able to download our books anywhere you have internet access through your compatible eBook reader– but you can’t send them from the eBook reader back to your collection.

值得注意的是,这不是同步技巧。 完成后,您将可以通过兼容的eBook阅读器将您的图书下载到任何可以访问互联网的位置,但是您无法将它们从eBook阅读器发送回您的收藏集。

Click on Preferences (the gears icon at the end of the toolbar) and then on Share Over the Net in the sharing section. You should see a screen that looks like the one below:

单击首选项 (工具栏末尾的齿轮图标),然后单击共享部分中的通过网络共享。 您应该看到一个类似于以下屏幕的屏幕:


Take a moment to customize the port, username, and password as you see fit. Since we had another application using the 8080 port we switched ours to 2600. Make sure to add a password (unless you want to make your book collection public). Check “Run server automatically on startup” and then click “Start Server”.

花一点时间自定义端口,用户名和密码。 由于我们还有另一个使用8080端口的应用程序,因此我们将其切换为2600。请确保添加密码(除非您想公开收集图书)。 选中“启动时自动运行服务器”,然后单击“启动服务器”。

At this point you’ll likely need to set up an exception in your local computer firewall and your router firewall (or both) in order to access your eBook collection when away from your private network. Check out this guide to adding exceptions to the Windows firewall and the portion of this streaming music guide about port forwarding to see how to configure your computer and router to allow outside access.

此时,您可能需要在本地计算机防火墙和/或路由器防火墙(或两者)中设置例外,以便在离开专用网络时访问电子书收藏。 请查看本指南以向Windows防火墙添加例外,以及本流音乐指南中有关端口转发的部分,以了解如何配置计算机和路由器以允许外部访问。

在电子书阅读器上访问电子书收藏 (Accessing Your eBook Collection on your eBook Reader)

Once you have the Calibre server up and running it’s just a matter of accessing it from your eBook reader. The essential feature in your eBook reader or eBook application is the ability to access the web and download books. We’ll be demonstrating Calibre server access with the iPad running eBook reader software Stanza and the Kindle using the experimental Kindle web browser. Let’s look at the iPad first.

口径服务器启动并运行后,只需从电子书阅读器访问它即可。 电子书阅读器或电子书应用程序的基本功能是可以访问网络和下载书籍。 我们将通过运行Kindle网络浏览器的运行电子书阅读器软件Stanza和Kindle的iPad演示Calibre服务器的访问。 让我们先来看一下iPad。

Install Stanza on your iPad and open it up. You’ll see the two books that came with the app: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and a welcome guide from the Stanza team. The reading list is a little sparse; let’s load it up from our personal collection.

在iPad上安装Stanza并打开它。 您将看到该应用程序附带的两本书:《爱丽丝梦游仙境》和Stanza团队的欢迎指南。 阅读清单很少。 让我们从我们的个人收藏中加载它。


Click on the “Get Books” icon at the bottom of the interface. Stanza will search your local network to see if there is a computer sharing books. If it doesn’t find your computer, it’s no big deal. We’ll add both the private and public face of your books server manually.

单击界面底部的“获取书籍”图标。 Stanza将搜索您的本地网络,以查看是否有一台共享书籍的计算机。 如果找不到您的计算机,那没什么大不了的。 我们将手动添加图书服务器的私人头像和公开头像。


Click on the + symbol in the upper right corner. Let’s enter the local information first, when you’re in your house or backyard you’ll want to connect directly to the Wi-Fi instead of routing your book downloads through the greater (and slower) internet. Enter the name and URL of the computer on the local network hosting your books. In our case we enter Win7Desk, to remind us which machine the books are on, and the internal IP address followed by the port number:

单击右上角的+符号。 首先,让我们输入本地信息,当您在家中或后院时,您将希望直接连接到Wi-Fi,而不是通过更大(或更慢)的互联网路由您的图书下载。 输入托管图书的本地网络上计算机的名称和URL。 在本例中,我们输入Win7Desk,以提醒我们书籍在哪台机器上,以及内部IP地址和端口号:


Repeat this process for the public face of your book server. Substitute the external IP for your internal IP address and the port you assigned during the port forwarding setup on your router.

对您的图书服务器的公开面Kong重复此过程。 将外部IP替换为内部IP地址以及在路由器上的端口转发设置过程中分配的端口。

Once you have both servers logged into Stanza it’s time to test the connections. Click on the local network connection first to make sure Calibre is working as it should. After you’ve established that the local book transfer works, test access from the internet. Let’s download a book over the local Wi-Fi network first. Click on your local connection, then select how you want to view the books. We’re going to look at them sorted by title.

一旦两个服务器都登录到Stanza,就可以测试连接了。 首先单击本地网络连接以确保Caliber能够正常工作。 确定本地图书传输有效后,请测试来自互联网的访问权限。 让我们首先通过本地Wi-Fi网络下载一本书。 单击您的本地连接,然后选择您要如何查看这些书。 我们将按标题对它们进行排序。


Click on a book for more information and then click Download to grab a copy for your eBook reader. The information you see here (title, summary, tags, author) is all provided via Calibre; if you want detailed summaries make sure that you’ve updated your library in Calibre and all the books have a full compliment of supplemental information.

单击书以获取更多信息,然后单击下载以获取电子书阅读器的副本。 您在此处看到的信息(标题,摘要,标签,作者)都是通过Calibre提供的; 如果您想获得详细的摘要,请确保已在Calibre中更新了图书馆,并且所有书籍都具有完整的补充信息。


Once you’ve downloaded some books it’s time to return to the Library screen and check out the results—it’s looking a little less Spartan on the reading list now.



Success! We’ve downloaded a book for our eBook reader without a cable or even a moderate proximity to our computer.

成功! 我们已经为电子书阅读器下载了一本书,而没有电缆,甚至与计算机之间的距离也不远。


Accessing your eBook library remotely on the Kindle and other simple eBook readers isn’t quite the experience it is when using a full color tablet like the iPad but it works. To access your library from the Kindle click on Menu –> Experimental –> Launch Web Browser and key in the IP and port number of your Calibre server. Make sure to bookmark it immediately, typing numbers in on the Kindle is extremely tedious.

当使用全彩色平板电脑(如iPad)时,在Kindle和其他简单的电子书阅读器上远程访问电子书库并不是一种很好的体验,但是它可以工作。 要从Kindle访问您的书架, 请单击菜单–>实验–>启动Web浏览器,然后键入Caliber服务器的IP和端口号。 确保立即添加书签,在Kindle上输入数字非常繁琐。


The interface on the Kindle is significantly more Spartan than that on the iPad using Stanza. You can search for books, change the sort order, scroll down through your collection, and download books by clicking on the format button next to them. It’s worth noting that the Kindle can only download .MOBI. AZW, .PRC, and .TXT files so if you want remote access you’ll need to convert any other formats, such as .EPUB, ahead of time.

Kindle上的界面比使用Stanza的iPad上的Spartan明显更多。 您可以搜索书籍,更改排序顺序,向下滚动您的藏书,以及通过单击书籍旁边的格式按钮来下载书籍。 值得注意的是,Kindle只能下载.MOBI。 AZW,.PRC和.TXT文件,因此,如果要进行远程访问,则需要提前转换任何其他格式,例如.EPUB。

The process for other eBook readers that have web browsers is similar to that of the Kindle—a simple web-based interface where you can download device-appropriate formats.


Even if your eBook reader requires you use an application to sync or manually transfer them over a USB connection the Calibre server can still help you out. You’ll just need to borrow a friend’s computer on vacation and access the Calibre server with a traditional desktop web browser to grab the files before transferring them to your eBook reader. It’s not as awesome as doing it with the server-to-device model but it’s better than not having any access to your books at all.

即使您的电子书阅读器要求您使用应用程序来同步或通过USB连接手动传输它们,Caliber服务器仍然可以为您提供帮助。 您只需要在度假时借用朋友的计算机并使用传统的桌面网络浏览器访问Caliber服务器来抓取文件,然后再将其传输到电子书阅读器即可。 它不像使用服务器到设备模型那样出色,但是总比完全没有对您的书籍的访问权要好。

Have experience with Calibre and remote eBook access? Have another solution to the eBook access-at-a-distance problem? Share your tips and tricks with your fellow readers in the comments.

有口径和远程电子书访问经验吗? 对于电子书远程访问问题还有其他解决方案吗? 在评论中与其他读者分享您的提示和技巧。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/39501/how-to-access-your-ebook-collection-anywhere-in-the-world/






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